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597 Heron Drive
PERMIT #58761 1/16/79; CBS RES. ; $30, 000; CHECKED_'L�E 17 y' 81STnCT CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA Quigley Land Corp. SDDDItIStD� DL"K LRT �. owRER Claude Fnrf i er, c-/n ,Tcc el ern Larprfia (1 978) TROPIC PALMS 120 Vamt ADDRESS 330 S_R_ 5t h n ut-r ; Pompany Beach, FT PLAT #1 EuW owDER ,_T,_ nn� _ Co- DecDEScuFTUD: 1978)- 929 597 Heron Drive A00REss 532 S_W_ 2nd St-; Apt- 29; Pcmoanv Beach, FL DwRER John K_ Gerken (1979 ADDRESS 597 Heron Drive; D.B. , FL 33444 PER#9221 , 11/8/84,addition, $13 , 000 .Checked 7. 26 -8S o -C-