RM-7 Rev. 3 Theft of Employee's Personal PropertyCITY OF DELRAY BEACH ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES DEPARTMENT:Risk Management POLICY NUMBER:RM-7 SUBJECT: REVISION: APPROVED BY: PURPOSE Theft of Employee's Personal Pro ert SUPERSEDES: EFFECTIVE DATE: RM-7,Rev.2 Terrence R.Moore,ICMA-CM,Ci y Manager This purpose of this policy is to establish a City procedure regarding theft of an employee's personal property while located on City property. POLICY All personnel are to be aware that the City of Delray Beach is self-insured for any thefts or "mysterious disappearances"of personal property of the individual employees.As such,the property will not be replaced or a claim honored for its value,except in the following circumstances: 1.If personal property is used to perform a specific job requirement,formal authorization is to be given by the Department Head and an inventory taken every six months. 2."Forced Entry",such as on a locked toolbox,must be in evidence."Casual theft",such as lost tools, would not be reimbursed.