EB-1 Rev. 6 Longterm DisabilityDEPARTMENT: SUBJECT: REVISION: APPROVED BY: PURPOSE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Human Resources Long-term Disability POLICY NUMBER: EB-1 SUPERSEDES: Rev. 5 EFFECTIVE DATE: rrence R. Moore, ICMA-CM, City Manager The purpose of this directive is to establish policies and procedures that provide for long-term disability benefits for all regular, full-time employees of the City of Delray Beach related to on-the-job and off-the-job injury or illness. While this directive outlines the basic benefits, specific terms and conditions of the Long­ Term Disability Plan Benefits are provided by the insurance carrier in booklet form which is available through Human Resources. DEFINITIONS A.Eligible Employee" is defined, for the purpose of this Plan, as a regular, full-time employee of theCity of Delray Beach working a minimum of 40 hours per week. The Plan excludes part-time,temporary, contract, or seasonal workers. 8."Eligibility Waiting Period" is defined as one month of continuous active service. There will be noformal application. Enrollment is automatic. C.Benefit Waiting Period" is defined as sixty (60) consecutive calendar days of being unable to perform your job as a result of a disabling injury or illness. D. "Disability Benefit" is defined as the lesser of 60% of your monthly covered earnings or the MaximumBenefit, reduced by any Other Income Benefits. E."Other Income Benefits" means any other income sources as outlined in the Plan booklet. F."Maximum Disability Benefit" is defined as $5,000 per month. G."Minimum Disability Benefit" is defined as the lesser of $100 per month or 10% of the monthlyDisability Benefit before considering the Other Income Benefits deductions. PROCEDURES The following procedures shall be followed in order for an employee to apply for long-term disability: A.Departments will notify the Benefits Manager of any disabling injury or illness that could cause an employee to begin missing work, or could result in a lower pay status/position, for more than 60 consecutive days. 8.The Benefits Manager will initiate the application process and will require information from thedepartment and the employee. Long Term Disability Benefits EB-1 Rev.16 Page 2 of 2 C.The Benefits Manager will forward the completed application to the Long-Term Disability carrier. D.The Long-Term Disability carrier will accept or deny the application.The City of Delray Beach does not decide the applicant's eligibility for Long-Term disability benefits.