Res. No. 171-22 Addressing Manual Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach TABLE OF CONTENTS 1PURPOSE........................................................................................................................................5 2INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................5 2.1O RGANIZATION...............................................................................................................................6 2.2M AINTAININGAND U PDATING...........................................................................................................7 3ADMINISTRATION..........................................................................................................................7 3.1A UTHORITYAND R ESPONSIBILITY........................................................................................................7 3.2A DDRESS C OORDINATOR...................................................................................................................8 3.3A DDRESSING T ECHNICAL C OMMITTEE..................................................................................................8 4ADDRESSREFERENCESYSTEM........................................................................................................9 HATISTHE D ELRAY B EACH A DDRESS R EFERENCE S YSTEM?....................................................................9 4.1W 4.2U SINGTHE D ELRAY B EACH A DDRESS R EFERENCE S YSTEM.........................................................................9 4.3D ELRAY B EACH A DDRESS R EFERENCE S YSTEM T YPE...............................................................................10 4.4B LOCK R ANGES.............................................................................................................................10 5STREETNAMINGRULES................................................................................................................11 5.1I NTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................11 5.2W HATISTOBE N AMED...................................................................................................................11 5.3C OMPLETE S TREET N AME E LEMENTS..................................................................................................11 5.4S TREET N AME R EQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................................12 5.5O THER S TREET N AME C OMPONENTS.................................................................................................13 5.5.1S TREET T YPE.......................................................................................................................................14 5.5.2D IRECTIONAL P REFIXESAND S UFFIXES.....................................................................................................15 5.5.3M ODIFIERS.........................................................................................................................................16 5.5.4S EPARATORS.......................................................................................................................................16 5.6S TREET N AME I NTEGRITY................................................................................................................16 5.7S TREET G EOMETRY........................................................................................................................17 6ADDRESSNUMBERRULES............................................................................................................18 6.1A DDRESS N UMBERING R ULES...........................................................................................................18 6.1.1W HATIS A DDRESSED?.........................................................................................................................18 6.1.2N UMBERINGBASEDON ARS.................................................................................................................18 6.1.3A DDRESS N UMBER F ORMAT..................................................................................................................18 6.1.4D ISTANCEINTERVAL.............................................................................................................................19 1 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 6.1.5I NCREMENTALVALUE...........................................................................................................................19 6.1.6O RDER...............................................................................................................................................19 6.1.7P ARITY...............................................................................................................................................20 6.2V ACANTOR U NDEVELOPED P ROPERTY A DDRESSING R ULES....................................................................21 6.3R ESIDENTIAL A DDRESSING R ULES......................................................................................................21 6.3.1S INGLE F AMILY....................................................................................................................................21 6.3.2M ULTIFAMILY R ESIDENTIAL(DUPLEXES,QUADPLEXES,APARTMENTS,CONDOMINIUMS).................................22 6.3.3R ESIDENTIAL C ORNEROR M ULTIPLE F RONTAGE L OTS................................................................................22 6.3.4A CCESSORY S TRUCTURES......................................................................................................................24 6.3.5M OBILE H OME P ARKS..........................................................................................................................24 6.4N ONRESIDENTIAL&M IXED U SE A DDRESSING R ULES...........................................................................24 6.4.1S INGLE P ROPERTY,S INGLE S TRUCTUREWITH O NE T ENANT........................................................................25 6.4.2S INGLE P ROPERTY,S INGLE S TRUCTUREWITH M ULTIPLE T ENANTS...............................................................25 6.4.3S INGLE P ROPERTY,M ULTIPLE S TRUCTURES..............................................................................................26 6.4.4M ULTIPLE P ARCELS,M ULTIPLE S TRUCTURESTHAT F ORMA L ARGER,I DENTIFIABLE W HOLE.............................28 6.4.5M IXED U SE D EVELOPMENTS.................................................................................................................28 6.4.6P UBLIC U SES(SCHOOLS,PARKS,STADIUMS,CONVENTIONCENTERS,ETC.).....................................................29 6.4.7M ODULAR C LASSROOMS,C ONSTRUCTION T RAILERS,ANDOTHER P ORTABLE B UILDINGS.................................30 6.4.8P ARKING D ECKSAND G ARAGES..............................................................................................................30 6.4.9B UILDINGS J OINEDBYA B REEZEWAY,C ANOPYOR O THER C ONNECTOR........................................................31 6.4.10N ON R ESIDENTIAL C ORNERAND M ULTI F RONTAGE L OTS........................................................................31 6.5O THER N UMBERING S ITUATIONS&A DDRESSING R ULES........................................................................32 DDRESSINGOF I NFRASTRUCTUREAND U TILITY F EATURES.........................................................................32 6.5.1A 6.5.2C OMMON D RIVEWAYS.........................................................................................................................32 6.5.3D EVELOPED P ROPERTIESWITHNO D RIVEWAY..........................................................................................33 6.5.4F LAG L OTS..........................................................................................................................................33 6.5.5L ANDLOCKEDPROPERTY........................................................................................................................34 6.5.6A DDRESSINGON I NTERSTATESAND O THER R OADWAYSTHAT H AVE L IMITED A CCESS......................................35 6.5.7A DDRESSINGON G REENWAY T RAILS.......................................................................................................35 6.5.8I NSUFFICIENT N UMBERS A VAILABLE........................................................................................................35 6.6A DDRESS N UMBER P REFIXESAND S UFFIXES.........................................................................................35 6.7O THEREXCEPTIONS........................................................................................................................36 6.8P LACE N AME R ULES.......................................................................................................................36 6.9ZIPC ODES®.................................................................................................................................36 6.10S UBADDRESS R ULES.....................................................................................................................36 6.10.1W HENTO A SSIGNA P RIMARY A DDRESSAND W HENTO U SEA S UBADDRESS...............................................37 6.10.2S UBADDRESSINGWITHIN S TRUCTURES..................................................................................................38 6.10.3S UBADDRESSING M ULTIPLE S TRUCTURE F ACILITIES.................................................................................38 6.10.4R ESIDENTIAL O CCUPANCIES.................................................................................................................39 6.10.5N ON R ESIDENTIAL O CCUPANCIES.........................................................................................................40 6.10.6S UBADDRESS T YPES...........................................................................................................................41 UBADDRESS I DENTIFIER.....................................................................................................................42 6.10.7S 6.10.8B ASEMENTS,M EZZANINES,AND P ENTHOUSES.......................................................................................42 6.11L ANDMARKADDRESSES.................................................................................................................42 7ADDRESSPOSTINGREQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................43 2 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 7.1 P ROPERDISPLAYOFADDRESSNUMBERS.............................................................................................43 7.1.1I NTERIOR S IGNAGE..............................................................................................................................43 APPENDIXA,DEFINITIONS APPENDIXB,ACRONYMGUIDE APPENDIXC,ADDRESSINGANDSTREETNAMINGMANUALREVISIONS 3 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach TABLE OF FIGURES Figure1GridPointofOrigin.....................................................................................................................10 Figure2LocationofGridBoundaryChange.............................................................................................10 Figure3StreetGeometry.........................................................................................................................17 Figure4AddressNumberParity...............................................................................................................20 Figure5LoopRoadNumbering................................................................................................................21 Figure6CornerLotAddressing.................................................................................................................23 Figure7AccessoryStructureAddressing..................................................................................................24 Figure8SingleProperty,SingleStructurewithMultipleTenantsAddressing.........................................26 Figure9MixedUseAddressing................................................................................................................29 Figure10BuildingswithBreezeways........................................................................................................31 Figure11FlagLotAddressing...................................................................................................................34 Figure12LandlockedPropertyAddressing..............................................................................................34 Figure13SubaddressingwithinStructures..............................................................................................38 Figure14OccupancyAddressing..............................................................................................................40 Figure15OccupancyAddressing..............................................................................................................41 4 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 1 PURPOSE The purpose of the Addressing and Street Naming Manual (ÑManualÒ) is to provide a single reference guide for address assignment and street naming for property within the incorporated municipal boundaries of Delray Beach, Florida. The Manual provides the detailed information for residents, property owners, developers, and other professionals, as well as City staff, needed to effectively work together to implement and maintain a standardized addressing system. The CityÔs current addressing and street naming guidelines and practices are all consolidated in the Manual. The objective of the addressing and street naming procedures is to: 1. Ensure that first responders have a standardized addressing system that will enable a timely response to all emergency responses as administered through the Emergency 911 (E911) system. 2. Provide a mechanism for the efficient routing to the location, including driving directions, delivery of mail, goods, and services, etc. to our residents, property owners, visitors, and businesses. 3. Ensure that address numbers and street names in Delray Beach are assigned in a consistent and transparent manner. The Manual contains all relevant information about the assignment of street names and address numbers for Delray Beach, including changes to street names or address information due to changes in land use, errors, public safety issues or other reasons. Examples and diagrams are included throughout to better explain addressing concepts. As a primary guideline for addressing practices and address data management, the City of Delray Beach utilizes the Palm Beach County (PBC) Uniform Addressing System Policy (R-2019-0789) and the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) United States Thoroughfare, Landmark and Postal Address Data Standard (Ñthe FGDC Address StandardÒ). The FGDC Address Standard was adopted by the Federal Government, including the United States Postal Service (USPS) and the Census Bureau, as the standard for address and street name formatting, data construction and maintenance, and data sharing. As a result, Delray Beach follows both, PBC & FGDC Address Standards, whenever possible and practical with limited exceptions. 2 INTRODUCTION An address is used to describe the specific location of a building, a tenancy within a building, or a parcel of land. The most used way to locate a specific feature or property is the officially assigned address and street name. Officially assigned addresses are used daily by emergency services, the public, USPS, delivery services, utility companies, and general government services to locate specific locations. In 5 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach general, street names are the reference point, and the assigned numbers create unique identifiers for each structure or occupancy. Uniformity and consistency are basic requirements so that any given property can be quickly and easily located. It is important that the addressing system be fully documented so that addresses are consistently represented. The communityÔs safety and welfare depend on the ability of emergency services and other service providers to locate every property quickly and accurately. Addressing must be given a high priority during the development review process to assure consistency. A good address system should be predictable, easy to implement, and easy to use. A system that defines ranges of numbers by distance allows flexibility for future development while maintaining the order of existing and approved development. Furthermore, distance-based address number assignment requires minimal change with respect to existing addresses. While current addressing assignment and notification practices used in Delray Beach generally are designed to create a uniform address system across the city, some past addressing practices resulted in street names and addressing patterns that do not follow current rules, and that can create conflicts or inconsistencies. Some of these conflicts or inconsistencies, also termed anomalies, may be resolvable without significant disruption to citizens and business, while others may not. In general, when issues are identified, they are evaluated in terms of their impact on public safety and welfare, and a change is only required where there are significant life and property safety issues involved. 2.1 O RGANIZATION This Manual is designed to cover all major aspects of addressing in Delray Beach, including the administration of addressing, the Address Reference System (ARS), addressing workflows, and address data management. The administration of addressing section details the authority and responsibility for addressing within Delray Beach. The Address Reference System and Business Rules sections provide the rules and policies that govern address and street name assignments and changes. Addressing is a system with embedded logic and order that makes it possible for people to locate specific places through the address. The rules and policies must be enforced in the process of assignment and changes to elements of the addressing system, so that the logic and order are maintained. See also Appendix C, Prohibitions. The Address Workflows section describes the individual workflows in which street names and addresses are assigned or changed. The Data Management section discusses processes for additions, updates, and changes to addresses, street names, and other elements such as place names, location coordinates, status, etc. within the central address repository. 6 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 2.2 M AINTAINING AND U PDATING This Manual will be thoroughly reviewed every three years and revised, as necessary, to respond to changes in Delray Beach that affect addressing and street naming needs, or any other required updates resulting from a change in City policies or procedures. Revisions to the Manual may occur independent of the three-year review. All revisions must be documented in ÑTable A - Addressing and Street Naming Manual RevisionsÒ included as Appendix D. The Address Coordinator maintains an internal Appendix of Examples designed to allow staff to post specific case studies, such as a plan or specific address assignment or street naming issue, including images of the plans, descriptions of what was done, what alternatives were considered, etc. These examples are reviewed annually by the Addressing Team to determine if there are items which should be added to the Manual itself. For example, if the same type of issue arises multiple times during the year, it is reviewed and any common rules that can be extracted from it will be added to the Manual as general rules for similar types of development. Likewise, where a rule in the Manual may not be clear in application, the examples can be referenced, so that Team members can see how a specific rule was applied. This assists the Team in addressing similar situations in a consistent and comparable manner. If upon review it is determined the Manual needs to be updated, the Addressing Team will draft the changes and provide to the Addressing Technical Committee for review and approval. Upon approval by the Addressing Technical Committee, the changes are submitted to the City Commission for review and approval. Once approved by the City Commission, the approved changes are made to the Manual and the Revision History table is updated with the revision number, date of approval and a brief description of changes made. The revised Manual is then distributed to appropriate staff and placed on the CityÔs website. 3 ADMINISTRATION 3.1 A UTHORITY AND R ESPONSIBILITY The authority for street naming rests with the Delray Beach City Commission. New street names are approved by the City Commission when a road is dedicated as part of platting of a new subdivision. Any changes to an existing street name or the naming of a platted alley require approval of a resolution by the City Commission, with a recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Board prior to approval by the City Commission. All requests for address assignments, address changes, revisions to addressing plans, and address verifications, as well as requests for street name approvals, street name assignments or street name changes within the municipal boundary of Delray Beach are the responsibility of the Address Coordinator. Requests may only be approved if it 7 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach falls within the guidelines of this Manual in accordance with the General Statutes of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach. Notice of address and street name assignments are provided to various City, County, and State of Florida agencies, the U.S. Postal Service, and other public service entities. 3.2 A DDRESS C OORDINATOR The Address Coordinator, a GIS Specialist in the Development Services Department, is responsible for maintaining and implementing the Manual, as follows: Resolve Addressing & Street Naming issues that may cause potential delay for emergency services Coordinate official assignment of all new addresses and street names within the City of Delray Beach Facilitate changes to existing street names and address numbers, as needed Pre-approve new or updated address and street assignments with Emergency Services CAD systems during the address creation and review period Maintain a master address and street repository in Delray BeachÔs Enterprise GIS SQL Database used to define official addresses and street names Coordinate and manage the Addressing Technical Committee Provide address and street naming notifications to property owners, internal staff, and external agencies, as needed 3.3 A DDRESSING T ECHNICAL C OMMITTEE The Addressing Technical Committee (ATC) is an advisory body and sounding board made up of City Staff for implementing new and existing policies and best practices for addressing and street naming throughout Delray Beach. The City Departments represented on the ATC include: Emergency Services Personnel Information Technology/Geographic Information Services Development Services Recommendations from the ATC are an essential element in maintaining this Manual and the implementation of the policies and practices it promotes. Members are responsible for representing their department on matters to be considered by the ATC and actively communicating any address or street naming related issues. and support and endorse the policies and procedures found in this document. Primary duties of the ATC are: Coordination of policies and procedures for addressing among the CityÔs departments 8 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Advocating to the public, elected officials, and member agencies for improvements to addressing systems and practices, including supporting requests for fiscal resources and staff Annual review and approval of changes or amendments to this Manual 4 Address Reference System 4.1 W HAT IS THE D ELRAY B EACH A DDRESS R EFERENCE S YSTEM? The term ÑAddress Reference SystemÒ (ARS) refers to the set of rules that are in effect within a given jurisdiction for assigning addresses and it is described in greater detail within the PBC and FGDC Address Standards. The ARS defines both the boundaries in which the rules are applied and the grid or set of axis lines that define address ranges and numbering. The ARS also includes rules for numbering, rules for street name components, and other locally defined rules concerning the assignment of addresses. An ARS is important because it is the basis for The assignment of an official building or feature creating address quality testing. It is also address number provides a convenient reference critical because it provides a framework in to a property, dwelling, infrastructure feature or other object as a reference for its location. which addresses can be consistently assigned over a long period of time regardless of who is It neither creates a property interest that does doing the assignment. Some components of not otherwise exist, nor does it act as a waiver of an ARS are geospatial, and others are tabular any regulatory requirement to build on a property data-based rules. that is otherwise necessary under the law. The boundaries of the Delray Beach ARS encompass the legal incorporated area of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. 4.2 U SING THE D ELRAY B EACH A DDRESS R EFERENCE S YSTEM The ARS provides guidance for the assignment of address numbers and selection of street names. In the Address Repository, many of the rules conveyed by the ARS are embedded either in the domains of values in the Repository itself (street names, allowable types, and directional), or in the GIS (grids, boundaries, axes, and numbering rules). The software application used to assign and maintain addresses within the Address Repository uses the ARS rules for numbering and provides a candidate address for every location selected by the Address Coordinator. This includes new addresses for residential and non-residential uses, utility features, mile markers and other features requiring a location address. The use of a software application to assist with the assignment of address numbers ensures that new addresses are logical, match the current addressing fabric, and are assigned across the jurisdiction in a consistent manner that follows the ARS rules. 9 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 4.3 D ELRAY B EACH A DDRESS R EFERENCE S YSTEM T YPE The Delray Beach ARS is a traditional grid system divided into four sections, namely, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest. Address numbers assigned to buildings, properties, and other features in the city are derived from the ARS grid, which provides uniformity in the patterns of address numbers created throughout the city. The grid point of origin is located at the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Swinton Avenue. The grid axes follow Atlantic Avenue and Swinton Avenue to the city limits and divide the city into four quadrants or sections described by their cardinal directions: northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest. The area that is bounded by North Swinton Avenue to the east and West Atlantic Avenue to the south is designated as the northwest section. The area that is bounded by North Swinton Avenue to the west and East Atlantic Avenue to the south is designated as the northeast section. Figure1GridPointofOrigin The area that is bounded by South Swinton Avenue on the east and West Atlantic Avenue on the north is designated as the southwest section. And the area which is bounded by South Swinton Avenue on the west and East Atlantic Avenue on the north is designated as the southeast section. th South Swinton Avenue dead-ends south of SE 10 Street resulting in a jog of the quadrant line to th South Dixie Highway at the intersection of SE 10 Street and South Swinton Avenue. South Swinton Avenue / South Dixie Highway is the de facto boundary between the east and west sides of the city, which also coincides with the boundaries between ZIP codes 33444 and 33483 south of Linton Boulevard. Figure2LocationofGridBoundaryChange 4.4 B LOCK R ANGES 10 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Block ranges for new streets will be determined based upon the beginning point of the new street within the ARS grid. Alleys are not considered to break the block scheme. 5 STREET NAMING RULES 5.1 I NTRODUCTION The standards in this section were designed to facilitate the proper naming of streets within Delray Beach. Streets must be named in a logical, easy-to-understand manner in order to help citizens, service delivery, and emergency personnel quickly locate people, places, and events. 5.2 W HAT IS TO BE N AMED All planned or existing public or private streets, common driveways, alleys, or internal access streets that serve as the primary means of ingress or egress for residences, industrial, commercial, public or semi-public buildings, or other facilities shall be given a name. A shopping center, apartment complex, industrial or office park that has internal streets that are private, but which provide access to the individual buildings within the complex shall have names for the individual streets. A driveway serving a single-family residence or single non-residential building shall not be given a street name. A parking lot which is open and visible from a public or private street shall not be given a street name (if the parking lot includes internal access streets serving out parcels, the internal access street shall be named). The ownership of the right-of-way or land on which the street is constructed (public or private) does not change the naming requirement. 5.3 C OMPLETE S TREET N AME E LEMENTS The PBC and FGDC Address Standards defines street name elements, or components, for addressing and the order in which they should be displayed. There are eight elements described below, that when combined create a Complete Street Name. The City requires that address data be stored in a standard, compliant form inside the Address Repository. Street names shall be comprised of the following elements, in the following order: 1. Street Name Pre-Modifier - e.g., ÑAlternateÒ in Alternate Route 8 2. Street Name Pre-Directional - e.g., ÑNorthÒ in North Fairfax Drive 3. Street Name Pre-Type - e.g., ÑAvenueÒ in Avenue A 4. Separator Element - e.g., Ñof theÒ in Avenue of the Americas 5. Street Name - e.g., ÑFairfaxÒ in North Fairfax Avenue 6. Street Name Post Type - e.g., ÑAvenueÒ in North Fairfax Avenue 11 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 7. Street Name Post Directional - e.g., ÑEastÒ in Seventh Street East 8. Street Name Post Modifier - e.g., ÑExtensionÒ in East End Avenue Extension A street name within the City of Delray Beach shall have a Post Type. Where the type is Highway, State Highway, State Route, Interstate, or Interstate Highway, the Pre-Type will be used. Where any other type is used, it shall normally be a Post Type. The minimum acceptable elements for a street name are Street Name and Post Type. This is also the most common use of the street name elements within Delray Beach. 5.4 S TREET N AME R EQUIREMENTS Street names are required to conform to the following rules that are enforced to ensure clarity and public safety. 1. Street names shall not contain more than 30 characters, including the directional (if any). 2. No street name shall have less than 3 characters. Existing streets that consist of less than 3 characters may remain. 3. Street names shall not contain punctuation or special characters including apostrophes, commas, hyphens, periods, or other similar characters. 4. Street names shall not exceed two words, excluding the directional and street type. 5. Street names shall not contain directional words or street type words. Existing streets that consist of these words may remain. 6. New street names shall not duplicate any existing street name in the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, or any other municipality within Palm Beach County. The street name, for purposes of evaluating whether a duplicate exists, does not include the street type. For example, Aspen Lane and Aspen Drive are duplicates under this definition. North Main Street and South Main Street are considered a single road with directionals. Names that are merely minor spelling variations of the same word are also prohibited, such as ÑAshleyÒ and ÑAshleeÒ. 7. New street names that sound like an existing street name, or another proposed name, or that create difficulties in pronunciation are prohibited. For example, Bear Street and Bare Street are duplicates under this definition. 8. No street name shall be allowed that is a brand name for a company or specific product or fictional character. 12 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 9. Street names that are deemed offensive, obscene, lewd, profane, offensive, or derogatory of any class, race, religion, ethnic group, gender, age, or other group are prohibited. An obscene term is a word or phrase that refers to or describes sexual conduct as defined by Florida State Statutes Chapter 847. 10. The use of a personÔs name for a street is permitted only if the person has been deceased for a minimum of 5 years, and shall have been a person of local historical, cultural, or social importance, and made significant contributions to the City of Delray Beach, State of Florida, or the United States. Such names should preferably not include titles (Dr., Mr., Ms., etc.), or middle initials. Biographical information must be submitted in support of such naming. When naming a street for an individual, consideration should be given to putting the name on a major thoroughfare. 11. Street names shall not contain numerals. For example, Second Street is not ndnd permitted to be named as Ñ2 StreetÒ, where the official name is Ñ2Ò. 12. Spelling of words in street names shall conform to the spelling found in standard dictionaries of the English language, US usage. Words that are taken from a foreign language, or that are difficult to spell or pronounce shall not be permitted. 13. Street names should not use non-standard spelling (such as ÑOldeÒ for ÑOldÒ). Existing street names containing these types of words can remain. 14. The words ÑOldÒ and ÑNewÒ should not be used to designate a section of road unless the section so designated runs parallel or near a road with the same name and is connected to the road of the same name. 15. In selecting names for streets or in renaming streets, consideration should be given to the use of names that are historically, culturally, or environmentally significant to the immediate area. 16. Street names shall be consistent as the street crosses municipal and County boundaries to the greatest extent possible. 17. Streets names and signs must match the street name on the recorded plat. Incorrect municipal street signs with be corrected by Public Works, while private street signs will be corrected at the dedicated maintenance party's expense. 5.5 O THER S TREET N AME C OMPONENTS While the primary component of a complete street name is the name itself, there are several other parts to street names that require standardization and consistency. These include street type, directionals, and modifiers. These three elements may appear either before or after a street name, or in some cases, in both positions. One component that 13 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach may appear in some names is a ÑseparatorÒ element. It is not common, but where used creates some issues with the listings of street names. 5.5.1 Street Type Street type designations such as Street, Avenue, Road, Boulevard, etc. are assigned as part of the street naming process. Street types should be indicative of the type of street they will be assigned to per the guidelines provided below. All new street names shall have one of the approved street name types listed below. The City of Delray Beach recognizes street name post types only. No pre-types are allowed except for those associated with state and federal route numbers (e.g., U.S. 1, I-95). Street names that contain street type words (e.g. Johnson Court Drive or Lake Cove Trail) are not allowed; however existing street names using this convention may remain. Postal standard abbreviations are taken from Publication 28: Postal Addressing Standards (usps.gov). Postal Postal Post Type Post Type Abbreviation Abbreviation Alley ALY Point PT Avenue AVE Road RD Boulevard BLVD Row ROW Circle CIR Square SQ Court CT Street ST Cove CV Terrace TER Drive DR Trail TRL Highway HWY Turn* TURN Landing LNDG Walk WALK WAY Lane LN Way * Is not consistent with Postal Addressing Standards, and shall not be applied to any new Place PL streets. Street Type Allocation by Functional Road Class Street types should be selected as appropriate to the type of street to be named. They are subject to approval by the Address Coordinator. Street types should be written out in full to avoid misinterpretation. The list below indicates the appropriate allocation of street types, although the Address Coordinator may approve any type deemed appropriate in each situation. 14 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Interstate: Numbered Federal Interstate Highways (I-95, for example). Freeway, Highway, Parkway, Pike: Major highways or arterials through the City, often with limited access and multiple travel lanes in each direction. Boulevard, Avenue, Street, Road: Major roads within more urbanized areas and neighborhoods. Drive, Lane, Path, Trail, Way: Neighborhood roads, more than one segment in length, connected at both ends to another street. Court, Mews: Cul-de-sacs and other roads with only one end connected to another street and no other intersections with other cross streets along its length. (ÑCourtÒ should not be used for a street that is expected to be extended and connected with other streets in the future). Circle, Crescent, Loop, Oval, Turn: Short roads that connect at both ends with a segment of the same street. Plaza, Promenade, Square: Should be used for commercial streets in shopping centers, office parks, and in downtown areas. Bridge, Extension, Overpass, Underpass, Skyway, Tunnel: Should be used with these specific types of street features. Walk: Named pedestrian walkway. Other types listed should be used in neighborhood contexts. Alley: Used for alleys (see definition). There are also several systems of abbreviations for street types that are in common use in local government, including the USPS, and those provided by software vendors for computer-aided dispatch, criminal justice information systems, fire insurance systems, etc. Data management through the Address Repository ensures that each user receives the correct set of abbreviations expected for its specific environment. 5.5.2 Directional Prefixes and Suffixes A directional prefix or suffix is a word preceding or following the Street Name that indicates the direction or position of the thoroughfare relative to an arbitrary starting point or line, or the sector where it is located. Streets running north and south of Atlantic Avenue may include North and South directionals respectively. Those running east and west of Swinton Avenue or South Dixie Highway may include East and West directionals respectively. These words should only be added to streets where the street crosses an axis as identified in Section 4.5 of this manual. Directional suffixes (e.g., Main Street South) are not allowed. There are a small number of existing streets with directional suffixes, and these will remain in use. The only permitted directional prefixes and suffixes are the four cardinal directions (North, South, East and West). 15 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach If a directional is used for a portion of a street, its opposite directional must also be used to maintain clarity and ensure that the two numbering sets are differentiated appropriately. 5.5.3 Modifiers Modifiers are a word or phrase in a Complete Street Name that precedes or follows and modifies the Street Name, but is separated from it by a Street Name Pre- or Post- Type or a Street Name Pre- or Post-Directional or both. These often occur when the word ÑOldÒ or ÑNewÒ are added to the beginning of a street name, and the street type or directional occur between them and the street name itself, as in ÑOld North Main Street.Ò Likewise, they may occur when the modifier is added at the end of the name, as in ÑMain Street South ExtensionÒ. It is likely that there are some such streets in Delray Beach. The modifier is used where there is an intervening directional or type word, so if ÑMain StreetÒ became ÑOld Main StreetÒ the street name itself would change from ÑMainÒ to ÑOld MainÒ. Per the Address Standards, modifiers may be stored outside of the street name column for ease in data sorting and presentation. If this field is utilized, a domain of values for it will be created to assist in quality testing in the Master Address Repository. 5.5.4 Separators The Separator Element was created to manage street names that consist of a Prefix Type followed by a word or phrase followed by the Street Name. Common examples are ÑAvenue of the AmericasÒ or ÑBoulevard of the Allies.Ò It is more commonly found in names expressed in Spanish, French or other languages such as ÑAvenida de los FloresÒ or ÑRue du Madeleine.Ò In each case the word or words between the Type (Avenue, Boulevard, Avenida, Rue) and the actual name (Americas, Allies, Flores, Madeleine) is the Separator. Again, these are common in the sense that almost all jurisdictions have one or two, but most do not have more than that. The separator allows the alphabetization of the street name using the main word, rather than ÑofÒ or ÑdeÒ. If this field is utilized, a domain of values for it will be created to assist in quality testing in the Address Repository. 5.6 S TREET N AME I NTEGRITY The name of a street must be maintained from one end to the other. Streets should not change names along their length, except for streets with a directional, which automatically changes where the street crosses an axis. If an existing street is extended or realigned, the street shall have the same name as the original street unless there is a clear delineation, or break, in the function of the street and such change in name is acceptable to Emergency Services Personnel. 16 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Renaming portions of existing streets between intersections is prohibited. If an existing street is disconnected or realigned due to development, freeway construction or the like, one portion shall be renamed to identify it as a separate street. Where two or more names are used for a single continuous stretch of road, the change of names shall occur at the intersection of another street, and not in the middle of a block or segment. If a street is extended, and connected to another street with a different name, then the change of name must take place at an intersection. If one of the two streets must have a change of name from the point of junction back to the nearest intersection, the change should be done on the portion of one street that affects the least number of existing addressed structures. 5.7 S TREET G EOMETRY All streets may only have one beginning point and one ending point. Branches, side streets, cul-de-sacs that have their own end points must also have their own names. Figure3StreetGeometry Continuously named streets may not cross themselves or loop back to create an intersection where both intersecting streets have the same name. If a roundabout or traffic circle is utilized, no name shall be assigned. It shall be considered a portion of the highest-classification street passing through it. When 17 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach addressable features are placed in or on the traffic circle, they shall be addressed using the name of the highest-classification street passing through it. See also Appendix C, Prohibitions 6 Address Number Rules Address number rules are applied to the assignment or amendment of address numbers for specific structures, property parcels, or infrastructure features. Addresses are assigned per the rules outlined in the following sections. Building, suite, or unit address numbers shall comply with the minimum standards in the Florida Fire Prevention Code. 6.1 A DDRESS N UMBERING R ULES Address numbers are the numbers that identify individual properties, buildings, tenancies, or other features. The following rules provide guidance in the selection of an appropriate address number. Address number assignments within the City of Delray Beach shall be based upon the established ARS. 6.1.1 What is Addressed? Every property parcel shall have an address except for vacant lots and properties so small that no structure or infrastructure element could be placed on it. Each residential or nonresidential building or other facility and each individual unit or separate occupancy within any such structure shall be assigned an address number. All other pertinent structures will be addressed in accordance with this Manual, pending ATC review. 6.1.2 Numbering based on ARS Address numbering of all structures and other features shall be assigned based upon the established ARS, and in accordance with the standards defined in this document. No other numbers shall be created or permitted. Where an existing number is incorrect based upon these rules, the City should determine whether keeping that number creates a public safety hazard, or other detriment to public welfare. If it does, then the number should be changed as rapidly as possible through the change provisions in this Manual. Where it does not, it must be noted as an anomaly, and properly identified in the Address Repository. 6.1.3 Address Number Format Address numbers shall be assigned as whole Arabic numerals. No decimals or alpha characters are permitted. 18 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach No new alphabetic address number suffixes or fractions will be assigned. In existing areas where there are no available numbers, whole number units\\suites will be used. Existing historic fractions or alphabetic address number suffixes will be permitted to continue to exist, but no new such suffixes will be assigned. Where there are multiple occupancies in a single structure, separate primary addresses or subaddresses should be assigned. Rules for determining which type of address or subaddress to use are contained in Sections 6.3 and 6.4 of this Manual. Historical address numbers that contain alphabetic characters, or which are out of sequence, parity, or otherwise anomalies, may be retained provided that Emergency Services Personnel verifies that the maintenance of the anomalous number does not cause a significant hazard to life or property. 6.1.4 Distance interval Using the dividing lines of Swinton Avenue and Atlantic Avenue, numbers of buildings in each section of the City shall start with the number 1 for the first 25 feet, and shall have the next higher (odd or even as the case may be) for each additional 25 feet going away from the focal point; at each block intersection thereafter, going away from the focal point, building numbers shall be the sum of one for the first 25 feet and shall have the next higher numbers (odd or even as the case may be) for each additional 25 feet plus 100 for each grid intersection. Numbers will increase by 100 when the grid system would pass that point if extended. 6.1.5 Incremental value Numbers increase in a measured way, and adequate intervals should always be left between address numbers to allow for future growth. The address number shall increase by equal amounts at each interval depending on the length of the street and address grid. This allows the unused numbers for in-fill development or changes to land use later. Using the potential addresses generated by the grid, the potential address that most closely approximates the location of the addressable point is selected and applied. Address numbers on opposite sides of the street should be aligned with each other, as much as possible. This is particularly important on curved roads and is required to keep the logical sequencing along the entire street. This may mean a larger increment than normal in some cases. 6.1.6 Order All address numbers shall be assigned in sequential numeric order, always increasing from the ARS point of origin (intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Swinton Avenue) and should be numerically balanced on both sides of the street. 19 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 6.1.7 Parity Numbers are assigned using odd numbers for one side of the street, and even numbers for the opposite side. Even/odd address numbers will be assigned consistently on each side of the street and are not to be mixed on the same side of the street. Any buildings facing EAST will have EVEN numbers Any buildings facing WEST will have ODD numbers Any buildings facing NORTH will have EVEN numbers Any building facing SOUTH will have ODD numbers Within the City of Delray Beach, any building located on property lying adjacent to the avenues (except Atlantic Avenue) or other roadways in the City and which face east, shall have even numbers and any of the buildings facing west shall have odd numbers; any building located on property lying adjacent to streets or other roadways including Atlantic Avenue, in the City, and facing north shall have even numbers; and any building facing south shall have odd numbers. Figure4AddressNumberParity In addition, any avenue, street, road, lane, alleyway, court, terrace, boulevard, or other roadway running in a diagonal direction from the origin point, of Swinton Avenue and Atlantic Avenue, shall have even numbers on the southerly side, and shall have odd numbers on the northerly side. Numbers increase as the streets extend away from the point of origin. 20 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Loop road numbering shall start at the low number end of the street that the loop intersects and shall end at the high number end. The parity shall not change along the length of the loop even though this creates the appearance of an incorrect parity at the high number end of the road. Cul-de-sac roads shall maintain parity and numbering sequence along their length. A structure located at the end of the cul-de-sac should be numbered based on the Figure5LoopRoadNumbering numbering rules, using the Address Coordinator's best judgment as to the parity of the number selected. Odd/even patterns on streets with existing assigned address numbers are required to be maintained when assigning new address numbers, even in older areas where the current odd/even side of the street rules were not used. Existing address numbers that are all odd or all even on both sides of a street or mixed with even and odd numbers on both sides of the street, may require correction to re-establish proper parity. However, the effects of renumbering may outweigh the benefits of so doing in established neighborhoods. 6.2 V ACANT OR U NDEVELOPED P ROPERTY A DDRESSING R ULES The City of Delray Beach assigns addresses to vacant or undeveloped property once all plans are approved via the official approval process. Frontage shall be determined based on the Land Development Regulations. 6.3 R ESIDENTIAL A DDRESSING R ULES All residential structures and occupancies shall have an address. 6.3.1 Single Family One single family residence on a lot will receive one street address. Single family residential addresses shall be assigned based upon the location of the front door. The number used shall be the potential address, in keeping with required spacing requirements, which is closest to the front door of the structure on the property; or, if the location of the front door is not known at the time the address is assigned, the Address 21 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Coordinator shall select the number that most nearly represents the center of the frontage for the property. If a single-family residential structure does not front on a public or private access road, then it should be addressed from the point of access or can be addressed from a common access walkway or similar feature. For the purposes of addressing, townhouses and row houses located on their own parcel with frontage on the street are treated as single family residential property. The address numbers should increase at equal intervals for townhouses. In areas of infill development where there are not enough numbers available for each townhome to have a separate address, the Address Coordinator may use a multi-family addressing scheme with a primary building address and subaddresses in order to keep from readdressing an entire street. 6.3.2 Multi-family Residential (duplexes, quadplexes, apartments, condominiums) Duplexes, triplexes and quadplexes with individual exterior doors are assigned separate addresses with adequate spacing between numbers. A duplex, triplex or quadplex with a common exterior entrance door is assigned one address number and then interior subaddresses are assigned for the individual units. If an existing single-family dwelling is divided into two or more units, all units in the structure will be assigned subaddresses per the subaddressing rules. For purposes of addressing, condominiums and apartments are treated as multi-family residential property. Townhouse or row house style homes located on a single property (not their own parcel) are treated as multi-family residential properties. While these units may have different forms of ownership, it is irrelevant for addressing purposes whether a unit is rented or owner-occupied. Each building within a multi-family development must have its own primary address. The interior streets within such a development shall be named, and the buildings addressed using those street names. In cases where all the unit entrances are exterior on each building every unit should be given a separate address. Where entrances to individual units are within interior hallways, corridors, or on balconies, the building should receive a primary address, and the units shall be identified by subaddresses. See Section 6.8, Subaddressing Rules for the rules pertaining to subaddress assignment. Additional guidance for addressing multi-family residential properties in mixed use developments or complexes can be found in Section 6.5, Non-residential & Mixed-Use Addressing Rules. 6.3.3 Residential Corner or Multiple Frontage Lots A corner lot is a property parcel that fronts on two streets. At the time it is created, it may not be known where the front door of the building will be located; therefore, an 22 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach address shall be assigned for each street. The Address Coordinator should select the potential address closest to the center of the property frontage for each street, in keeping with the spacing and parity rules. Both addresses are considered ÑreservedÒ until such time as a building permit is requested for the property that shows the specific location of the front door. Once the location of the front door is known, the status for the corresponding ÑreservedÒ address should be updated to ÑactiveÒ while the other street's address status can be changed back to "potential". Figure6CornerLotAddressing In the case of apartment complexes, condominium complexes, etc., on corner lots, the Addressing Coordinator should determine whether one or more access roads to the building(s) within the complex will be constructed. If there are or will be access roads from the boundary streets, each building shall be addressed from the named access street per the Multi-family Residential addressing rules. If the complex does not have internal roads, but buildings front on the two streets, then each building should be addressed to the street on which the front entry faces. More than one address may be assigned for any multi-family residential building having more than one entrance. 23 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 6.3.4 Accessory Structures If an additional habitable structure (dwelling, garage apartment, or manufactured or mobile home) is added to a lot with an existing single-family dwelling through official approval processes, it shall be a assigned the same street address as the primary structure with a subaddress type of REAR and a subaddress identifier. For example, a new garage apartment will receive an address like 1015 Oak Forest Drive, Rear 100. Figure7AccessoryStructureAddressing A small non-habitable structure, such as a garage, storage shed, playhouse, gazebo, etc., shall not be provided with a separate address or a subaddress, unless it has separate power or telephone service. In the case of a large rural property with a remote building such as a barn, greenhouse, livestock or poultry house, or other agricultural building that is accessed separately from the access to the main residence, a separate address may be assigned for safety. 6.3.5 Mobile Home Parks The roads inside a mobile home park are required to be named and each individual lot is assigned an address number in accordance with the addressing rules outlined in this document. 6.4 N ON-RESIDENTIAL & M IXED-U SE A DDRESSING R ULES Non-residential and mixed-use properties are treated somewhat differently than residential properties. Addresses in commercial buildings, offices, shopping centers, etc. change frequently as businesses move in and out, and the configuration of the interior space is changed for the new tenants. Likewise, the internal configurations of 24 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach many larger non-residential buildings are unknown at the time of permitting and approvals, as not all tenants have been secured. Thus, some addressing decisions must be made as the building is leased, and some will change over time. Multiple tenant buildings, large complexes and campuses with multiple buildings and many separate rooms and tenancies create complex addressing schemas. However, detailed and specific addressing significantly assists emergency rescue personnel and all users of such facilities in locating a specific office, classroom, or unit within such complexes. Non-residential structures are addressed from the point of access to the structure or property. If a single structure is not visible from a public or private road, then the point where the driveway intersects the public or private road which provides access to that structure shall be used as the address. 6.4.1 Single Property, Single Structure with One Tenant Properties with one structure on a lot will receive one street address based upon the primary access location. If the building faces one street and the primary driveway access to the building is from another street, then the address assigned will be based upon Emergency Services PersonnelÔs recommendation. 6.4.2 Single Property, Single Structure with Multiple Tenants Properties with one structure on a lot will receive one street address based upon the primary access location. If the building faces one street and the primary driveway access to the building is from another street, then the address assigned will be based upon Emergency Services PersonnelÔs recommendation. If official approval processes are completed, all interior occupiable spaces within a building with multiple tenants, regardless of where they are located, including basements, shall be given a subaddress within the building. See Section 6.8 for the rules pertaining to subaddress assignment. In some cases, particularly in the downtown area and other more urban areas, there are single buildings on single parcels that do not have driveway access, but instead have their primary access through a street level main entrance. In these cases, the primary address assigned to the building will be based upon the location of the main entrance. In some of these cases, there are street fronting businesses that have 25 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Figure8SingleProperty,SingleStructurewithMultipleTenantsAddressing doorways onto the street separate from the main entrance. Some of these businesses may also have doorways into the interior building lobby. Some of these entrances may be on different streets than the main entrance, and it would cause significant confusion for them to use the primary building address with a subaddress number. Therefore, where a tenant has a separate street front entrance from the main building entrance, a separate street address should be assigned to the storefront business. Requires final approval from Emergency Services Personnel. 6.4.3 Single Property, Multiple Structures If there are multiple structures on a single parcel, each structure shall have its own street address. If the structures are all accessed from the existing main fronting or side street, they shall be addressed from that street. Where there is an internal road on the land parcel, serving multiple buildings, the street shall be This rule applies to schools, churches, named, and the structures that front on the internal university campuses, office parks, road shall be addressed from the internal street. industrial parks, mixed use Structures on the parcel which face the existing developments, apartment complexes exterior street(s) shall be addressed on the street and other similar uses. from which they take access. Every occupiable structure, or any structure that has electrical service, or a wired telephone line, and non-residential structures such as boat docks and boat houses, large detached garages, etc., that are used for the storage and maintenance of 26 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach vehicles such as cars, trucks, boats, etc., shall have its own address pending official approval processes are completed. Where there are multiple structures on a single piece of property, the Addressing Coordinator shall determine whether to address the buildings as subaddresses to the property parcel, or to provide each with an individual street address using an available number from the fronting street(s). This determination shall be based on whether all the structures on the property are under the same types of uses, what the internal subaddressing needs of the buildings are (such as apartments, office spaces, commercial spaces, etc.) and the availability of sufficient primary address numbers to support the number of structures on the property and to leave sufficient available numbers for other properties within the address range in which the subject property is located. Single Property, Multiple Structures with No Internal Roadways In some cases, there are multiple structures located on a single parcel, and each of the buildings faces on an existing street - there are no internal driveways or roads within the land parcel to be named. In this case if there is one common exterior entrance door for each building, one address number is assigned for the structure and each unit or suite is given a subaddress. Where there are individual exterior doors, separate addresses are assigned for each. If there are more occupancies than available numbers for the street frontage, then the building should receive an address number and each individual door should receive a subaddress to keep from readdressing an entire street. Single Property, Multiple Structures with Internal Roadways In some cases, especially for large semi-public properties, such as schools, colleges and universities, churches, hospitals, industrial and office parks, and some shopping malls, there are numerous buildings on a single parcel. These buildings and the spaces within them are sometimes rented or used by different tenants. When there is a property with multiple buildings and internal roadways or common driveways, whether residential or non-residential, the street (or drive-aisle) should be named, and each structure must have its own address on the internal street. Commercial complexes are generally addressed by assigning a street address (using either an existing public street, or an internal street within the complex, depending on where access is obtained), to each building, and using subaddresses to identify the individual occupancies within each building. The Address Coordinator should work with the owners, and Emergency Services Personnel to determine how to address any buildings that have their primary entrances on pedestrian ways (for example, fronting on the ÑquadÒ of a campus, or where a group of buildings face towards an interior courtyard.) Addresses for this type of complex need to reflect a location that provides for emergency access, even if that address is not the designated front entrance to the building. Named buildings may be 27 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach treated as landmark addresses within the campus but must also have a street type address showing where the structure is located. This is especially critical when the front, or primary entrance, is not accessible by vehicles. 6.4.4 Multiple Parcels, Multiple Structures that Form a Larger, Identifiable Whole This situation occurs with many larger developments including college campuses, large church facilities, camps, industrial and office parks, shopping centers, etc. These should be treated as if they are a single land parcel with multiple buildings. Each structure must have its own address. The street naming and address numbering rules that apply to single properties with multiple structures also apply in this situation, see the section above for details and guidance. 6.4.5 Mixed Use Developments Mixed use developments often present addressing challenges and different addressing strategies may be needed to clearly identify where individual businesses or units are located. Mixed use developments may also include multiple structures on a campus (shopping centers with outbuildings, schools, medical facilities, etc.) It is important that these development plans be reviewed early in the development process to ensure that addresses can be assigned logically and consistently throughout the project. When later phases are expected, the whole projectÔs street layout and address ranges should be reviewed to ensure that the addresses are not set up in a way that makes continuation into later phases difficult. Mixed use complexes, incorporating both residential and nonresidential uses, are types of development found both in urban and suburban settings. In the more traditional urban core, these are typically high-rise buildings that may incorporate a structured parking garage below grade, retail and service businesses at the ground/street level, office spaces and residential spaces (both private residential units such as condominiums, townhouses, lofts or apartments, and commercial residential space such as hotels). In these cases, the building receives an address which is the base for subaddresses on upper floors. Individual businesses that are on the ground floor and have access from the street are given individual street addresses. The parking deck typically has a separate street entrance and is given a unique address which is the base for subaddresses if they are needed for individual parking spaces or electric charging stations. In suburban settings, these often include two to three story buildings, where the ground floor faces a street-side parking area or lot, and contains retail shops such as restaurants, small grocery stores, boutiques, and service businesses, while the upper floor residential units have garages and main entries on the rear facing side of the buildings, sometimes utilizing a gated entry to access the residential entrance area. The street should be named, and individual units given addresses on the residential street, 28 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach where their main entrances are located. Commercial users, in the same physical structure are assigned the street address of the building along with a specific unit number. This is done in non-residential settings because the configuration of shopping centers and malls frequently change. However, commercial addresses\\units should be in sequential order, on the correct floor to provide the best layout for emergency services. See diagram below. Figure9MixedUseAddressing 6.4.6Public Uses (schools, parks, stadiums, convention centers, etc.) Public buildings and other places where there are large crowds or assemblies need to be well addressed. Schools often are located by their names as a landmark address, but it is also critical to provide for access by emergency vehicles of all types (fire, police, ambulances, HazMat clean up vehicles, strategic teams for other types of situations, etc.) Each exterior entrance for every building must be labeled in a logical way that meets the requirements of the emergency services providers. Additionally, spaces within the buildings, or on a campus with many buildings, need additional addressing and signage to make the specific location of an emergency immediately clear to first responders. 29 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 6.4.7 Modular Classrooms, Construction Trailers, and other Portable Buildings Modular buildings are commonly found at schools, churches, and other public and semi-public sites, as well as on construction sites and temporary locations such as Christmas tree lots, fairs, and festivals, etc. Where a modular building is expected to remain in a location for longer than 30 days, it should be given an address. Each separate building should have an address. This address can be a separate address number from a permanent structure on the property or it can be a subaddress of the primary structure with a Subaddress Type of Building. On a school campus, buildings should have clearly posted building numbers on the buildings and campus map. If there are platted roads inside the campus, individual addresses will be assigned. For construction buildings, such as a sales office or construction trailer, that are temporary in nature, the potential address closest to the location of the temporary structure that will not be used for the address of a future property parcel or structure should be used. This address is to be used solely for the temporary structure and will not be used for future permanent structures or infrastructure. The address will be deleted or made inactive once the trailer is removed. For temporary use, such as a Christmas tree lot, or in support of a festival in a park, for example, assign a temporary address to the portable building to aid in dispatching should an emergency occur at the site. The temporary address may then be put back into the pool of available addresses when the portable building is removed. For temporary uses of less than 30 days, Emergency Services Personnel should review the proposed use of the portable building to determine the level of risk and should advise the Address Coordinator as to the need for a temporary address. 6.4.8 Parking Decks and Garages A parking deck that is a separate independent structure shall be given an address based on the main entrance to the structure. If there are multiple entrances on different streets, then Emergency Services Personnel shall determine which is the main entrance for addressing purposes. This entrance shall be given the primary address. A parking deck that is a part of another building, such as underground decks below office buildings or within the structure of a shopping center shall be assigned a unique address based upon the location of the entrance. Individual parking spaces and other features within the deck will be assigned subaddresses using the base entrance address. For example, if there are two below-grade levels of parking these can be addressed with basement level numbering. 30 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Vehicle charging spaces within parking decks do not need to be individually numbered. 6.4.9 Buildings Joined by a Breezeway, Canopy or Other Connector In many instances, a developer will create a group of buildings on a single property parcel connected with covered or enclosed walkways. This is often found with office parks, medical office parks, and small shopping malls. It may also occur where two high-rise buildings are connected via an above-grade "bridge" or tunnel, or a parking structure of several levels is connected via an enclosed passageway to the office or residential building that it serves. Buildings that are joined by a breezeway, canopy, or other connector should be considered as separate buildings and given separate addresses, unless one of the buildings does not have any direct access at ground level to the outside. Buildings with an above grade ÑrampÒ or bridge or which are connected by a below-grade tunnel between them shall be considered as Figure10BuildingswithBreezeways separate buildings for the purpose of addressing. If the property parcel has two or more frontages, then each building may be addressed based on the way the main entrance to the building faces. The diagram below indicates an addressing plan for a complex of this type. If both buildings are located on the same property, they will be given separate street addresses (123 Main Street, and 125 Main Street). The determination should be made based upon whether each building is visible from the street from which it is addressed, the total number of buildings in the complex, and the number of available numbers on the frontage. 6.4.10 Non-Residential Corner and Multi-Frontage Lots 31 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Some properties have several road frontages. In cases of shopping centers, large office or commercial buildings, and public uses, a single use may occupy a full block, with all four frontages. Large acreage properties occasionally have multiple frontages on different streets. These create some difficult addressing situations. In the case of non-residential uses on a corner lot, Emergency Services Personnel shall determine whether there are internal access streets. A single parking lot that is accessed by a driveway or multiple driveways from the fronting public or private streets shall not be considered an internal street. If there are internal access streets, the internal streets shall be named, and the building(s) shall be addressed using these street names. If there are no internal streets (other than a driveway into a parking lot), then the building(s) shall be addressed from the street from which primary access occurs. If a structure occupies an entire property, fronting on all adjacent streets, the address for the structure is based on the location of the main access to the property, or if there is no vehicular access to the property, at the location of the front entrance of the building. Supplemental addresses may be assigned as follows: 1. Additional entrances for tenants within the building that front on any of the bounding streets may be addressed. This would include storefronts on the ground floor of a larger building. These stores may or may not have access to the internal lobby of the building. The store is primarily accessed or known by the address that is on the street. As these entrances may not be on the same street frontage as the primary building entrance, they need to have their own address based on where the storefront is located. 2. When there are multiple buildings, but no internal roadways or driveways on a lot with multiple frontages, each building shall be addressed based on the location of the main or front entrance, using the name of the street that it faces. 6.5 O THER N UMBERING S ITUATIONS & A DDRESSING R ULES 6.5.1 Addressing of Infrastructure and Utility Features The City will address Infrastructure and utility features, as needed. Addresses assigned to these facilities should include the Ñmailable addressÒ attribute that indicates no mail should be sent to this feature. 6.5.2 Common Driveways Common driveways are used to serve two or more structures or properties. Based on the rules of the US Census Bureau, any driveway that serves two or more homes shall be named as a street. However, there are instances where a duplex residential structure may have a common driveway serving the two units, and the naming of such a driveway would create unnecessary confusion. Where the driveway is less than 50' in length, and no more than two addresses are in use, and both front directly on the public or private street they face, the common driveway is not named as a street. 32 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 6.5.3 Developed Properties with no Driveway Residential: In many older neighborhoods, and some newer communities, a house fronts on a public street but there is no driveway. There may be no garage or off-street parking, or there may be a garage which is accessible only from an alley. In such cases, the house should be addressed based on the location of the main front door. Where the front door does not front on a public or private thoroughfare, a separate address should be created at the named alley or thoroughfare from which the property can be accessed by emergency vehicles (garage, rear door, etc.). Commercial and Non-residential: Many commercial buildings in the downtown area of cities do not have driveways or parking facilities associated with them. For these properties, the main front entrance to the building should be used as the point for determining the address. However, for large buildings that have frontage on more than one street, additional addresses may be assigned to loading docks, service entrances, or auxiliary entrances on any street from which the building may be accessed. 6.5.4 Flag Lots A flag lot is one with a long narrow ÑstemÒ or ÑpoleÒ that connects the main part of the property to a public street (see diagram). In general, the narrow portion of the lot is used for a driveway. As property is addressed at the point where the driveway connects to the public or private street, the address should be assigned based on the center of the ÑflagpoleÒ part of the lot, where it meets the public street. In some cases, due to lot geometry, the house or structure on the lot may appear to be out of sequence if the address point is placed on the structure itself, rather than at the access point. An alias address or location description may be needed where the structure location places the address number out of sequence, or where the structure is not visible from the street. 33 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Figure11FlagLotAddressing 6.5.5 Landlocked property A landlocked property is one that does not have legal access from a public or private street, walkway, driveway or other public or private thoroughfare. While landlocked parcels should never be permitted based on zoning and planning regulations, there may be some that were created prior to the adoption of the regulations, or which are created because of construction of freeways, or other actions that separate a section of a larger parcel from its access. In this case, the Address Coordinator shall determine the method of access to a structure on the property and Figure12LandlockedPropertyAddressing utilize an address number that identifies this point of ingress and egress. If it cannot be determined, the property 34 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach should be given an address using the nearest possible thoroughfare that could physically provide access, until such time as the property obtains legal access via a new thoroughfare or an access easement. 6.5.6 Addressing on Interstates and Other Roadways that Have Limited Access Interstates are addressed using the mile markers placed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the City is not involved in this process. 6.5.7 Addressing on Greenway Trails An address is not required for greenway trails. Alternatively, a point should be assigned at distance intervals in GIS, in coordination with emergency services. 6.5.8 Insufficient Numbers Available In some instances, due to building densities or the way in which addresses have been assigned along a given block, there is a shortage of numbers within a range to assign to a new structure. If there are no numbers available within the range, renumbering of the street should be considered. If that is not possible, then an address number suffix, other than a fraction, may be utilized as a last resort. This could occur if all the numbers within a block range are already active addresses. For example, if the existing high number on the odd side of the block was 199, and a new structure was built closer to the end of the block. If the next block's lowest odd number was 201, then no potential address is available for the new structure between 199 and 201. In this case, the preferable solution per the USPS would be to and a unit number to an address. For example,199 Unit 2 would be the address for the new structure. The Address Coordinator & Emergency Services Personnel will finalize. 6.6 A DDRESS N UMBER P REFIXES & S UFFIXES In some instances, it may be difficult to determine whether to assign an address number or a subaddress. In no case should an address number suffix be permitted unless all the numbers within a given range have been used, and no other option is available, and the proposed feature that requires an address is not a part of any other structure or feature found on the property at that location. In most instances, an additional use on a property should be provided with a subaddress (See section of this Manual on Subaddressing Rules). The use of subaddresses rather than address numbers is strongly encouraged in cases where the use of the structure is likely to change rapidly. This is common with small shopping centers, office buildings, retail complexes, etc. In these situations, the building should have an address number, and the tenant spaces within it should have subaddresses. Address number prefixes are prohibited. 35 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach 6.7 O THER EXCEPTIONS Many other types of exceptions will likely be noted in the development process over time. For each of them, the Addressing Coordinator and Emergency Services Personnel should review the proposed structure or project and determine the most suitable addressing assignments based as closely as possible on the ARS for the area in which the structure or project is located. It is critical that the logical arrangement of address numbers be retained to the greatest extent possible, as this is a matter of life and property safety. 6.8 P LACE N AME R ULES Addresses are associated with the name of a place. This may be a community, a city or town, a Post Office, or a County, or all of these. It is important in managing addresses that all the place names for each address be maintained, as they are needed for different business use cases throughout the organization. For example, if sample ballots are mailed to all registered voters, the Post Office address is necessary for delivery. On the other hand, if someone is asking for services from a town it is important to know whether the address is within the jurisdiction of the Town. The address data should contain the State name (Florida), the incorporated city name (Delray Beach), the Post Office name, and any additional community or neighborhood names that are in common use. The Country Name field can also be provided within the Master Address Repository, as this is sometimes needed in mailing lists. These are placed in domains of values in the Master Address Repository so that when they are exported to users, the correct values and standardized spelling and content are maintained. The use of Post Office names alone creates significant issues in terms of correct distribution of taxes, response to service requests, and voter registration. Many people whose property is outside of any town or city use a postal city name in their addresses, even though they do not live or have their business in that municipality. 6.9 ZIP C ODES® The ZIP Codes® are created and maintained by the USPS. They represent a group of postal delivery locations, and have 5-digit, 9-digit and 11-digit variations. These represent areas where postal delivery is made to individual residential and non- residential points. They can be changed at any time by the U.S. Postal Service to adjust for changes to delivery routes and other factors. A table of valid ZIP Codes is maintained within the Address Repository and a map containing the boundaries of existing ZIP Codes should also be maintained. 6.10 S UBADDRESS R ULES Subaddresses are the part of the address that uniquely identifies a single building in a complex of buildings, or a separate occupied area or tenancy within a building or structure. The addressing of apartments, suites, and individual tenancies in office 36 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach buildings, retail stores, or large commercial, industrial, or other non-residential buildings is important for maintaining adequate public safety for all citizens of the City of Delray Beach. The City of Delray Beach assigns all apartment, suite, or unit numbers to residential and commercial structures. The assignment is typically done at the time the building permit is requested by the owner but in some situations may occur prior to this. A subaddress element is made up of a subaddress type, such as ÑbuildingÒ, ÑfloorÒ, ÑunitÒ, ÑroomÒ, ÑspaceÒ, etc. and a subaddress identifier (a letter, number, or combination of letters and numbers) that uniquely identifies a single separately occupied element of an addressable feature. As there are many types of subaddress types, they are stored in a domain of values comprising the most common types and others that are locally useful. The FGDC Address Standard also provides for a Complete Subaddress, consisting of one (1) or more Subaddress Elements. There are attributes also that allow the ordering of the multiple Subaddress Elements, and the internal order of each Element. For example, if the type is Floor, and the Identifier is 1 (or First), the normal syntax would be ÑFirst FloorÒ (putting the ID first and the Type second), while if the type is Unit and the Identifier is 406, the usual order would be ÑUnit 406Ò, with the Type first, and the ID second. In a Complete Subaddress one might have ÑFirst Floor, Room 802Ò, or ÑBuilding A, Apartment 705Ò. Using the elements and the attributes that provide the order of presentation makes database storage and normalization possible. While it is possible to limit the number of Subaddress Types that can be used, there are many ways to identify interior spaces of a building, or exterior areas of a campus type development, including colleges/universities, marinas, military bases, prisons, etc. This structure helps manage the data efficiently. 6.10.1 When to Assign a Primary Address and When to Use a Subaddress A subaddress is generally used to identify the interior spaces of a building that are separately occupied. Ownership is not relevant to this determination. For example, there is no real difference in addressing a structure if it contains apartments (to be rented or leased) or condominiums (intended to be sold). Many buildings initially created as rental-type units are later converted to ownership units, and many condominium-ownership type units are operated as rentals. Addressing should remain constant. If a building has exterior doors that provide access to individual units, and all units are accessible through an individual exterior door, then primary address numbers should be utilized. If the building provides access to individual units through an interior corridor, or above grade balconies or walkways, then the building should be addressed, and subaddresses given to the individual occupancies. Likewise, many properties that contain more than one building operated as a single entity, such as a college, hospital, military base, prison facility, apartment complex, etc. 37 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach In this instance, it is important to identify each building individually with either a primary address along an internal street, or a building subaddress (e.g., Delray Medical Center, Cancer Center or Delray Medical Center, Building 5). Within these identified buildings, individual rooms or groups of rooms may be given further subaddresses (e.g., Delray Medical Center, Cancer Center, Ste 302 or Delray Medical Center, Building 5, Floor 3, Ste 200). 6.10.2 Subaddressing within Structures Within a building, subaddressing should be consistent from floor to floor. That is numbering should begin either at one end of a linear building, or at the point of access via an elevator bank or stairwell. All separate rooms or suites should be labeled by the building owner and posted as required by Emergency Services Personnel, including restrooms, break rooms, electrical, plumbing or computer equipment closets, janitorial closets, locker rooms, and storage rooms. This can be critical if a fire breaks out, or toxic materials are spilled in one of these areas, or a person becomes ill or injured in a restroom, locker room, or other area. Figure13SubaddressingwithinStructures 6.10.3 Subaddressing Multiple-Structure Facilities When determining whether to identify a set of buildings as a single ÑcampusÒ or to treat them as individual buildings, it is useful to understand the underlying use of the structures, their links with other buildings and structures on the property, and the usefulness of working with the entire group of structures as a unit. Additionally, there are many ÑcampusÒ areas where there are buildings that have been given names. While these names are well known to students or employees, they may not be familiar to 38 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach visitors, emergency responders, and others. It is important to have a thoroughfare address for each building on a campus that can be easily identified by anyone on the campus. Within each building there may be numerous offices, classrooms, dormitory rooms or suites, eating areas, shops, laboratories, along with service areas such as restrooms, break and locker rooms, storage areas, electrical and mechanical areas, stairwells, elevator shafts, etc. A comprehensive plan for addressing all the buildings on a campus, along with the spaces within them is complex, and may also change over time (new buildings, reconfiguration of the space inside of a building, etc.) The Addressing Coordinator should review the entire plan of the facility and work with the facility manager to come up with a logical and comprehensive plan, and to ensure that all buildings and their internal spaces are sufficiently identified to support emergency response and wayfinding. Signage is critical within these campuses. 6.10.4 Residential Occupancies Residential occupancies (apartments, condominiums, hotels, motels, etc.) are assigned subaddresses at the time of construction of the building in which they are located. It is unlikely that the arrangement or number of units will change after they are built. Proposed units or apartments must be clearly shown on building plans submitted for construction permits. The proposed unit layout is required for addresses to be assigned and will be required when a permit is requested for any interior space, floor, or suite. This includes any permits for renovation or reconfiguration of existing spaces so that existing subaddresses may be verified and corrected if necessary. Each building within a residential complex should have its own address, using the name of the internal street (whether public or private). Each unit should have its own unit number. Unit numbers should reflect the floor level as a part of the number. Units on the first floor should be numbered as 1xx, second floor as 2xx, etc. Basement level units should be numbered as XX. Interior hallway buildings should provide numbering that starts at one end of the hall, and continues, with even numbers on one side, and odd numbers on the opposite side. All floors should be numbered in the same way, starting at the same place. For buildings without an interior hall, unit numbers should be consecutive (101, 102, 103) and run from one end of the building to the other. All levels of a building should be addressed in the same way, and within a complex, to the degree possible, all numbering should be oriented the same way (with low numbers at the same end of each building, preferably at the end of the building closest to the front entrance to the complex). 39 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach An imaginary centerline can be used within a building to assist with determining the internal suite addressing scheme. This may be helpful in complex structures with multiple hallways and internal intersections. All rooms should be numbered, including rest rooms, utility closets, laundries, storage rooms, electrical closets, break rooms, etc. Figure14OccupancyAddressing 6.10.5 Non-Residential Occupancies The numbering of non-residential occupancies in structures such as office buildings, strip malls, shopping centers, schools, churches, and other large public or semi-public facilities can be challenging. The tenants in many non-residential settings are much less permanent than those in residential apartments, and the configuration of space on a floor of an office building, or in a strip mall, may change rather frequently. However, from the standpoint of emergency response, it is critical to uniquely identify every separate subaddress within these types of structures, and to provide clear guidance by consistent addressing practice. Proposed units or suites must be clearly shown on building plans submitted for construction permits. The final suite layout for an entire structure may not be known at the time a building or building shell permit is requested, particularly in structures such as office buildings and high-rise structures where suites are created as space is leased to tenants. However, the proposed suites must be shown for addresses to be assigned and will be required when a permit is requested for any interior space, floor, or suite. This includes any permits for renovation or reconfiguration of existing spaces so that existing subaddresses may be verified and corrected if necessary. When reviewing the plans for non-residential structures designed for multiple occupancies, the Addressing Coordinator shall work with the owner to determine the minimum size of a space that will be created for a tenant and identify the total number of spaces that could be created on each floor. Each floor must be addressed from the same starting point (usually the front of the structure or primary access stairwell) and shall have even numbers on the right side of the hall facing in the direction that the numbers increase, and odd numbers on the left side. It is preferable that the numbers increase in a clockwise direction. 40 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Each building within a non-residential complex should have its own address, using the name of the internal street (whether public or private). Each unit or interior space should have its own unit number. Unit numbers should reflect the floor level as a part of the number. Units on the first floor should be numbered as 1xx, second floor as 2xx, etc. Basement level units should be numbered as XX. An imaginary centerline can be used within a building to assist with determining the internal suite addressing scheme. This may be helpful in complex structures with multiple hallways and internal intersections. All rooms should be labeled, including rest rooms, utility closets, laundries, storage rooms, electrical closets, break rooms, etc. Figure15OccupancyAddressing 6.10.6 Subaddress Types The Subaddress Type is a word used to identify the type of space or location being addressed. These include building, unit, apartment, suite, space, pier/dock, floor, wing, stairwell, and other similar terms. In certain cases, a subaddress type is not used, such as for a mezzanine or penthouse. These terms are used in place of a letter or number in the subaddress identifier. The list of acceptable subaddress types within Delray Beach is below: 41 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Subaddress Type Abbreviation Apartment Apt Building Bldg Rear Rear Suite Ste Unit Unit The City of Delray Beach typically uses unit or apartment for residential subaddresses and unit or suite for non-residential subaddresses. Additional subaddress types may be used as warranted and per the PBC and FGDC Address Standards. 6.10.7 Subaddress Identifier The subaddress identifier is a number that uniquely identify a specific tenancy or space within a multi-tenant building or use. In Delray Beach, only numbers may be used as the subaddress identifier. In some cases, specific words are used, without a subaddress type, such as Mezzanine and Penthouse. Existing alphabetic or combination subaddresses may remain in use, although it is recommended that existing structures with mixed types of subaddress identifiers be changed as renovations or construction requiring permits occurs. 6.10.8 Basements, Mezzanines, and Penthouses Some buildings contain floors that are not identified by street numbers, such as basements, sub-basements, mezzanines, and penthouses. These can utilize a form of the subaddress that consists of only a subaddress identifier (e.g., 500 Boundary Street, Mezzanine). Basements that contain multiple rooms or occupancies shall be identified by a subaddress type and identifier for each space. 6.11 L ANDMARK ADDRESSES The FGDC Address Data Standard describes numerous classes of addresses. While ÑthoroughfareÒ, or street addresses, are the most common, many places within the community are identified by a name. While these locations may also have a thoroughfare address, it is important to many address consumers and users to be able to locate a feature, when the description does not include a street-type address. Emergency dispatchers often receive calls that cannot provide an address number or even a street name, and response may be delayed by this. Many emergency 42 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach dispatching systems maintain a Ñcommon placeÒ file listing these landmark type addresses, and their equivalent thoroughfare address. In order to provide support through a Master Address Repository for these, and other internal users, landmark addresses need to be recorded within the Repository, and linked to an appropriate thoroughfare address. Landmark class addresses as defined in the FGDC Standard include names of buildings, campuses, and other features that are locally identifiable by a name, such as a school, church, shopping center, apartment complex or office building. Many public buildings and places of assembly, such as arenas, theaters, museums, etc., also fall within this classification. Park features may also be included, such as picnic shelters, playgrounds, or other facilities. These names and their locations, and relationship to a thoroughfare address should be maintained in the Master Address Repository. 7 ADDRESS POSTING REQUIREMENTS The City of Delray Beach requires address numbers to be appropriately displayed for proper emergency response and service delivery. All properties must have adequate address signage prior to occupancy. 7.1 P ROPER DISPLAY OF ADDRESS NUMBERS The owners of all properties having a building thereon shall install and maintain in a conspicuous place a correct street number of sufficient size, shape, and character as to be visible and readable from the adjacent street. The owners of all properties where any building is subdivided into suites or bays, shall install and maintain in a conspicuous place, a correct suite or bay designation. The suite and bay designations shall be compliant with the Florida Fire Prevention Code, at a minimum, and of sufficient size, shape and character as to be visible and readable from the adjacent street. Street numbers and suite or bay designations not meeting the requirements of this section shall be removed by the owner of the property on which the numbers, and suites or bay designations are located, and the numbers or designations meeting the requirements of this section shall be posted, within 30 days after notice by certified or registered mail. 7.1.1 Interior Signage Directory signs indicating the suite or unit numbers for each floor and the direction from the elevator or access stairs shall be placed in all multi-tenant buildings on each floor. Suites and apartments shall have their numbers posted on or immediately above or to the side of the main door. Additionally, each building shall have a number prominently displayed, and there shall be a map, outdoors and near the entrance to every multi- 43 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach occupant complex showing the location of buildings, and the unit numbers located within the building. The Development Services Department must ensure that this signage is available at the time the first certificate of subaddress occupancy is issued for any building within the complex. 44 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach APPENDIX A: DEFINITIONS Address Number: The numeric identifier for a land parcel, house, building, utility infrastructure, or other location along a thoroughfare or within a community. This is an integer. Address Number Prefix: The portion of the Complete Address Number which precedes the Address Number itself. This element is not commonly used. Address Number Suffix: The portion of the Complete Address Number which follows the Address Number itself; typically, a fraction or letter. Alley: A service road that runs between, and generally parallel to, two streets. An alley is often narrower than a public street and is not intended for heavy traffic. Block: T he extent of a single street segment between its intersection with other streets, excluding alleys. Common Driveway: A private thoroughfare that provides access to a limited number of structures or properties and is owned and maintained by the property owner(s). Complete Address Number: An Address Number, alone or with an Address Number Prefix and/or Address Number Suffix, that identifies a location along a thoroughfare or within a community. Directional: A word preceding or following the Street Name that indicates the direction or position of the thoroughfare relative to an arbitrary starting point or line, or the sector where it is located. Driveway: A thoroughfare that provides access to a single structure, owned and maintained for access to that specific structure. Internal Access thoroughfare: A travel way or drive aisle, typically within shopping centers, apartment complexes, and other similar development patterns, deemed necessary to name by the Address Coordinator for public safety purposes. The City has no ownership interest or maintenance responsibility for these streets. Interstate: A restricted access thoroughfare with on and off ramps that connects multiple states. Major Highway: A main thoroughfare, especially one connecting towns or cities; highways generally allow for normal side road entry and they have regular stop lights. Modifier: A word or phrase in a Complete Street Name that precedes or follows and modifies the Street Name, but is separated from it by a Street Name Pre- or Post- Type or a Street Name Pre- or Post- Directional or both. 45 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach Private thoroughfare: A thoroughfare that is owned and maintained by a private owner or group of owners with or without limitations on use. Public thoroughfare: A thoroughfare that is owned and maintained by a governmental agency with right of passage to all. Roundabout or Traffic Circle: A circular intersection where drivers enter the intersection, travel counterclockwise around a center island, and exit at their desired thoroughfare. Street: A type of thoroughfare, usually a paved or unpaved travel way that provides access via motor vehicles, bicycles, and/or pedestrians to one or more properties or locations. Street type: A word or phrase that precedes or follows the Street Name and identifies a type of thoroughfare in a complete Street Name. Subaddress: The portion of the address that uniquely identifies a portion of a complex of buildings, or a separate occupied area or tenancy within a building or structure. A subaddress is formatted as a Subaddress Type, such as unit, apartment, suite, etc., and a Subaddress Identifier, such as 101. Subaddress Identifier: The letters, numbers, words or combination thereof used to distinguish different subaddresses of the same type when several occur within the same feature. Other common names for the identifier are Building ID, Floor ID, Apartment Number, Suite Number; Secondary unit indicator (USPS), secondary number (USPS), secondary range (USPS) Subaddress Type: The type of subaddress to which the associated Subaddress Identifier applies. Common examples include Unit, Suite, Apartment, Building, Floor, Lot, Space, Berth. Thoroughfare: A street, walkway, stairway, waterway, or other travel way that provides access to one or more properties or locations Walkway: A narrow linear travel way designed for pedestrian movement. May be separated from a street or run parallel to it (often defined as a sidewalk). May be paved or unpaved. Provides access to one or more properties or locations. 46 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach APPENDIX B: ACRONYM GUIDE ARS Address Reference System ATC Addressing Technical Committee FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee GISGeographic Information Systems PBCPalm Beach County USPS United States Postal Service 47 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach APPENDIX C: PROHIBITIONS Street Naming Rules A driveway serving a single-family residence or single non-residential building shall not be given a street name. A parking lot which is open and visible from a public or private street shall not be given a street name (if the parking lot includes internal access streets serving out parcels, the internal access street shall be named). The ownership of the right-of-way or land on which the street is constructed (public or private) does not change the naming requirement. All new street names shall have one of the approved street name types listed in Section 5.5.1 (or 4.5.1). The City of Delray Beach recognizes street name post types only. No pre-types are allowed except for those associated with state and federal route numbers (e.g., U.S. 1, I-95). Street names that contain street type words (e.g., Johnson Court Drive or Lake Cove Trail) are not allowed; however existing street names using this convention may remain. ÑCourtÒ should not be used for a street that is expected to be extended and connected with other streets in the future. Directional suffixes (e.g., Main Street South) are not allowed. There are a small number of existing streets with directional suffixes, and these will remain in use. Continuously named streets may not cross themselves or loop back to create an intersection where both intersecting streets have the same name. If a roundabout or traffic circle is utilized, no name shall be assigned. It shall be considered a portion of the highest-classification street passing through it. When addressable features are placed in or on the traffic circle, they shall be addressed using the name of the highest-classification street passing through it. Street Name Requirements 1. Street names shall not contain more than 30 characters, including the directional (if any). 2. No street name shall have less than 3 characters. Existing streets that consist of less than 3 characters may remain. 3. Street names shall not contain punctuation or special characters including apostrophes, commas, hyphens, periods, or other similar characters. 4. Street names shall not exceed two words, excluding the directional and street type. 5. Street names shall not contain directional words or street type words. Existing streets that consist of these words may remain. 6. New street names shall not duplicate any existing street name in the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, or any other municipality within Palm Beach 48 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach County. The street name, for purposes of evaluating whether a duplicate exists, does not include the street type. For example, Aspen Lane and Aspen Drive are duplicates under this definition. North Main Street and South Main Street are considered a single road with directionals. Names that are merely minor spelling variations of the same word are also prohibited, such as ÑAshleyÒ and ÑAshleeÒ. 7. New street names that sound like an existing street name, or another proposed name, or that create difficulties in pronunciation are prohibited. For example, Bear Street and Bare Street are duplicates under this definition. 8. No street name shall be allowed that is a brand name for a company or specific product or fictional character. 9. Street names that are deemed offensive, obscene, lewd, profane, offensive, or derogatory of any class, race, religion, ethnic group, gender, age, or other group are prohibited. An obscene term is a word or phrase that refers to or describes sexual conduct as defined by Florida State Statutes chapter 847. 10. The use of a personÔs name for a street is permitted only if the person has been deceased for a minimum of 5 years, and shall have been a person of local historical, cultural, or social importance, and made significant contributions to the City of Delray Beach, State of Florida, or the United States. Such names should preferably not include titles (Dr., Mr., Ms., etc.), or middle initials. Biographical information must be submitted in support of such naming. When naming a street for an individual, consideration should be given to putting the name on a major thoroughfare. 11. Street names shall not contain numerals. For example, Second Street is not ndnd permitted to be named as Ñ2 StreetÒ, where the official name is Ñ2Ò. Address Numbering Rules Small garden sheds adjacent to private residences, playhouses in private residential areas, or similar facilities of less than 100 square feet (approximately 10 feet by 10 feet) shall not require a separate address, unless that building requires an address by reason of having either a separate electrical or telephone service. Address numbers shall be assigned as whole Arabic numerals. No decimals or alpha characters are permitted. No new alphabetic address number suffixes or fractions will be assigned except for buildings in existing areas where there are no available numbers, in which case an alphabetic character shall be used as a suffix. Existing historic fractions or alphabetic address number suffixes will be permitted to continue to exist, but no new such suffixes will be assigned. Loop road numbering shall start at the low number end of the street that the loop intersects and shall end at the high number end. The parity shall not change along the length of the loop even though this creates the appearance of an incorrect parity at the high number end of the road. 49 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach A small non-habitable structure, such as a garage, storage shed, playhouse, gazebo, etc., shall not be provided with a separate address or a subaddress, unless it has separate power or telephone service. A single parking lot that is accessed by a driveway or multiple driveways from the fronting public or private streets shall not be considered an internal street. A driveway serving a single-family residence or single non-residential building shall not be given a street name. A parking lot which is open and visible from a public or private street shall not be given a street name (if the parking lot includes internal access streets serving out parcels, the internal access street shall be named). In some instances, it may be difficult to determine whether to assign an address number or a subaddress. In no case should an address number suffix be permitted unless all of the numbers within a given range have been used, and no other option is available, and the proposed feature that requires an address is not a part of any other structure or feature found on the property at that location. Address number prefixes are prohibited. 50 9/26/2022DRAFT Addressing and Street Naming Manual Guidelines and Procedures for the City of Delray Beach APPENDIX D: ADDRESSING AND STREET NAMING MANUAL REVISIONS The City of Delray Beach adopted the Addressing and Street Naming Manual on October 25, 2022 by Resolution No. 171-22. The Manual may be revised, as deemed necessary, and readopted by the City Commission through a new resolution. Each approved revision will be documented in Table A - Addressing and Street Naming Manual Revisions. Table A - Addressing and Street Naming Manual Revisions Revision Date Resolution Revision Description Number ApprovedNo. 1.0 51 9/26/2022DRAFT