Grant Administration (BF-24, Rev. 2)C ITY O F DELRA Y BEA C H A DM IN ISTRA TIVE PO LI C IES AND PRO C EDURES DEPARTMENT:Finance POLICY NUMBER:BF-24 SUBJECT:Grant Administration Policy and Procedure SUPERSEDES:BF -24,Rev.1 REVISION:EFFECTIVE DATE:Io/703/ APPROVED BY:e,ICMA-CM,City Manager,City Manager PURPOSE The purpose of this directive is to establish departmental guidelines for new Federal,State and Local Grant Applications;Grant Agreements;and,to define the responsibilities of Grant Administration.This policy and procedure does not apply to yearly reoccurring City Grants,(i.e.,Community Development Block Grant,State Housing Initiative Partnership Grant). POLICY BF-24,1 OBJECTIVE; To coordinate and streamline the administrative efforts of City Departments during the overall grant process. BF-24,2 POLICY A.Grant Applications a.Identification of Grant Opportunities: i.City Departments are encouraged to explore funding opportunities that are compatible with the mission and strategic plan of the City of Delray Beach,and meet the objectives and funding needs of the department. ii.City Departments are authorized to identify and pursue grant opportunities preparing written or on-line grant applications for new grant funding for programs that are under their jurisdiction.Further,City Departments are authorized to execute the grant application or submit the online grant application to the grantor except for grants that commit the City to multi-year funding which requires City Commission approval. iii.The City may contract with certain consultants that will be authorized to identify and pursue grant opportunities for City Departments;however,these consultants are not authorized to execute grant applications or submit the grant application to a grantor without the City Manager's approval. Grant Administration Policy and Procedure BF-24 Page 2 of 8 authorized to execute grant applications or submit the grant application to a grantor without the City Commission approval. b.Approval for Grant Applications; i.All grant applications must be approved by the City commission. ii.The initiating Department shall prepare a Consent Agenda Request to the City Manager.The Agenda Request should include: 1.A description of the grant request 2.Any required Local Cash Match or In -Kind Match 3.Any other special conditions 4.The unsigned Grant Application form iii.The Consent Agenda Request with supporting documents is to be submitted through the departments designated Approver via Novus Agenda. iv.The Budget Office is notified of the Consent Agenda Request needing budgetary approval through Novus Agenda and will review the request for the following: 1.Local Cash Match (if applicable)-Determine if the City has available funds to satisfy the local cash match and shall identify the type /source of the cash match and denote it on the Consent Agenda Request form for Commission approval. 2.If the Grant is Reimbursable -Determine if the city has available funds to upfront the grant expenditure(s)until the grant funding is reimbursed. Once reviewed,the Budget Office shall approve /deny the request item via Novus Agenda. v.The City Manager shall review and approve (if satisfactory or return it to the initiating Department)the Consent Agenda Request and,shall forward approved documents to the City Clerk for placement on the Commission agenda. c.Em erg e ncy.Exce pti o n(s);In the event of an em ergency (exam ple:If the grant ap plicatio n dead line cannot be m et due to a C o m m ission m eeting date conflict,etc.),a grant C o nsent Agenda R equest and supporting do cum entation,requiring the City C o m m issio n ap proval,m ay be su bm itt ed directly to the C ity M anager for approval to execute the w ritt en or on -line grant ap plication in-advance;and,to subm it the grant ap p licatio n to the grant agency.IM PO RTA N T;The initiating Depart m ent is responsible for placing the item on the first su b sequent Com m ission m eeting for approval. IF TH E GRA N T A P P LI CA T IO N HA S B E EN AP PRO V ED BY TH E C ITY C O M M IS SIO N,THE GRA NT A G R E E M E N T ,IF R E C EIV E D ,W IL L B E HA ND L E D AS FO LLO W S: •G rant A g reem ents a.Exc e pt io ns -A grant agreement /contract does nQt rea uire the City Commission approval under either of the following conditions: Grant Administration Policy and Procedure BF-24 Page 3 of 8 i.The grant application was previously approved by the City Comm ission;and the scope of the application did not change significantly. ii.The Local Cash Match or the In -Kind M atch did not change fro m the previously approved grant application. b.Initiating Department I.Shall subm it the unsigned grant agreement to the City Attorney for legal suffi ciency review /approval (if required}before the grant agreement is executed. II.Shall submit a written request to the City Clerk to coordinate the execution/signature pro cess for the grant agreement in accordance with the grant agency instructions.The Initiating Department shall attach the original unsigned grant agreem ent.The City Clerk is responsible for submitting the partially executed grant agreem ent to the granter for signature. Ill.Upon receipt of the fully executed grant agreement from the granter,the initiating departm ent is responsible for distributing the fully executed grant agreem ent as follows: 1.Receipt via Mail- a.Subm it the original fully executed Grant Agreement to the City Clerk. b.Retain a copy:in the departm ental grant file 2.Receipt via Internet - a.Print a copy of the Grant Agreem ent and submit the printed copy of the on line fully executed Grant Award,Grant Agreem ent,and/or Grant Award documents to the City Clerk. b.Retain a printed copy of the entire grant award package in the c.City Clerk -Shall retain the original fully executed Grant Agreement in the City Clerk's Office and shall subm it copies to: i.The initiating departm ent ii.The Finance Department to be kept in the Grant file. BE-24,3 FINANCE I ACCOUNTING A.Grant Fund-to be established in such a manner as to be easily identifiable within the City's Financial System .The following procedure applies when the grant is awarded: a.The Finance Departm ent shall establish and or assign a grant revenue account number and a grant Grant Administration Policy and Procedure BF-24 Page 4 of 8 expenditure account number in accordance with the grant requirements.The administering Department shall be notified. b.The Finance Department shall assign a specific project number to a grant in the Project Master file to track the grant activity and will notify the administering Department of the project number. c.The Finance Department shall establish the grant budget by processing a budget transfer to budget the grant revenue and the grant expenditure only if the grant budget was not already included during the Budget Process.Copies of the Budget Transfer form shall be retained as follows: i.Original within the Budget Office ii.Copy with the Finance department's grant file iii.Copy with the administering Department's grant file B.Receipts&.Expenditures.-will be maintained in accordance with Federal,State,and Local guidelines /laws applicable to the agreement as well as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. C.Monitoring-The finance department shall be responsible for the financial aspects of the grant award and will monitor the grant agreement and the grant reporting (Exceptions where the Department will submit their own reporting must be established at the commencement of a new grant).The Finance Department shall also provide technical assistance to the administering department as needed. a.Grant Reports-The Finance Department is responsible for preparing the financial reports and submitting the financial reports to the grantor by the designated due dates as set forth in the grant agreement.{In Instances where the Department is responsible for preparing /submitting their own,the Department must submit a copy of the financial report(s)to the Finance Department for auditing purposes). i.A copy of the grant report(s)shall be maintained in the Finance Department ii.A copy of the grant report(s)shall be submitted to the administering Departments b.Reimbursement Requests.-The Finance Department will prepare the required grant reimbursement request documents to receive reimbursement from the grantor in accordance with the grant agreement and or the grant award document.(In instances where the Department is responsible for preparing their own grant reimbursement request,the Department must submit copies of the entire grant reimbursement request package to the Finance Department far auditing purposes). i.Copies of the entire grant reimbursement request package shall be retained in the Finance Department's Grant file ii.Copies of the entire grant reimbursement request package shall be submittedto the administering Department. Grant Administration Policy and Procedure BF-24 Page 5 of 8 c.Draw down Requests-T he Finance D epart m ent is responsible for draw ing dow n gra nt funds in a tim e ly m anner fo r reim bursable grant funds in accordance w ith the gra nt aw ard and or the grant agreem ent. d.Receipt of Grant.Revenue-T he Finance D epart m ent shall receipt in all grant revenue checks to the appro priate grant revenue account and shall record grant revenue that is electronically w ired into the City's m aster treasury accounts. i.A copy of the m iscellaneous cash receipt (M C R )or the transm ittal rem itt anceadvice shall be retained in the Finance Departm ent's G rant file ii.A copy of the m iscellaneous cash receipt (M C R)or the transm ittal rem itt anceadvice shall be subm itt ed to the adm inistering D epartm ent. e.Close-Out Reports-The Finance D epart m e nt shall w ork in conjunction w ith the adm iniste ring D e part m ent to prepare the necessary close -out reports and /or final docum e nts to officially close out a grant project. f.Grant Roll Forward Balances.-The Finance Departm ent is responsible for bringing fort h the grant rem aining balance(s)fro m a prior year into the current fiscal yearin accordance w ith the Budget T ransfer Policy. g.Audit-U pon request by M anagem ent,the Finance D epart m ent shall perform an audit of the grant aw ard in accordance w ith the established grant aw ard and /or the grant agreem e nt. BE 24.4 ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT T he adm iniste ring de part m e nt that initiates the grant application and receives the actual grant aw ard is ultim ate ly responsible for adm inistering the grant and the grant activities in accordance w ith the approved grant budget,established grant guidelines and term s and conditions of the grant aw ard and or grant agreem e nt.The adm inistering departm ent m ust ad here to Fede ral,State,and Loca l guidelines /laws applica ble to the grant as well as C ity Purchasing Policies and Proced ures. Grant Administration Policy and Procedure BF-24 Page 6 of 8 A G rant Reports-The adm inistering Department is responsible for preparing and submitting the required statistical reports,pro gramm atic reports,pro gress reports,and status reports (if applicable)to the grantor in accordance with the grant award and or the grant agreement. a.A copy of the report shall be retained in the administering Department's grant file. b.A copy of the report shall be subm itted to the Finance Department B Bu dget .M odificat ions!and Grant .Exte nsi on(sl -Requests for budget modifications and requests to ext end the grant period shall be prepared by the administering Department a.A copy of the approved request(s)shall be maintained by the administering Departm ent b.A copy of the appro ved request(s)shall.be submitted to Finance C.O n site Monito ring Vi sit-If an administering Departm ent receives an on -site monitoring visit from an outside grant agency (federal,State or Local)and receives a written report from the grant agency regarding the visit,the administering department is responsible for distributing the agency written report as follows: a.The original report shall be retained in the administering department's grant file. b.A copy of the report shall be submitted to the Finance Department for audit purposes. c.A copy of the administering Departm ent's written response to the grant agency's monitoring report shall be retained in the administering Department's grant file;and, a copy shall be subm itted to the Finance Departm ent for audit purposes. D.Ejsca l(e ar Grant Budgeting-The administering Department is responsible for entering the grant revenue budget,grant expenditure budget and the required local cash match (if applicable) during the budget process when any of the following conditions occur: a.A grant applica tion was subm itted to a grant agency during the current fiscal year; however,the grant will be awarded and expended in the next fiscal year. b.A grant was awarded during the current fiscal year,however,the grant expenditure(s) will be expended in the next fiscal year. Grant Administration Policy and Procedure BF-24 Page 7 of 8 c.The City has received a written letter of com mitment from a grant agency to fund a project in the next fiscal year. BF 24.S5 ANNUAL EXTERNAL AUDITS; Audit of all grant funds (Federal,State and Local)will be conducted in accordance with the grantagreem ent and the appro priate laws. A Federal Single Audit Act-All non -Federal entities that expend$500,000 or more of Federalawards in a year are required to obtain an annual audit in accordance with the O ffi ce of Managem ent and Budget,Circular A-133. B.Elorida State Single Audit Act-Any non -State entity that expends $500,000 or more of State financial assistance in a year is req uired to have a state single audit,Florida Statue 215.97. BF-24.6 TERM DEFINITIONS: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)-The City of Delray Beach,City Manager Closeout -A grant activity involving review of all documentation,financial records and reports in conjunction with final submission of all necessary reports to the granting agency. A grant is not officially closed until a formal letter stating that closeout has occurred has been received. Governing Body -The City of Delray Beach,City Commission Grant-A paym ent in cash or in -kind made to pro vide assistance for a specified purpose, the acceptance of which creates a legal duty on the part of the grantee to use the funds or pro perty made available in accordance with the conditions of the grant. Grant Agreement -A legally binding contract betw een the City of Delray Beach and the Grantor that clearly outlines the purpose and the terms and conditions and /or requirements of the grant. Grant Application -A required written or internet-based document or form that is com pletedto request grant funding. Grant Administration Policy and Procedure BF-24 Page 8 of 8 Grant Award -A fo rm al or info rm al w ritt en or intern et-based notification fro m a granter thatofficially aw ards a grant to a gra ntee Grant Close -out Report-A grant docum ent(s)that is required by the granter (if applicable) that is specified in the grant agreem ent to off icially closeout a gra nt aw ard Grant Dradon -A n intern et-based pro cedure to request advance or reim bursable grant funds fro m a grant age ncy.T he grant funds are electro nically wired into the C ity's m aster treasury account. Grant Report -A re typically program m atic report s (via tele phone,written fo rm /docum ent e-m ail or intern et based)or financial (fiscal)reporting (via written form /docum ent or intern et based)that provide inform ation regarding the status of a grant aw ard.These reports are norm ally required by a granter and the instructions for each are stipulated in the grant aw ard and /or the grant agreem e nt w hen applicable . Grant Signature Authority -T he M ayor and the City M anager possess the legal authority to off icially execute a grant application and to execute a grant agreem ent and /or grant aw ard do cum e nt(s).T he grant application and the grant agreem e nt w ill cl early specify w hich offi cial is authorized to execute the grant docum ent(s). Grantee -T he offi cia l recipie nt of the grant.For purposes of this policy and procedure,the te rm "G rantee"is the City of D elray Beach.T he City of D elray Beach is a m unicipal form of govern m e nt or m unicipality and is identified by a specific em ployer Tax Identification N um ber.T he C ity of D elray Beach is not a 501 (c)not fo r pro fit agency. Grantor -T he official nam e of an individual,organization,fo undation,govern m ent or agency that is aw arding the grant Head of the Governing Body -T he C ity of D elray Beach,M ayor Matching Funds -G e nerally used to refer to a statutorily specified percentage of program or project costs that m ust be contributed by another source or sources in order to be eligible fo r funding from the granter. Source Documentation -T he original records that back up general ledger reports such as cancelled checks,paid bills,payro ll and attendance records,contract and sub -grant aw ard do cum e nts,etc.