G-540(21-64)? AN oF CI Z cotmeI . OF
A~ PRO~DI~ ~R ~ ~~ T~O~,
~~S, ~OR R. A~ARO, F~ H. ~R and ~0~ L.
~NtLTON are ~e lee simple o~ers oi the pro~rty hereina~ter de-
scribed, and
~~S, ~R R. A~ARO, F~ H. ~R and &O~ L.
~NILTON, by t~ir Petition, have consent~ and ~iven
[or ~e a~exation o~ said pro~rty by the City o~ ~lray Beach,
~S, ~e City of Delray Beach has heretolore ~en
authorized to an~x lands in accordan~ ~ith Section 185.1 o[ the
City Charter off said City 9ranted to it by the State of Plor[da~
N~, T~~, BE IT O~I~D BY ~ C~Y
SECTIO~ 1. ~at the City Council o[ t~ City off ~lray
Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes
~ollo~in9 descried tract o[ land located in Palm Beach County.
Florida, ~ich lies contiguous to said City, to-~it~
~at tract off land tn Section 21,
46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County,
Florida, descried as follows:
~at part of the South 100 ~eet oE ~e North
1040 [eet off Government Lot 4 ~h[ch lies East
Of state Road A1A, Section 21, To. ship 46
South, ~nge 43 East~ otherwise descried
All that part o[ the ~orth 100 feet of the
South 1100 fleet of the ~orth 4680 feet
Section 21. To. ship 46 South, Range 43 East,
which part is bounded on the West by the
Easterly ~undary line of the r$ght-off-~ay
State Road No. A1A (ffo~erly State Road ~o.
140) and on ~e East by the Waters o[ the
Atlantic Ocean, together ~ith ~ittoral
on the Atlantic Ocean.
~E~I0~ 2, ~at the ~undaries of the City of ~lray
Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include therein the
above described tract off land, and said land is hereby declared
ho be within the corpora~ limits of ~e City of Delray Beach,
Page 2. Ordinance No. G-540.
~ That the tract of land h~=einabove de-
scribed is hereby declared to be in z0hfng DiStrict "R-3",~s
defined by existing ordinances of the City of Delray Beach,
SECTIO. N4. That the lands hereinabove described shall
immediately become subject to all of the franchises, privileges,
immunities, debts (except the existing bonded indebtedness), ob-
ligations, liabilities, ordinances and laws to which lands in
the City of Delray Beach are now or may be, and persons residing
thereon shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach.
~c~ION ~.. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence
or part of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court of
competent jurisdiction, such record of il.legality shall in no way
affect the remaining portion.
Passed in regular session on the second and final read-
ing on the day of , 1964.
City Clerk
Second Reading