NOCState of Inswment Prcpamd By: , JaOTICY OF COMMKNCF.MEN'r CFN 2Q,240102103 OR BK 34910 PG 1506 RECORDED 3/26/2024 11:28 AM Palm Beach County, Florida Joseph Abruzzo, Clerk Peas 1506-1506; (lpgs) Theondruignd M'rcbygivrt nudes that imlm'vemcnt will be made u, rennin real pn pcny, and in aereadmwe with I.luPter 713. Florida Statutes, the 6dhtwing Inonnatiwt is provided is, this NafacufcommencanenL I.DFSCRIPnoN OF PISOPF.RTV(I<galdacriptimtoftheno(xny&sM•rl addn,s ifavailshlc)TAX FOLIONO(PCNI•: e~~~~~_ Y - •© Legal Descrlptten Loin \3 t t3 nrV 7 ) t+9t=s+-\e. Q.Pr.ara\a 'n'Q pT s1 w -quSPAS 4\a!_ co\t._3.2i Q ~e(s~_.iat-t¼.ot_oSr Qub\c_cew(ds_o--c rvc6eo&._CawM1c%. 3. CF.NP.RAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: __QW~~gp\O(fpPlyi~_ 3. OWNER INFORMA'T'ION OR LESSEE INFORMATION IPT11E LESS \ EEC 1 ONTRAcTED FOR TIlE LMi'ROOVEMENT: au 4s. Name nndaddrexs: \S \c e. ~p A~\rCss— Sl \5oyeGMR—C^x.C\a_.~ ~.L\Ccv.`~IA$&'a.L a }T .s _. b. Interest In propcaty: tkil&oit l c. Nameandaddrrns nffoesin lctiddaddcr Ifdillcronl loot Owner limvi ahnm): ,h7, s - 4. a. CONTRACTOR'S NAME: Brad's Roofing Co., Inc Conlroa,ar'saddress: 380 SE 2nd Ave. Delray Beach, FL 33483 1, 1'liona,tnvdtar. 561.274-3920:- S. SOREIV(ifapplicshlo,a copy o(ine payment bond Is attached): a. AnMnn ofbmd:_-___—_ Is: Platte number. C. Nana and addicts: A. a. I.RNDER'S NAME: L'nder'a address: b. Phone number: 7. Perrone within the State of I'Imida dcsignstcd by Owner spun wham nmica rr other duuunmtt sty be servo) us pmvidd by Scctlun 713.13(11(a)7.. Phaida Slautes: a. Name and address: Is. Phone numbers 9fdmigaatd persons: S. a. In addition to himeelfar herself. Ownerdesignatcs ,____,of__, _-__--._ _to receive a copy oftbc liener'sNoticc as provided in S,x,ian 713.13(1) @I, Florida Rlmntor. h. Phone number ofpason oremity designated by Owner.__„-_-, 9. Expiration date ofnatiee nfeomrnencrmenl(dal capimsian dale will he l year from the dale ofnxmNing unless a diRbrent date is sryxifol):.__ ._. ;20 _- wA~INCSu rn wltua rxus_ JiAg srrruaN71 ~pwUfiR iDA f JPEXPIRAB4HOF'(R}N,l JJ v031 PC„flMMfT y.MP.NisJ RR,CON1i 16'T$.To)lVolts 2EPPE Tt ANo-ncRo rvo; w:Nr_e r i TMJJ 7n,g.ORDW2 NTA.UOTS,oralll &FJ.cul.'r IN YOt1RpAvlt,!ri_'IgIuF Ffl31ML9v1:MFNTEOI 1'tntN P.99PFRl'4 n0NSaQLT Fr10MMRNrEMrNRSELM( TT000RpFi>,Npi•Q I ON jN WVls Srt;3JtRCQJ3'.B~s Qv n0 PiC EfIDN II'1d2RINJtM7 l'n 111O'ALV r1N~*1C,I,yy,C9NS4t)=WJI71-YO~ItI+_[?EPztgA~7T0anr~ pEfQRF,S2a7MkHflNsi xnRE OgJSE[gN!(KCt.Y44LRaY9l10E RP~L161M}:y[EMP(L N1t AyNQV a ~ (Print Name and Provide Signalo 's Title/Orftce) u (Signaturo Owner err i.uvq or vnePr or Levee's Authorized OrtIcerlDIrecittrfl'ortner/Mniaaei') t t-c/C'I~IX L'(J Connly of? ~'&R S' The fmcgoing inalmmamt wae acknowidgcd before me by '' m // cans 9f,Qphysical presence or Qonuncnumrbcatiem, Ihis__'4 day uf ___, 20 2 `f~ as by (name ufpenan) for Inamcmfpanyon bchaliafwlicm inatrumcntwascxecutrd) (type ofnullturny...cg. amcer.lrvatee. attetney lit rote,) Prommlly %nuwn 0 or Produced idcnliliulion_O. lypr ofldcnlillcsliun l'rdu d„_,_„ $.Fr'sy,,, ?ANA TAIN Ø Namrym isslen 5mteoi0lor, der Comm.IJIP g RN 410096 ?yrmam. Nation) No 7.7077 BMded threuyt National Naury Mn I hereby eenify the foregoing is a Iron copy of the record in my otlice with redactions, if any an required by law as of this day, 03/26/2024. Joseph Abnsno, Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller Palm Beach County, Florida By: Deputy Clerk u ry utm) (PrimTpc. orSo4p Convninaie9XNamc ofNatary Public) Itev.OI.1542 I