RM-8, Rev. 3 Transportation to Medical Facilities for Ill or Injured EmployeesC ITY O F D ELRA Y BEA C H A D M IN ISTRA TIV E PO LI C IES AN D PRO C EDU RES DEPARTMENT: SUBJECT: REVISION: APPROVED BY: PURPOSE Risk Management Transportation to Medical Facilities for Injured/Ill E lo ee POLICY NUMBER:RM-8 SUPERSEDES:RM-8,Rev.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: Terrence R.Moore,ICMA-CM This policy establishes a procedure for the transportation to a medical facility for employees who are injured or become ill on the job. POLICY Employees who are injured or become ill on the job,and who need non-emergency medical treatment, may drive their own vehicle if considered able by their supervisor. If a supervisor questions the ability of the injured employee to safely operate a vehicle,the supervisor should: 1.Non-Emergency Medical Treatment:Drive the ill or injured employee to Concentra (not the Wellness Center)for medical treatment.If the supervisor is unavailable or unable to drive the ill or injured employee,the next person in charge may do so. 2.If applicable,the employee will be reimbursed for mileage in accordance with policy GA-27,Travel Expense and Reconciliation,for the use of their vehicle. 3.Emergency Medical Treatment:If emergency medical treatment is required,call 911.Fire Rescue will determine if emergency transport to a hospital is required.