RM-14, Rev. 2 First Aid Supplies and Distribution of MedicationCITY O F D E LRA Y BEA C H A D M IN IS TR ATIV E PO LIC IE S AND PRO C E DU RES DEPARTMENT: SUBJECT: REVISION: APPROVED BY: PURPOSE Risk Management First-Aid Supplies and Distribution of ication POLICY NUMBER:RM-14 SUPERSEDES:RM-14,Rev.1 EFFECTIVE DATE: Terrence R.Moore,ICMA-CM The purpose of this policy is to establish effective procedures for the maintenance of and/or treatment with first-aid supplies and the distribution of medications by City Departments.The intent of this policy is to protect City employees from potential medical complications resulting from treatment with these supplies or from distribution of medications. POLICY First-Aid Supplies First-aid supplies and related first-aid treatment provided by Departments must be "basic".First Aid Kits are to be supplied by the City.As such,each department must budget accordingly.First Aid Kits are to be stocked only with the following supplies: •Disposable protective latex gloves •Protective goggles •Antiseptic "wash"(peroxide) ·First-aid ointment •Gauze (individually packaged) •Adhesive bandages •Cold compresses (chemical reaction -disposable type) •Sunscreen These supplies and related treatments are intended to provide basic first-aid care for "minor"injuries such as cuts,abrasions,burns and related swelling,etc.In more severe cases,professional medical attention should be obtained from a medical facility,the City's paramedics,or the injured employee's personal physician.All on-the-job injuries must be reported to the employee's immediate supervisor and Risk Management. Distribution of Medication No medications of any type,including over-the-counter medications (i.e.,aspirin,aspirin substitutes, allergy medicine,cough medicine,antacids,or nasal decongestants,etc.)are to be stored in a department's first-aid kits or dispensed by a department.