G-494(17-63) 0ROIN~CF~ ~0. ~-494 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELP~Y BE~CH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 2?'3 OF T~ CODE OF ORDINANCES 0F DE~Y BE~CH, ~VISING AND FIXING ~TES FOR WATER SERVICES F~IS~D T0 CONS~RS WITHIN A~D ~TH0~ T~ CORPO~TE LI~TS 0F DEL~Y BEACH. ~RE.~S~ ~ue to the g~owth of the City bf Delsey Beach, it is necessary to ~ke i~p~ovements to the City Wate~ Plant, anO other water facilities operate~ by the City, ~n~ ~RE~S, the income ~erive~ F~om existing rates charged for wate~ furnishe~ are insufficient to p~ovide funSs (1) to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing an0 operating the water plant and water facilities, an~ to p~oviSe reserves therefor, an8 for placements and 8ep~eciation and necessary extensions an8 enlarge- ments; (2) to pay~ ~he p~incipal an8 interest on all outstanSing ~evenue bonds an~/oz certificates payable therefrom, ~s the same shall become Sue an~ p~ovi~e reserves therefor; end (~) to p~oviSe a ~argin of s~fety For ~aking s~ch payments ~n8 p~oviSlng such ~e- NOW, T~REFORE, BE IT 0R~INED by the City Co~ctl of the City of Del~ay Beach, Florida, as follows: SECTION 1. That SeCtion 27-~ of "~e CaSe of O~dinances of Delray Beach, FloriSa" be~ and the sa~e is hereby amended to read as follows: (a~ That the rates for Water Furnished b~ the water fac- ilities or plant Of the City of De~ay Beach, Florida,' to consumers within the corporate limits of said city be, and the same are here- by fixed as shown upon the following schedule: C ONS~PT I ON .... 1~" ~!000 Gals~.) ....... 3~'. ~e~r_ 1" Meter _w Meter Meter 0 - 5 Min. ~'.'.;3.00 Min. ~;~,3.75 Min. ~6.00 ~.~n. ~7. .00 5 - lO .25 .25 Min. 6.00 Min. 7.00 All above 10 .25 .25 .25 .25 (b) That the rates for water furnished by the water fac- ilities or plant of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to consumers wholly outside the corporate limits of said city be, and the same are hereby fixed at sums equal to the rates sho~ in the schedule set forth in sub-paragraph (a) hereinabove plus twenty-five (25) per cent of each respective classification. PzlSSED in Regular Session on the second and final reading on this the _ 2_2~d day of ~, 1963. ATTEST: First R e a ding_ _.J_u:ly..8j_ Second Re a d ing_~u~l_y_ This is a copy of the first publication of your/ ~-- le ~gal a,dver- // tisem,ent which ran in the News-Journal on I~ there are any CO~Tections please~indidate, on the margin and return to u~at o~ee in time for the next publica- tion on ~2,~ /~ ". 196'~ This public:~tion is scheduled~o- run _ ~ ~ times the total cost of which will be ___~ Affidavit will be ma~led to you immediately following the last publication. THE DELRAY BEACH NEWS-JOURNAL P. O. Box 737 DELRAY BEACH, FLA.