Res. No. 162-24 (Recorded)CFN 20240301877 OR BK 35240 PG 1795 RECORDED 8/29/2024 4:16 PM Palm Beach County, Florida Joseph Abruzzo, Clerk Pgs: 1795 - 1800; (6pgs) RLSOL1, 11{)'N' 'NO, 162-24 A RP: 0 I"FION OF T11F, CITY COMMISSION OF, TI-i[= C]TY OF D I_lZAY 13FACH. ITORIDA.:APPROA'iNG A CONDITIONAL, I,,SF TO A1.1.O FRF-�F_- S FANTJING %1t'I. 1-IPLF'-FA%-111-Y 110USING IN THE C;EN R AL COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT, AP RO-VING .'1 WAIVER RLQ1.'ES 1 I_() SEC VION -4.6.9(1))(6)(d) 01= Tf IF LAND DLVI LOP'11FNIT R1 JUL:A`1 IONS FOR :A 2-2-FOOT WIDE DR]VF AISLE: APPROVING A i'vAIVLR REQ1.`FST 1'0 SI C'F1{)N 4._1.1(0)(4)(b) OF -l'FiF LAND FOR .A 1,[}tA`NHOL;SE-TYPL. RLSIDENTI.AL BUILDING kVITH AN' Oi'I,;R.-AI,I,, I 1 NG TH OF 222 F'Ll? 1`. 8 INCI-IFS: APPROVING A'.,,"iIN'TF'R'AI. A[),1l'Si"`1FNT IZ1{['FSI FOR A I]1Si.1C'11 OF [l 1I:1=1 f3I:"IAt'1 F RE-SIDEINTIA1. W 'ILDiNGS: AND APPROVING; A ITIVEL 4 SITE, PLA. L AN DSCAPF ITA- \. AND ARCIIII F:CI UR,M- 1 LF-AA1 IONS FOR 1'Fi1= PROD :C'.1 KNOWN' AS fROPIC°S OF DFLRAY., LOCATED ,A I' 2400 AND 2410 NORTH 1-I DLR:AL HIGHWAY. AS MORE PARTICULARLY DFSC'R1131:D 1{I:IMIN: PROVIDING FOR :AN I1F l f'I'IA'I; D.A I 1 AND I -OR 0i-I1FIR PI. RPOSI":S. Ai l ILRF AS. I`edera1 24(Wt 1.I.C.. is the o`\ nerof' a palrcel oflalntl Illc.jsLillllo allllrox'lli{Itely 1..17 acres located al 2400 North Federal High% a\: and W1 II;R I; -AS. Feder al 2-410. 1_1C. is the ow nel of a Marcel of land incasllrin<g, approximatek 1.70 acres located at 2410 Not-1h 1°ederal i 11�;Iiwa v: and %V11LRLAS. 1"cdcrall 2400LI_[' and 2410 Fcderal. L.[ C', desit-:nated Jeff Costello, of .IC° Planllin1-1 Solutions (tile `Applicant") to act LIs their fluent re'aa l int file 1�ropelties located al ?4(]() and 241 () North I-edel-al 111-11ttat (collecllyel,� 1el'crred to as tile. "Pr)lleAC). aIw 11101-e 11a11icu1al1` dc-'Cribcd 1) FX11 111t "A altaiehed hercto and incorporated ilereln: and %V111 RFAS. the.. Property is located within the General Commercial (GO District: and WHT.RL.AS... the A11I11icallt submitted a Level 4 Site. Plan. Landscape Ilan. and Architectural E'IeN°atlons (F11c No 2024-030). with waiyers and an 111telllal adjustment. fiar tic colistrtiction ofa ',4-unit. lice-staultl llr nitlltll�lc-fanlll residential condom ill Lim Cie\ clopment known 'LIS the Tropics ol' i draN (tile "Project"): and W1ILRE' AS. ]pursuant to Section 4.4.1)(I))i 1 M of'the Land Development Regulations of the City of Delray Beach ( --LDR"). i'rcc-stalldillt' n1ultllllc 11iIllily h0tlsi1111 is l)elnlillcd !IS a c.ontlit t} MI tltie: ,Intl W111.REAS. 1._DR Scctlon .0,9(D)(0)(d) rctluir S driyc aisles to be a minin-lum ati°idth Of 24 feet for t« o-�1 a v traffic: and CFN 20240301877 OR BK 35240 PG 1796 Pg: 2 of 6 \VH L R EAS, the Project i11CIL1Cle5 CI lL' iN-el- rC',CILICSt to '111MA- I C11'It e C1151C Width of` 72 teet_ C111Ci iG'11TRF;aSe [.DR Section t. 1.?[[)}(}(17} II1111t5 t1,1V11hC)u4G-t`I7L ICSlticiltial 1lLli1Cl1nL�5 11`[)nl cXceeCi111ir '100 feet In ICll-th, whacas the Project propo'ses a lownhou`e-type residential building %N 1111 all o elall length fcc.t and 8 inches, and WHEREAS, LDR Section 4.62(13), recluires �l uli11 r11ur11 dIStancc hetWCC11 I-CSIClCntial burldirr"s based on the len-th C1nti hei-lit C1f the plrC)posed bUilchn-S; and WHEREAS. the lLnuh anhet Cthe bilCim-'S ' tile Po111Iuho-IU11tald v j{L111mI Chstance of 1 j feet betwCC11 1`csidential i L ddin`-s.. 1111creas 30 Ject 15 I`ccluested: and XVHL1 LAS.. LDR Section requires the appro i � body to make findinp establishing, the CMIC11tiCmal use will not: (a) Nave e a si*gnilicantly dctl Imcnt,11 C fl'Crt upon the Slahllitl. ol` the ricighborhood tiN lthill which it will be located: nor (h) Hinder del elopment or I-edcx clopment cif 1lcarhr properties and W1iERF,-AS1 LDR Section 2AI I(,13)(5) 1CCttlirCS the CIIII)FOV1112 NAIV tip make .I findim, that the granting, of a wa14 Cr: (CI) Shall not ad ersciv affect the 11cig,1117[7I'111`" area: (b) Shall not S1 -111ficant1v C11111inish the provision of public facilities: (C) Shall 110t CIVLI[C C1n L111 411`L ti11U,1tio11, a (L (d) Does not result In the grant of a sj1CCla1 pritllLiv In thilt the Same % aiVcr trOUld be uramcd under- CI similar Circumstance on other property for another applicant or owner: and W11FRFAS, LDR SCctlon 2.4.1 I(L`)( ) rcLIL111-CS the dlll7l-0 11A2 110CIV tC, MAC it 1111d111aI that the -rawll , of all Internal ad-JUSImcnt: (a) does not d11111111sh the practlCtll application of the atf lctccl rcgulat1,011 {rC(jU1I'C lent): and (h) that b% iura11t111; such IC11Ct a SUIM-101- C1C%C:lopnlC tlt PI-Od11ct » Ill rCSult: C111d R L S. NO, 102 24 CFN 20240301877 OR BK 35240 PG 1797 Pg: 3 of 6 W1IFIZE-AS, oil .iune 15, 2024- the plannin and 7orain Board %oted 6 to I to relit}mmeIld tapprol'al to the City C"omrrlission of the Conditional use.. both Will\ CI-S.. the inter-ntal LatijtaStralCnt.. and the Lei el 4 Site I'ltul. Landscape flan.. and ArclliteCharcll Llc�°tatiorls bN findila" that the request was Consistent with the CompreherasiXe flan and the Land Dc%elopment Regulations: and WHEREAS. the C'it` Commission considered the conditional use. both ��alecrs, the iratCr-rlal adjustrnent. aild the Lcel -1 Site flan. Landscape flan, and Archatcctural I ]cv ations, and has considacd the respective tir7drn4;s a; SO f01-111 In the Compreceaisrvc Plan and Land DeNclopmcnt Rcgul4ati011s. N[)'V, THEREFORE I3F IT RF_S0I.VF1) BY THIS crn, C'[3VINMISSiON' OF THE CITE, or, DE I_RAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FC)I_[_O`4i''S: Section 1. I'lr{at the f0revoin`' recitals tare.. lacreb` Incorporated herein h`, this relcacnce and are approved and Lrdoptcd. a Section ?. The C' tti C'0111Mr45ior1 mil is positive findirlL"s that the reclucsted conditiontal use kv ill not have a sionifictantll detritllental CffCCt upcan the stability of the Iaci-hhorhood %vithirl wIaich it will be located card 'will [lot hinder development or redevelopment of nearb4 propertieS. Scctr(n I I lie (Itti Commission apprm es the conditional use request to Lallm free-stttndrnZ.�, 1111_dtihlC f�Im11) houStn1-1 to the GC District. Section 4. the (`It% C'onamiSSioll 1]Mkcs positive findint-s that the requested w air er to LDR SCCtion 4,6,9(D)(6)(D) to reduce the drive arslc xvidth( I ) does not adk ersek afTect tile.. 11CHu'llborin" area. (?) does not "I'miliccuitk diminish tilt: pro%isioll of public ftacilities. (") clots not create an unsal±c srtucahori, and (4) dots not result Ira the gram of a spcclal prrt IIc,-,C in that the same %t <att Ca- t\ ould be 4granted under it srnaalar elrCLIMStMICC on other p1-01)CI-td ti)r another applicant or m� ner. Section 5. The C` tv ('orrinlrssiola appro� es the wain er, regclCSt to LIAR Section 4.0.9(D)(6)(D) to reduce the drive aisle to _12 feet fir the Project, Sect oil fa. The [`itt Commrss on Ialakes posl(r%'e hiltthat the requested to I'DR Section 4.6.2)(B) to allo�� La toMlIac?tlsC-tvpC rCSi([Cl}tttal htrrlclin4� to exceed �t}{] l`Cet in 1Cr1i4tl� { I} does not acherscIv affect the neli-diboring tarca- (2) does not sl.,IalticaIitl} diminish the provision of public facilities. ()) doeS not c:reatc Lan ta11sa6e Srtu'tttiorl, MAC] (4) does not result ill the L"I.ttnt of a special prINde-C ill that the Same a air er would be Ygranted under a similar Circumstance can other property t'61- <allother applicant oI- 0"'Iler. Section t_. The Otv C onli-Illstiican srpprov Cs the �N <a V el, rC� _ILICSt to I DR Section 4 6-21 I3) to al l(m a tons I1hotISC t%pC rcSidCntral bulldim-, t� ath tan overall IcnLgth of 22) _1 feet and 8 inches for the: I'rcllcct. SCCtlon 8, The C'itv Commission rla al cs positive findrnad:s that the rCclucstCd IntcrnLal Lldjus(IlICnt to LDR Section 4.6.2(B) to allc,rt a distance eat ',() feet bets\Cell I -CS dCntial btlildrnL'; (1 )sloes not dirllinis l i RL'v5 V). 1621-21-I CFN 20240301877 OR BK 35240 PG 1798 Pg: 4 of 6 (lie practical appI I cat icln of'the a f'ectcd Ira uIati011(i'C(IL lcment) and (?) tIiat by grantim, such rcII. d a supcl1101, (106011111ent prodUCt Will 1CS1,11t. Section (). -]-lie City CL}11 mis"I"011 al)PI-OX'CS the Mte171a1 ad'L1StMCI1t to I DR Section 4.6.2(13) to rC[1L1CC the 111i11i111LIM Llistallec I)CM ee11 rCs dCIltIZll hL1i1d1l1L)S tO 310 feet fOr the PI-01CCt. Section I [). -111e 0tv Commission approves the Level 4 Site Plan- I_andscapc Ilan, and Architectural Elevations by f ndin" that the Project, with NX air ers and internal adjustlllent. IS CollSistellt With the Land Development Rcoulahnlls and the Compl-chensive Plan. Sle tiotl 1 I. The CiIN Clerk. or designee. Is dirccted to send ccrtl 6cd copies of'this RCSOIL1tIoll to .14t`l`Costello, .IC Plaimim—, Solutions. 01 Dclr1vv bakes Dritc. Dclra, Beach. Florlda.: 444. ``section 1 i. All ITSOILrt OILS 01' parts of` I-CS011-ItIMIS In conflict hereNNI111 shall he and herel)y are repealed. SCC 11011 13, 'I'hiti RCSOIution shall he efflectIN C ImIll edlatcI upon adoption. ['ASSED AND :-li OP'T F D in rc4oular session on the � I dL1d of 11 I,1 5I. Katel"1`1 _ ohntii111, IIN Clerk Appro\ ed tis to ` ixlll ar1Ll Ie"t11 SLIffil CIcllc� I NI111 (4,14JANks, AIIoriIcv 4 Carnev, Jr.. Mavor RFS. NO. 102-_14 CFN 20240301877 OR BK 35240 PG 1799 Pg: 5 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" 2400 North I.Ccleral I lighwayl tn - LOT 2. 11.13.-1- REPLA"I" NO.l. ACCORDING TO THL PLAF AS RFCORDED IN PLAT 1300K 94. PAGE(S) 71 N[) -71. OE 1 HI P('131,1CRI"CORDS 0I`PAl,\I 13FACII ('01,'NTY, FLORIDA, P.C,N, 12-431-46-04-310-000-0020 'Ind 2410 North I I c(leral I II g, 11 waN i LOT 1) A\ 1) If]. DI--'[-IZA)' BEA( 1-1 1--*S FA FES. ACCORDING TO Tl I F PLAT TI I Fl-�RIIOF. AS RLCORDED INITATROOK 21. PAC [" I ',, OFTJ I F III I R I ]CRI-COR DS Of- I'Al .Nll BEACH CM Al Y. F[ 0 R I D A. 12 RIBS . M), 162-24 r 100 N.W. 7 AVFNUF • DEIRAY BEACH • FLORIDA 33444 • (561) 243-7050 CERTIFICATION CFN 20240301877 OR BK 35240 PG 1800 Pg: 6 atiray Beach Florida MI AmEmca City t I I I i 1 1991• 2iM)t �21jI I, Dater ri Johnson, City Clerk of'the City Of' Delray Beach. do hereby eert:ifN that the Ittt�tched document is i true -'tnd eorreo mpy of Resolution No, 162-24, its the s;,m [? was pa,"ed anc.1 w1opted hy t w M'll'}tj' Beach City Coln im,;-"loll in regular session on the 19t1' day of August 2024. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto ,(,t my h�mml and the official seal of the Cif _ of Doh-m- Bench, Florida, On this the 21't dolt- of August 2024. K,itc rri Johl h�nn City Clerk City cif I)elnl-- 13e; h, Florld l