G-429(04-62) ORDINANCE NO. G-429. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN L~NDS LOCATED IN SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RA~GE 43 EAST, ~WHIOH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING i~0NICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LA. NDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS; AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE ZONING OF A PORTION OF SAID LANDS. ~tEREAS, Robert E. Raborn is the fee simple owner of the property hereinafter described except for that portion consist- ing of Palm Beach County road right-of-way, and WHEREAS, the said Robert E. Raborn by his Petition has consented and given permission for the annexation of said prop- erty by the City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, has heretofore been authorized to annex lands in accordance with Section 185.1 of the City Charter of said City granted to it by the State of Florida: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELR~Y BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ~SECTIOi~ I. That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, P~l~ Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following described tracts of land located in PaLm Beach County, Florida, which lie contiguous to said city, to-wit: Those tracts of land in Section 9, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida described as follows: Beginning at a point in the North line of Lot 30 of Model Land Company's Subdivision of said Section 9, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, Page $0, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said point of beginning being 256.83 feet Westerly, measured along the North line of said Lot 30, from the Northeast corner thereof; thence West- erly along said I~orth line, a distance of 143.99 feet; thence Southerly making an angle with the preceding course, measured from East to South, of 68o-25'-30'', a distance of 149.72 feet to a point in the Northerly right-of-way line of Northeast Eighth Street; thence Easterly a~ong the Northerly right-of-way line of said Northeast Eighth Street, being the arc of a curve con- cave to the North, having a radius of 996.~5 feet, and whose radius is the last herein described course, a distance of 100 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence Easterly along the arc of a curve having a radius of 1145.96 feet and along said Northerly right-of-way line a distance of 40 feet; thence Northerly along the Northerly extension of a radius of said curve, a distance of 88.65 feet to the point of beginning. Less the North 25 feet thereof, measured at right angles to the North line of said Lot 30; Beginning at a point in the North line of Lot 31 of Model Land Company's Subdivision of said Section 9, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 40, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said point of beginning being 400.82 feet Westerly, measured along the North line of Lots 30 and 31, of said Model Land Company's Subdivision from the Northeast corner of said Lot 30, and being the Northwest corner of land conveyed by William L. Christenson and wife to Dr. Robert E. Raborn by deed dated April 8, 19~9, and recorded in Official Record Book 333, Page 215, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence Southerly making an angle with thepre- ceding course, measured from East to South of 68o-25'- 30" and along the Westerly line of land so conveyed, a distance of ~99.72 feet to a point in the Northerly right-of-way line of Northeast Eighth Street; thence Westerly along said Northerly right-of-way line, being the arc of a curve concave to the North and having a radius of 996.4~ feet and whose radius is the last herein described course, a distance of ~0.02 feet; thence Northerly parallel to the Westerly line of said land conveyed to said Raborn, a distance of 168.23 feet to a point in the North line of said Lot 31; thence Easterly along the North line of said Lot 31, a distance of ~3.77 feet to the point of beginning. Less the North 2~ feet thereof, ~aeasured at right angles to the North line of said Lot Beginning at a point in the North line of Lot 31 of Model Land Company's Subdivision of said Section 9, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, page $0, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said point of beginning being ~.~9 feet Westerly, measured along the North line of Lots 30 and 31, of said Model Land Company's Subdivision from the Northeast corner of said Lot 30, and being the Northwest corner of land conveyed by William L. Christenson and wife to Dr. Robert E. Raborn by deed dated March 30, 1960, and recorded in Official Record Book 409, page 6~, P~blic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence Southerly making an angle wzth the pre- ceding course, measured fro~ East to South of 68 -25 ~u and along the Westerly line of land so conveyed, a dis- tance of 16~.2~ feet to a point in the Northerly right- of-way line of Northeast Eighth Street; thence Westerly along said Northerly right-of-way line, being the arc of a curve concave to the North and having a radius of 996.~ feet and whose radius is a line parallel to and [0 feet Easterly from, measured at right angles to the last herein described course, a distance of 100 feet; thence Northerly, a distance of 189.28 feet to a point in the North line of said Lot 31, a distance of 80 feet West of the point of beginning; thence Easterly along the North line of said Lot 31, a distance of 80 feet to the point of beginning. Less the North 2~ feet thereof, measured at right angles to the North line of said Lot 30; That part of Andrews Avenue beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 48, Delray Isle Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 24, page 16~; thence Northerly along the Westerly right-of-way line of Andrews ~venue to its intersection with the Southerly right-of-way line of Northeast Eighth Street; thence Easterly along said Southerly right-of-way line of Northeast Eighth Street to its intersection with the Easterly right-of-way line of Andrews Avenue; thence Southerly along ~aid Easterly right-of-way line of Andrews Avenue to the Northwest corner of Lot 8, Crestwood Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 23, page 161; thence South on a line parallel to the East line of Section 9, Township $6 South, Range 43 East to its intersection with the North line of Lot ~8, Delray Isle Subdivision if said North line extended Easterly; thence Westerly along said North line if extended a distance of 40 feet to point of beginning; also That p~rt of Northeast Eighth Street beginning at the intersection of the Southerly right-of-way line of Northeast Eighth Street ~nd the quarter section line of Section 9, Township 46 South, Range 43 East for point o£ beginning; thence North along said quarter section line to the Northerly right-of-way line of Northeast Eighth Street; thence Easterly along said Northerly right-of-way line of Northeast Eighth Street to its intersection with the ~Vesterly right-of-way line of Andrews Avenue; thence South along a line parallel to the East line of Section 9, Township 46 South, Range 43 East to the Southerly right-of-way line of Northeast Eighth Street; thence Westerly along said Southerly right-of-way line of Northeast Eighth Street to point of beginning. SECTION 2. Thet the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florid~R~eby redefined so as to include therein the above described tracts of land, and said lands are hePeby declared to be within the corporate liz~its of the City ~f Delr~y Beach, Florida. SECTION 3. That the lands hereinabove described shall im- mediat~ly ~come subject to all of the franchises~ privileges, i~unities~ debts, oblig~tions, liabilities~ ordinances ~n~ laws to which lands in the City of Del~ay Beach are now or may be, an~ persons ~esiding thereon shall be ~eemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. ~E~TION ~. That the first three tracts of l~d herein be- Fore described in Section i are taken into the city upon the con- dition that sai~ l~nds shall be Zoned C-t Co~ercial, which shall specifically include building setback lines and uses now permitted by the City of Del~ay Beach Zoning O~dinance for the C-1 Districts. ~ECTIO~ 9. That p~t of this o~dinance shall be ~eclare8 illegal by a court of co~etent jurisdiction, such ~eco~d of illegality shall in no way affect the ~emaining portion. ~is Ordinance was pl~ce~ on first rea~ing by the City Council at a regular meeting held on February 26, 1962, and said Council will sit in the Council Ch~bers ~t the City Hall in regular session on March 12, 1962, at which ti~e the above Ordinance will be read an8 all persons interested shall be given an opportunity to be hea~8. P~SSED in regular session on the second an8 final ~eading the 12th~ay of M~rch, 1962. Second Reading