G-430(05-62) ORDINANCE NO. G-430. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT IT SHALL BE b%!LAWPUL FOR ANY PERSON, FIRI.t OR CORPORATION TO USE WITHIN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, OR HAVE IN HIS, HER OR ITS POSSESSIO~ FOR USE IN SAID CITY CERTAIN CHEi.IICAL COi'.~POUNDS KNOWN AS "RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDES" ~LESS SUCH PERSO~, FIRII OR CORPORATION HOLDS A CURRENT RESIDENTIAL PESTICIDE SPRAYING CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OF FLORIDA OR IS THE OWNER AND OPERATOR OF CREENHOUSES OR BOTANICAL NURSERIES OR IS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURAL PURSUITS ~{OLDI~!G A CITY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FOR SUCH PURPOSE AND PROVIDING THAT THOSE PERSONS, FIRNS AND CORPORATIONS PER2~ITTED TO USE SAID "RESTRICTED-USE PESTICIDES" SHALL ONLY USE THE SA~.ME IN THE CITY OF DELqAY BEACH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS PROVIDED FOR IN THIS ORBINANCE; RESTRICTING THE SALE THEREOF TO CERTAIN QUALIFIED PERSONS, FIR!'.~ AND CORPORATIOMS; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE TO BE AN EMERGENCY }TEASURE, A~D PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT. WHEREAS, the City Council of Delray Beach, Florida, has found and determined after careful investigation that the chemical known as Parathion and other related hiqhly toxic organic phosphates as more particularly described in the following parts of this ordinance, which are used as insecticides, are extremely toxic and are dangerous to human beings and all other warm blooded animals comin~ into contact with them; WHEREAS, the City Council has also found and determined after investigation that such chemicals should not be used for the control of insects attacking man or for insects found in households, home gardens and in public places; WHEREAS, the use of said chemicals is particularly dangerous in urban areas where there are high concentrations of human beings, pets and other warm blooded animals; WHEREAS, it has very recently come to the attention of the City Council that of late there have been reported cases of illness of persons and pets within the vicinity of the City of Delray Beach attributed to the misuse of said chemicals within the area; WHEREAS, it is directed under this ordinance that all commercial sprayers shall inform adjoining residents each and every time they spray, or spread or in any other manner use highly toxic materials within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida; and W}{EREAS, under these circumstances this ordinance is one which in the opinion of the City Council is required to be passed for the immediate protection and preservation of the safety and health of the inhabitants of the City of Delray Bea ch; NC~ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use within the City of Delray Beach, or have in his, her or its possession for use in said City, the following chemical compounds known as "RESTRICTED-USE PESTICIDES": Generic or Common Na~e Chemical Name TEPP Tetraethyl pyrophosphate OR Ethyl pyrophosphate PARATHION O, O-diethyl O-p-nitrophenyl thiophosphate PHORATE (THI~,iET) O, O-diethyl S-(ethylthio) methyl phosphorodithioate DE~.~ETON (SYSTOX) O, O-diethyl O(and S)-2-(ethylthio) ethyl phosphorothioate DI-SYSTON O, O-diethyl S-2 (ethylthio) -ethyl phosphorothioate PHOSDRIN 2-carbomethoxy-l-methylvinyl dimethyl phosphate SCHRADA N Octamethyl pyrophosphoramide GUTHION O, O-dimethyl S- (4-oxo-1,2,3-benzotriazinyl-8 methyl) phosphorothioate ~THYL P~RATHION O, O-dimethyl O-p-nitrophenyl thiophosphate ENDRIN Hexa chloroepoxyo ctahydro-endo- dime t ha no naphtha 1 ene POTASAN O, O-diethyl O-(4-methylumbelliferone) phosphorothioate EPN O-ethyl o-p-nitrophenyl benzenephosphonothioate or any other highly toxic materials, as described and contained in the current Florida State Board of Health Publications, unless such person, firm or corporation holds a current residential pesticide spraying Certificate issued by the State Board of Health of Florida, or is the owner and operator of a greenhouse or botanical nursery or is engaged in an agricultural pursuit holding a City Occupational License for operating the same. Section ~. That it shall be unla~ful for any person, firm or corporation to sell any of the aforesaid "Restricted-Use Pesticides" except to a person, firm or corporation holding a current residential pesticide spraying certificate issued by the State Board of Health, or is the owner and operator of a greenhouse or botanical nursery or is engaged in an agricultural pursuit holding a City Occupational License for operating the saIr~e, Section 3. That those persons, fir~s and corporations permitted to use said "Restricted-Use P~sticides" shall only use the sa~.~e in the City of Delray Beach in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the State Board of .¥{ealth of Florida governin~ the use thereof; except t_hat the following additional Rules and Re_~ulations shall also apply in this City: a.) Such person, firm or corporation ~ust obtain a pernit for use of Restricted-Use Pesticides fror.~ the Pal~u Beach County ~!ealth Depart~.ent which shall designate the tine and place of use, shall be non-transferable, and shall expire within twenty-four (~) hours. b.) Before using3 any highly toxic pesticide, reasonable and practical prior notice sl~all be given by the applicant to property owner and/or occupants of property within one hundred (100) feet of the area where such che~n~ical is to be sprayed or spread in any :.:annero c. ) Sprayin_~ Technique: ,~hall conforn to the Florida State Board of !Tealth current r~gulations governing co~,'u::ercial sprayinc of lawns and orna~.:ental shrubbery in residential areas %,;it~t .qi~hly Toxic Pesticides. In addition thereto, Highly To:{ic Pesticides x]ust be applied ~-;ith a Spraying Syster:~.s Vee-Jet, or Delevan I,~F Series or sit,ilar type nozzle operatinq~ at no greater pressure at the nozzle than eighty (80) lbs. pressure per square inch. d.) Disposal of containers of I{ighly Toxic Pesticides shall be only in a sanitary landfill approved by the Florida State Board of J.{ealth. Section ~. i,[o person shall be granted a City License to engage in residential pesticides spraying unless he has already obtained a State Certificate per~.titting hi;u to apply ~r. J¢;seph C. Alvare~ Chief Palm Beaeh ~o. ~{e~%h ~pt., We~% P~ Heath, ~erida :~ .~ oii~r;f i~ciden~ %~k p~ on April 26, 1962 ~% ~:~..~t !1:~) ~.~,~. .,. ~!.cc%e~ t,~m stron~ o~ U~l~ly a~ociat~d with Parathion lawn ~evv ::~ic .s '~U'tl? filled ~ f~llor~ container of ?arathion~ a ~ar%l/ .flll~d ~:-:::rd ~< t~:ck. T~n~,: wa~ 3/4 filled and capact%3 i~ arounc' ~0:.:) : a~,,~d l.f he had notified ~y~e aad He said yem. I c~ed n~xt no one ~:as ao~ie, f~l ~i~d~ ~re open. ;m ~ai~ thai he Co'~d find no ~ a[r~:ed, ho waraing c~d~ ~ availabl~- on t~ck. ~ c~:,:r, with t~m city ~aled that no lieem~e ~ ~en Cotain~d zlnce bushel, s mhd been ~old (from ~;¥~e ~.o No~ D~enkopf). A ~ta~.e~e~ wa~ t~.en by E'e%. kod~c~:. He wa~ rel~a~ed ~th a w~ing to ~ave his e~ployer c~l%ac~ the County }lealth E~p~., ~d meZ ~ ~pray ia Delr~~ ~tll he obt~ned an ~cu~ati~al li~n~e. The ~le ~en a% 515 ~,.~;~. 13t~~ St. ~a~ ~cident~ dropped ~ b~ken lair i~ th~ ~y. April 27, 1~62 ~r. ~oz~ Duilenk~pF, 1261 N.E. 48~ 5%., P~o, n~ ~er of Wa~e ~pray ~r~, c~ ~ offi~ ~d ~quee%~. ~fo~atl~ reg~ding a City oe~pation~ ~e wa~- advised of the new city ordinanc~ regar~ln~ use of re~tri¢~ed ~e~icide~, (:>~. ~0)~ When he was told t~at the Cl~ ~ not ~n oecu~liou~ licenee to ~pray~en until a ~r~n~. SBH ~t~ license nre~ented ~c ~hem, he a~'kec~ hc~ he might obtai~ ~e. He was referred r~ ~:':!reu~n'~ off'ice for info,at!on. you ~ill recall, the fl?~, of' ~ ~,~ ~al~.',~;z ~ae aske~ us to in~p~ct the '.~'h~ sirra,7 ri{j i~ a ve~ ~:ood one ni:~:, i, heiie~,e %~:a% he ha~ j~.~t l~espectfu'lly submitted, Highly Toxic Pesticides. Section 5. ~ny person, firm or corporation violating this Ordinance shall, upon conviction ~hereof, be punished as provided by khe City Code of the City of Delray Beach governing ~he violation of City Ordinances. Section 6. If any word, phrase, clause, section or o~her portion of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any cour~ of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not be deemed to affect ~he validity of the remaining portions ~hereof, nor ~he enforceability thereof under different circumstances no~ adjudicated° Passed and adopted on one reading as an Emergency Ordinance on ~rch 12th , 1962, to ±ake effec~ immediately. Affidavit of Publication THE DELRAY BEACH NEWS-JOURNAL Published Weekly Delray Beach, Palm Beach ~ounfy, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the un-~ersigned authority oe~onqlly appeared ...~-~ :~~ ~ '~ ~ho~ oath say~';i::'~~ .... ..;(....,~:~~f the Delray Beach ~ews-Journal, a weekly news~per published Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, ~o~da; that was p~lish~ in said ~wspaper in the issue ~fiant fur~er says that the said Delta7 Beach News-Journal is a newspaper published at Delray B~eh, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the ~id newspaper has heretofore been eon- tinuousl~ published in s~d Pa~ Beach Coun{y, Florida, each Thu~da7 and has been entered as seeded class mail matter at the ~st office in Delta7 Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Flor- ida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the att.ached eop~ ~er- ~sement; and affiant further says that ..}~..~.~ has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or eo~ration any discount, ~te, commission or refund for the purpose ~ securing this adver- ~sement for publication in ~aid new~per~ · Sworn to and subscribed before me this day Of ~~.~ ..... ,A.D. ~tary P,U~, ~ta[e oT~or,da at My Com~ssion Exp res Nov, 6, 1964