G-470(45-62) G-470 .
~/'~\ ~' AN O~II~ OF T~ CITY O~
/ ~ ~ ~IT!NG', T~ ~, H~S FOR, ITEN ~I~
Coua il of the City of elray Flori , passed
O~~ce ~2~ vhich ess co. lied as Sections
9~.6; ~d
~~, s~d ordin~ce li~ted const~ctioa or
buildin~ ~hich would cause vibrations, noises,
j~i~ to the ho~s from 8:~ o'clock i. ]. to ~:00
o'clock P. ~., ~ondays t~oa~h S~t~ys of each eeek
dUrin~ the period from ~cember'l of each
of ~he follo~i~ ye~; ~d
~~, the Oi~y C~cil of the City of ~lray
~ach, FlOrida~ deems it for the best interest ~d he~th,
velf~e ~d s~ety of the citizens of ~his city t~t smoh
const~c~ion ~d b~ldinE be so re~lated du~ the entire
NO~, TN~O~, ~ IT O~lI~ by the City Oo~cil
of the City of' Delray' ~aCh,'Florida as follows:
Section 1. Seo~ioas 9-6.5 ~d 9-6.6' Chapter 9,
O~e of O~in,~oes of the City of De,ay ~ach, Florida,
~, ~d the s~e ~e hereby ~ended ~o read as follows:
"Section 9~.~ No const~c~ion or buil~n~ of
t~ cauzinE vibrations, noises' shOE or ~rinE to be
e~%ted therefrom shall be c~ried on or pe~o~ed ~thin
the City of Delray ~ach, Florida, excep~ be~eee, the ho~s
from 8:~ o'clock A, ~. ~o ~:~ o,clock P. ~. om Moaday
t~oe~h Sa~rday of each reek during the ye~.
"Section 9~.6 ~y person, fi~ or co~oration en-
E~inE in such const~ction or building betwee~ the homrs
of ~:~ o'clock P. ~. of one day ~d 8:~ o'clock i. ]. of
the follo~n~ day ~d between ~:~ o' clock P. ]. Sat~day
and 8:00 o' clock A.M. of the following Monday in the City
of Delray Beach as aforesaid, unless the same be emergency
work, shall be punished by~---fine not._ex~in9 Two h~dred
fifty ~ $250-.O0) Dot-la~s--.or ky .impri~%~:~iye~i~q
thir~t--(-~.O)~--- days~ or both, in' the discreti~m~"of--the--Municipal
Section 2. Any ordinance or ordinances, or part or
parts of any ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby re-
PASSED in Regular Session on second and final read-
ing on this day of , 1962.
City Clerk
First Reading: November 12, 1962
Second Reading:
Affidavit of Publication
Published Daily
Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida
Before the/~in'd~rsigned authority
News-aou?nal, a dally newspaper published at
Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, ~o~da;
that ~ attaehefl cepy of adveNisement, being
in the ........................................................................ Court,
was~p_~lished ia said newspaper in the issue (s)
Affiant fu~her ~ys ~at the said Daily
News-Journal is a newspaper published at Delray
Beach, ~ said Palm Beach County, Florida, and
that the said newspaper has heretofore been con-
tinuously published in sa~d Palm Beach County,
Florida, daily and has been entered as second
class mail matter at the post office in Delray
Beach, ~ said Palm Beach County, Florida, for
a p~iod of one year ne~ preceding ~e
publication of ~e attached copy
ment; and ~fiant fur~er says that
h~s neither paid nor pro~sed any person, firm
or co~oration ~y discount, reba~, com~ssion
or refund f~ (he purpose of secu~ng this adv~-
Swor~nd subscribed before me thi~
(SEAL) e ~ry P~blie
M~ COMmiSSiON E~PLRES OC[. 25, 1966