Ord G-293(17-58) ORDINANCE NO. G-293 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SIGNS, BILLBOARDS AND AWNINGS PERTAINING TO SIZE, PERNITS FOR LOCATION OF AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING T&- INSTALLATION, DESIGN, LOCATION AND B~INTE- NANCE OF SIGNS, BILLBOARDS AND AWNINGS THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH; PROVIDING A PENALTY IN CASE OF VIOLATION OF THE TER~f~ HEREOF AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDI- NANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: S~!~NS,, BILLBOARS$ f~D AWNINGS Section 1. Definitions As used in this ordinance the following words and terms shall have the following meanings: (a) Ba_nner Sign shall mean any sign possessing characters, letters, ilIuStrations, ornamentations or designed so as to attract attention by scenic effect, applied to cloth, paper, fabric or like kind of material, either with or without frame and which is not of permanent construction PROHIBITED ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, except by special permit of the City Council. (b) Outdoor Advertising DisDlay Sign shall mean a detached outdoor co~{mercial a~Ver±'~Sin~ sign consisting of fabricated sign and structure, with posters, pictures, trademark, reading matter, illuminated device, panels, etc., thereon, intended to attract the attention of the public to the matter displayed thereon for adver- tising purposes; such outdoor advertising display signs being commonly referred to as a billboard, poster board, display board, or outdoor advertising board. (PROHIBITED, except by special permit from the City Council)· (c) _Commercial Adver.~ising Sign shall mean any structure, outdoor advertising display Sign, bulletin board, screen, surface or wall, with characters, letters or illustrations placed thereon, by any means or methods whatsoever, and where the matter displayed would be used for any purpose other than as an Owner's Identifica- tion Sign, or a Point of Purchase Sign, or a Temporary Real Estate Sign, as herein defined. (PROHIBITED, except by special permit from the City Council) (d) Flat Sign shall mean any sign erected flat against the face of, or not more'than 18 inches from the face of, the outside wall of any building, and not exceeding the area nor extending be- yond the wall upon which it is placed, and supported throughout the length by such wall, except that such sign may have wood or metal letters, characters or figures not more than ~4 inches in height. (e) Horizontal Projecting Sign shall mean any sign projecting at any angYe from the o~tside WalI~ of any building, and which has its greatest dimension in a horizontal plane. (f) ~arquee SiGn shall be defined to mean a canopy sign electrically illumih~ted, and all parts of same, including the cal sign above same, if any, such as is customarily used by-a theater or hotel. Such marquee sign may be partly vertical, partly horizontal, and partly flat against the wall or any combination thereof, except that the vertical part shall not extend more than eight feet from the wall to which it is fastened, nor beyond the horizontal part, nor no closer than two feet to the curb line, nor less than nine feet above the sidewalk. All parts of the marquee sign shall be permanently and securely fixed to the wall and collectively shall be comprehended under the words "Marquee sign". (g) Owner Identification Si~n shall mean any structure, de- vice, display board~ screen surfa~e or wall with characters, letters or illustrations placed thereto, thereon, or thereunder, by any method or means whatsoever, where the matter displayed is used only to indicate to the public the legal or exact firm name or the char- acter of the business carried on therein. (h) Point of Purchase Sign shallmean any structure, device, display board, screen surface or wall, with characters, letters or illustrations placed thereto, thereon, or thereunder, by any method or means whatsoever, where the matter displayed is used for adver- tising a product or service actually or actively offered for sale and delivery thereon or therein. (i) Pole ~i~n shall mean any si~n erected on a pole, and which is w~o~ly independent of any building for support. (j) Temporary'Real Estate Sign shall mean any structurel de- vice, display board, ~cre~n, surfa~ or wall, with characters, letters, or illustrations placed thereto, thereon or thereunder, by any method or means whatsoever, where the matter displayed thereon shall be used solely for the purpose of temporarily offering for sale, for lease, or announcing contemplated improvements on the exact property. (k) Roof S~gn shall mean a sign erected, constructed and maintained entirely above the roof of any building, and not exten- ~ing beyond the building wall, nor more than 10 feet above the parapet wall, except capital letters, characters or symbols, which may extend an additional 5 feet, and such sign shall not exceed ~00 square feet in area, and advertising matter displayed thereon shall be only channel type letters, character or symbols. This definition shall not apply to an aesthetic or structural edifice constituting an intecral part of the building. (1) Sidewalk or Sandwich Sign shall mean any movable sight-not secured or atta'ched ~$' ~he crou~d in any area in the city. (PRO- HIBITED) (m) Snipe Sign shall mean any sign of any material including paper, cardboard, wood and metal, etc., when such sign is tacked, nailed or attached in any way to trees or other objects, and where such sign does not apply to premises where it is located. (PROHIBITED) (n) Vertical or Horizontal Si~n shall mean any sign erected and projecting at ~ny ~'ngle f~'~""±he outside wall of the building or structure which has a vertical dimension exceeding the horizontal dimension, and not ex~ending horizontally from said wall mome than five feet, not extending above a parapet wall more than one-third of the total height of the sicn, or in any case, more than six feet above the parapet wall, and shall be erected as an integral part of ~he building wall. (o) Spectacular Roof Si~n shall 5~ean a sign erected, con- structed, an~ mainta{~d aboVe-the roof of any building which must be animated so as to excite wonder or admiration by scenic effect created by physical and lighting effects. Section 2. ~e .rr~.i.~s - ~equired for s%gn or awning, submission of Specifications. ' Before any person begins the construction or erection, posting or painting, use or maintenance of any sign or awning within the city, that is not exenpt from permit by the provisions of this or- dinance, shall make application to the building inspector or to the electrical inspector, or both, as the case may require, and submi~ such drawing and specifications as may be necessary tc fully advise and acquaint the inspectors with the location, construction, weight, materials and manner of illuminating and of securing or fastening of such proposed sign. If the sign as indicated in the drawings and descriptions shall be in accordance with the provisions of the building code and shall conform to the special plans and blueprints of the National Outdoor Advertising Association of America, then the building in- spector shall issue a permit for the erection of any such sign upon the payment of the prescribed fee. Section 3. Permit - ~equired for neon siq~ and s.~.~ar liqhti.ng. Before any person begins the construction or erection of any neon sign or other li~uhting covered by the electrical code, wi±bin the city, he shall secure a permit from the electrical inspector to do such work. Section 4. Occupational license p_%_erequis!te to issuance of permi'l;~ No permit for erection, construction, installation or main- tena. nce of any sign or awning, neon lighting, or commercial adver- tising structure, shall be issued unless such person shall have first procured from the city an occupational license to engage in such business as provided for in Chapter 16 of the City Code. Section 5. Fees for Permit. Fees to be paid for permits for the erection of signs, awn- ings, and marquees shall be as follows: A. Neon and Electric Signs: 15 square feet or fraction thereof ............... 3.00 Over 15 square feet to 30 square feet ............ Over 80 square feet to 45 square feet.... ........ 6.00 Over 45 square feet to 60 square feet ............ 10.00 Over 60 souare feet ......... ....... .............. 15.00 Vertical sions with ladder... .................... 25.00 B. Non-elect.tic det. ac~hable si~ns: First 8 square feet or fraction thereof 1.00 Over 8 square feet and up to and incl. 12 sq. feet 2.00 Over 1~ sq. feet and up to and incl. 20 sq. feet 3.00 Each additional sq. ft. or fraction thereof,, per sq. ft. .10 C ~arquee, Projectinc~ over Sidewalks: Per lineal foot . .~0 D. Neon Display .and Outlin9 Liqhti,nq includinq Transformers~ Up tc and includinc three transformers ............ 3.00 Each additional transformer .. .................... 1.00 E Painted Wall o. . ?~.~,ns on Buildinc~s: Up to and including 100 sq. Each additional 100 sq. ft or ~gg~[g['~g~gg~[[[ 1.50 ., 1.50 Section 6. Spectacular roof sions prohibited in certain zones. (a) L spectacular roof sion shall be permitted only in C1, C2 and C3 zones in the city. Section ?. Types of .signs_~erm,itte. d, i,n, variou,s,.zones. No sign of any kind shall be permitted to be constructed or erected or maintained in the varicus zoning districts of the city, except as follows: (a) P-I~]7~L, ~l-J~, R-lA, R-land R-Z zones. Only temporary real estate signs as described in Sec~ion i (j). (b) R-a zone. Flat sicns, marquee signs, owner's identification signs, temporary real estate signs and vertical signs. (c) C-l, C-P. and C-8 zones. All signs allowed to be erected in the city, provided, however, that permission to erect such signs in the areas above described shall be subject to all of the special limitations in this ordinance. Section 8. Nuntber o..f signs limited at each place of business· No more than three sicns, exclusive of owner identification s_gn, shall be permitted in the city for each street front and each floor at each place of business or premises; provided, that a tem- porary real estate si~n advertising the premises for rent or for sale may be added to those enumerated in this section. Section 9. Tempor. ar¥ .real estate signs. A. In all districts in the city, no temporary real estate sign ("FOR SALE", "FOR RENT", or "FOR L~SE'') shall be permitted except those erected ~oy the property owner and/or real estate ]orokers in accordance with Section 1..%.J.), and shch signs shall be subject to the followin~ conditions: 1. Wording on said signs shall be-limited to the phrases "For Sale by Owner", "For Rent by Owner", "For Lease by Owner", "See Your Broker" and may carry the telephone number of the owner, or the phrase "Inquire Within" or any other information relating to the premises. Such signs shall not carry the name, address or telephone nun~Ders of any person other than the owner. ~. The size of each sign shall 5e limited to an area of not more than ~3~ square inches (18" by ~4~') per side, and sit, ns may be constructed so as to permit letterin~ on both front and rear· 3. One sign only shall be permitted on a property and shall relate only to the premises on which it is erected. The wozds "On Property" shall be defined as one or more lots, etc. part of a lot, or a confoinati~n of Darts of lots, as constitute the extent of the property bein~ offered for sale, rent or lease· This limitation shall net exclude the temporary use of sign OPEN or OPEN FOR INSPECTION not over 9.16 square inches (~.4" x 30") in area, these to be used only when the owner or acent is on the~ premises. No fees shall be char~ed for such signs nor permit re- quired to be secured. B. It shall ~3e unlawful for any firm, engaged in tke ~usiness of selling ~nd/or leasin~ real estate for others, whether the same be a real estate !3roker or a real estate salesman, as defined-in the Real Estate License Law in the state of Florida, to place, erect or cause to .]De erected on any lot, parcel of land, buildin~ or structure within the corporate limits of the city any sic3n or simi- lar advertisement offering real estate for sale, exchange or lease except as specifically authorized herein. This ~rticl~. shall nt ~pply to sicns at or upon the off,ce place of business of any real estate ~oroker. Any real estate Droker may place signs or advertisements upon subdivisions and real estate developments, provided: (a) .F. iling of plat. A plat of the subdivision or development ~s first' Pla~ed on file in the office of the clerk of the city · (b) Persons permitted. Only the exclusive agent of the deve.- Icier and/or o~her of the property shall be authorized to place his sign on the property, This exclusive agency must ~oe in writing, signed ]Dy the owner or developer, and placed on file in the office of the clerk of tke city prior to the erection of the a~ent's signs. (c) Size.of property. Such sub.division or developr~ent shall consist. of ~ot less than f~ve acres of land, including streets and alleyways within the platted boundaries of such development or su~odivision. (d) Lots affected. This authorization shall apply only to sic3ns 'advertising the entire su3odivision or development and not to sx~ns advertising individual lots within stub- divisions and developments. (e) AEents of apartment house owners. The exclusive agent of the owner of apartment houses'of two or more units shall be permitted to place his sign on the premises advertising such property for rent, provided that a signed copy of the exclusive agency first be filed in the office of the clerk of the city, (f) Improved and lmimproved business property. The exclusive agent of t~e owner or lessee of business property, both unimproved and improved, located within the boundaries of the commercial zones of this city shall be permitted to place his sign on the premises advertising the premises, or any portion thereof, for rent provided that a signed copy of the exclusive agency be first filed in the office of the clerk of the city. None of the provisions of Section 9 (B) shall apply to an owner placing signs upon his own property. C. In all commercial areas in the city no temporary real es- tate signs "For Sale, For Rent, or For Lease" will be allowed having more than 12 square feet in area. No fees shall be charged for such signs nor permit required to be secured. D. Temporary builder,s, service,s and supplier's signs will be permitted to be constructed anywhere in the city, but subject to the following restrictions, to-wit: l. In res. R-1AAA, R-1AA, R-lA and R-2 areas, such signs shall not exceed 32 square feet where the building lot abuts only one street, and not more than two of such. signs facing on different streets, except where a sign is installed on a tool house, and then the total area of such sign shall not exceed 96 square feet and no other temporary building sign shall be allowed on the plot. 2. In R-3 zones and all commercial areas, a single sign of not more than 54 square feet of advertising surface will be per- mitted. 3. Such signs may not be erected more than 60 days prior to beginning of actual construction of the project and only after building permit is issued, and must be removed when construction is completed. 4. If a sign be erected as permitted hereunder, and if con- struction is not commenced within 60 days after permit is issued, or if such construction be not continuously progressed to completion, said sign shall be removed. E. The above restriction as to the square feet area does not apply to signs which may be erected on subdivision property adver- tising same for sale. Advertising surface of not exceeding six feet x nine feet shall be permitted upon such sign. F. No sign of the types permitted by this section shall be erected or displayed closer than 2 feet to the property line of the lot upon which it is situated, except signs erected upon tool houses or scaffolds allowed to be maintained on sidewalks or streets in emergency conditions. All signs shall be firmly secured to the ground or structure on which placed. Section 10. Regulations governing .signs genera~.l~. Signs erected or maintained in the city under the provisions of this ordinance are subject to the following regulations: (a) NOT TO INTERFERE WITH PUBLIC. The sign must not create a traffic or fire hazard, or be dangerous to the general welfare or interfere with the free use of public street or sidewalks. (b) IMMORAL NATURE. No sign shall display any statement, word, or character or illustration of any obscene, indecent or immoral nature. -5- (c) KEPT IN GOOD REPAIR. All signs must be kept in aood condition, neat appearance and good stale of repair. Any ~ign at least fifty per cent destroyed must be immediately removed at lhe owner's expense and a new permit secured before the sign is re- placed. If not repaired within a reasonable time the sign shall constitute a public nuisance and shall be removed. (d) AVOIDANCE OF FIRE HAZarD. Weeds shall be kept out within a radius of fifty feet of any sign or billboard, and no rubbish or debris shall be permitted so near thereto that the same shall con- stitute a fire hazard. (e) INiPRINT OF OWNER'S NAME OR M3tKER'S NAME. All signs shall be marked with the maker's name, weight of the sign, registry nun~er of the'permit and for incandescent lamp signs, the number of lampholder, and for electric discharge signs, with the input amperes at full load and input voltage. The transformers used shall be marked with the maker with the input rating in amperes or volt amperes, the input voltage and the open circuit high tension voltage. The marking for the sign shall be visible for inspection after in- stallation. (f) OBSTRUCTION OF DOORS, WINDOWS AND FIRE ESCAPES. No sign shall be attached to or placed against a building in such a manner as to prevent ingress or egress through any door or window of any building, nor shall any sign obstruct or be attached to a fire es cape. (g) POSTING OR TACKING NOTICE AND SIGNS. No person shall paint, paste, print; nail or fasten in any manner whatsoever any banner, sign, paper, or any advertisement or notice of any kind whatsoever, or cause same to be done, on any curbstone, flagstone, pavement or any other portion or part of any sidewalk or street, or upon any trees, lamppost, parking meter post, telephone or telegraph pole, hydrant, bridge, workshop or tool shed or upon any structure within the limits of any streets within the city, unless otherwise permitted hereunder. Posting or ±aching of any banner, sign, handbill, advertise- ment or notice of any kind, or the causing of same to be done upon any private wall, window, door, gate, fence, electric light post, 'telephone pole, or upon any other private structure or building is hereby prohibited. Legal notices required by law to be so posted are hereby excepted, No person shall distribute any advertising and/or literature on Sixth Avenue, also known as the Federal Highway, Fifth Avenue, also known as the old Dixie Highway, Atlantic Avenue and/or the Ocean Boulevard within the city. (h) WIND PRESS~{E ALLOWANCE. All signs attached to or placed on any building shall be constructed and erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least 50 pounds per square foot of surface of such sign affected by wind pressure. (k) HANGING OF SIGNS. All signs attached to or placed on any building shall be thoroughly secured thereto by non-corrosive sign hooks. (j) REGISTERED ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS REQUIRED. No roof sign of over 50 square feet in area shall be permitted unless a register- ed engineer's drawing is submitted to the building division. Such plans shall show that such roof sign will be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least 50 pounds per square foot. Any sign, the top of which is more than 17 feet above the ground or we~.ghing more than 1000 pounds, or any solid sign of area more than 80 square feet, will require a registered engineer's drawing to be submitted to the city before a permit is granted. (k) CONCEALING REAR OF SIGNS: CLEANLINESS OF SURROUNDING AREA: RE~OVAL OF DELAPIDATED SIGNS. Where the rear of any sign structure is visible from any street or from any adjoining district under a residential classification in the city, all exposed struc- tural men, ers of any such sign shall be concealed by painting, -~- lattice work, or by plantings, and such back screening shall be properly maintained. Every sign shall be kept in good condition as to structure and appearance; the ground space within a radius of ten feet from the base of any advertising sign structure shall be kept free and clear of all weeds, rubbish and inflammable material. The city reserves the right to remove any sign which shows neglect or which becomes delapidated, or where the premises whereon it is situated are not properly maintained. The cost of such removal shall be paid by the person owning such sign, or by agent responsi- ble for the placing of such sign. (1) SIGNS NOT TO EXTEND ABOVE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. No sign of any kind shall be permitted to extend into or above or be an- chored or placed-in any portion of the right-of-way of a city street or sidewalk area, or used public street or public sidewalk (except official city, state and county signs) unless such sign be perma- nently attached to an existing building and be located not less than nine feet above the sidewalk or finished grade, and extend not more than five feet in a horizontal direction from the building-to which attached; nor not closer than two feet to the curbing, pro- vided, however, the City Council by motion at a regular meeting, may permit signs and advertising matter upon the public streets or highways as follows: 1. Signs announcing meeting places of various civic organi- zations at important points along the highways. 2. Signs for churches, public schools or other like organiza- tions announcing local time of meeting or directional signs. 3. Such other signs of a public nature as the Council deems desirable. (m) ROOF SIGN MATERIALS. Every roof sign shall be constructed of non-combustible materials, including the uprights, supports and braces, except-that the ornamental moldings, battens, cappings and nailing strips, platforms and the decorative trimmings may be con- structed of combustible materials. (n) NEON SIGNS IN R-3 ZONES. Neon signs shall not create a nuisance to adjacent property and must be turned off at twelve ~ o'clock midnight if it disturbs the peace and quietude of the in- habitants residing in the adjacent apartments or home. Section 11. Misleadi.~~ sta.~em9nts on signs and billboards. It shall be unlawful for any person to display untrue, false or misleading statements upon signs, billboards, or other public places, calculated to mislead the public as to anything sold, any services to be performed or information disseminated. The fact that any such sign or display shall contain words or language sufficient to mislead an ordinary person in reading same, shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section by persons dis- playing such sign, or permitting same to be displayed at their residence, establishment or place of business. Any person violating the provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in Section 25 of this ordinance. Section 12. ~iqns to he firmly secured. All signs permitted to be erected under this ordinance shall be firmly secured to the ground or structure upon which same are placed. Section 13. L~i.cense required to engage in business of ±nstall!n~ s~qns and awnings. No person who is engaged in the sign business shall, under the provision of this ordinance, construct or erect any sicjn within the city without first having obtained an occupational license for such occupation. This shall not apply to those employed by a person or firm who is licensed in the city for such business. -7- Section 14 Construction of electric Electric signs shall be constructed only of incombustible materials. The metal used in the construction of s i_~n bo×es shall be not less than No~ 28 U.S. sheet metal gauge (.0156) inch. shall be galvanized, treated with at least three coats of anti- corrosive paint, or otherwise suitable protection from corrosion· The electric wiring and appliance shall conform to the requirements of the Electrical Code of the City of Delray Beach, Section 15. Prima_fy wiring for electric signs .and neon lighting to b~~talled by'" liCe'nS_ed'. el..ectri'eian'~ ............ All electrical wiring, electrical connections, and appurte- nances pertaining to the installation and maintenance of neon light- ing and electric signs of all types must be installe~ by an elec- trician licensed 33y the city. Section 16. Notice. for inspection and installation. No neon lighting or electrical siG~ns shall be installed until the same has been inspected and approved by the electrical inspector, and upon completion of the installation of any neon lighting or- electrical sign, the electrical inspector shall be notified imme- diately to make a final inspection of said installation. Said in- spection will ]~e made within forty-eight hours after not~flcat~on. Section 17· Discpntinuance of signs violatin~ this Code or Na+.ional klectrical C6de. ~Any neon lic~htin~3 or electri.c si~n installed at any location that ~oes not conform with the NatmonaI Electrical Code, or that violates any ordinances of the city shall upon notice by the electrical inspector be discontinued inm~ediately from service .]Dy the owner until n~%de to conform with-this Code and is subsequently approved by the electrical inspector. Section 18. Neon lighting controls to be approved. No transformers, flashers or other apparatus used to contro~ neon lighting that are not approved by the Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated, shall !De permitted in the city· Section 19. _Ne_on. and gaseous tu~.e lig~ti.ncj to conform to this Code and National Electric Code. - ...... ~[o neon sign, neon display lightinc3, neon outline lighting~ or any gaseous tu]oe lightinc, nor any part thereof, shall be con- structed, erected or maintained in the city, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance or Code or which does not conform to the requirements of the latest edition of the National Electrical Code. Section ~.0. Protection of _~ub.in.q and conduits exposed.. tO moi.s.~ur_~e. Where a metal tubing or conduit is used to enclose conductors of over six hundred (600) volts, on the outside of a buildinc3 or where such tubing or conduit is exposed to moisture, waterproof fittings and connections of the screw type must ]De used. Section ~.1. _N_on-conforming signs..-...e, ffec±ive date for removal° Non-conforming sicns in the city shall be removed at the ex- pense of the cwne'r or ±essex, of the real estate on wh~cl~. such signs are located, or at the expense of the owner of such signs within 60 days after notice by the building inspector. The city reserves the right to remove any such sign board or sign if the owner thereof fails to comply with this requirement for removal by the building inspector, and the city is hereby vested with authority to appro- priate the materials obtained from such signs and to credit the value thereof to the owner against the cost of such removal. All electric signs within the city limits now existing which by the enactment of the provisions of this ordinance are made non- conforming, must be removed by the owners by December $1, 1960, -8- Section 22. Procedurs when signs found unsafe, insecure or ~LLEGALLY 'po~st'r'u6t'e.J. ' " Upon inspection by the building inspector, if any sign be found unsafe, insecure or not properly constructed according to the requirements of this article, the owner shall be required to make it safe, secure and of proper construction if defective, or remove said sign if erected contrary to the provisions and require- ments of this ordinance. If notice of need for correction or re- moval is not complied with, the building inspector shall cause such sign to be removed at the expense of the owner. Section 23. Construction of Canvas Awnings. Canvas awnings nay be suspended over a public sidewalk, but shall not cause obstruction of street lamps,-and no portion of any such awning shall be less'then seven and one-half (?~) feet above the grade of the sidewalk, and said awning must be supported en- tirely from the building from which it is suspended, except that hotel and restaurant canopies may be erected across the sidewalk by special permit from the building inspector. The outer edge of said awning must be no closer than two feet to the curb line. Section 24. Enforcement of ordinance. No si~n shall be permitted to be erected or maintained in the city contrary to the provisions of this ordinance. The chief building inspector, and all inspectors working under the supervision of the chief building inspector of the city shall enforce the provisions of this ordinance; and, further, the chief building inspector and all subordinate inspectors are hereby author- ized and directed to remove all signs from areas in which signs are prohibited by this ordinance, or which are constructed contrary to the provisions of this ordinance. Section 25. Vio.!a%ion of provisions. Any person, persons, association of persons, partnership or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof in the Nunicipal Court of the City of Delray Beach, be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00 or imprison- ment in the City Jail for not more than $0 days, or either or both, such fine imprisoruv, ent in the discretion of the Nunicipal Judge. Section 26. If any section, part of section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held unconstitutional or invalid the remaininc provisions hereof shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect. Section 27. All laws and ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this the ,,,lbc day of July A.D. 1958. VICE- MUtYOR 1st Reading,, June 23, 1958 2nd Readinc ..... Jul~ 14, 1958 PASSED & ADOPTED July 14, 1958 -9- THE DELRAY BEACH JOURNAL Published weekly on Thur~ay Delray Beach, lmalm Beach County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Robert L; Britt: who on oath ~ys that he/~he ~ Editor or Publisher o~ The Delr~y Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, Ira- ~' · lng a Legal Notice in the matter of S/G~i~, IMLLBOARDS AND P~uTs FOR LOC^T~ON OF -- INSTALLATION, DESION, LOC° ^~oN ~,~n ~,Am~NANC'~ OF City of Delrav Beach: Florida. SIGNS, BILl.BOARDS _ INOS IN TH~ CITY O,F DELRAY ' ' BEACH; PROVIDING & PENALTY IN CASE OF VIOLATION OF TERMS HEREOF AND 11~3 ALL ORDINANCES OR pARTS OF ORDINANC~ IN CONFLICT H ER EWI?H. The above OrdAmmc® is ~bltah- ed b~ caption only, ~ ~e_~A~ed by time City Chrome. m~eting held oa'~ Hall on ]~a{~ ~1~{~. ~$8. in the ........................ Cour~ wa~ published in ~id new~paper will be ~ead in {~1;'.~ ~d sons int~ested ~ll in the ~.. of ...J~y. 3.. ag..July. 1~h,19.58 { o~o,~,, ~ b. Affiant further says that the said Deiray Be~ch Journal is a news- paper published at Delray Beach, in said P ~alm Beaeh County, Florida, and that the said newspaper ha~ heretofore been eon.tinuou~ly published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each week ~nd has been entered ~ second class mall nmtter at the post office in Delray B~aoh, Palm l~ch County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached cpl~of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has nelther/~aid jhor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, ~'ebatg~/eomanission or ref.~jad for the purpose of seeurin{f this advertisg~hent for publl?tio~z' .in the.said newspaper. . //) . ~ ,. ~. / (SEAL) 1Votary Public, State of Florida at large(~ My Corn.mission e~zp{re~ ........................