Ord G-261(19-57)II ORDINANCE NO. G-261, AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: AMENDING SECTION 20-2 an~ 20-3 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH~ FLORIDA~ BY PRO- VIDING SAID BOARD SHALL CONSIST OF SEVEN MEMBERS AND FIXING THE TERM OF OFFICE. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Ceuncil of the City ef Delray Beach~ Flerida: SECTION 1. Sectien 20-2 ef the Cede ef Ordinances ef the City ef Delray Beach, Flerida, is amended te read as fellews: "The Planning Beard shall censist of seven members~ whe _ shall either be residents ef the city or shall have their prin cipal place ef business in Delray Beach. The members shall be persens ef recegnize~ experience and qualificatiens~ and shall held ne ether public effice er pesitien under the city gevern . ment, e, xcept as a member of a zening ~eard ef adjustment er ap- peals. SECTION 2. Sectien 20-3 ef the Cede ef Ordinances ef the City ef Delray Beach~ Florida, is amended te rea~ as fellews: "The members ef the Planning Beard shall be appeinted by the City Ceuncil. The five members ef the Planning Beard as new censtituted and serving, shall hel~ effice for the remain- ~er ef their respective terms, unless sooner remeved. One ditienal member shall be appeinted for a five year term and additienal member shall be aRpeinted fer afeur year term te in- crease the Beard te seven members. Thereafter~ at the expira- tien ef the term ef effice of each member, the ceuncil shall ap- peimt their successer for a term of five years. PASSED AND ADOPTED IN REGULAR SESSION en the lOt_._~h day ef June ., A. D. 1957.