Ord G-095(02-50)AN OI&'INi~NCE OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF Tile CITY OF DEL~iY PAIJ, I D~kCii COUNTY, 1. LO!,ID~, DECh%ilING ITS I.,T~TIO,i TO A-~,~ TO ~-v.~.~ CITY OF DZL!LkY B~LCii TIlE FOLLOWING u~CnII,ED TI'~CT gI~ OF ]k~d~D LOCATED IN PAtti ~ '~ t,~C., COUNTY, FLO~iIDA, AND LYING UOUS TO TIlE CITY OF D~h~'~Y ~ ~'~ ~' '~ L~Ctt, TO-WIT: FOIi A POINT OF L~GIN- NING STAHT AT A POINT h'iiEit~ TIiE NOIIT~ BO~NDAIiY LINE OF THE CITY LLdITS OF Tire CITY OW DEL~Y h~C~,, FLOt!IDA ( ~,T WEST AT~NTIC AVEh~L IN SAIl) CITY) INTEiiSECTS TdE ;'[EST iIIGilT-OF-~;AY I~INE TiiE IIILLS~u~OU~h C~C47~L (E 4 C~iNAL); ~"~ ...... ' ..... 'T ..... ~ ~,.)}~T .~oT~]~Y ALONG TiIE WEST tiIG!iT-OF~i;~iY LINE OF SAIl> [[ILLSBO- l ~0 I; Gu ~ '~ ..... V ~ ...... ]tIGIiT-OF-~,~Y LINE.~i'~D THE ~tST A. hD WEST CENT~ ~.INE,~'~ SECTION 18, To~SIiIP 46 SOUTH, I~%NGE 43 ~%ST; THENCE IIUN~/ING '¥~ .~,~ ulLI,S~:ui~ouG. Ci:NAL LY A/O~{G SAID WEST I:LIGiIT-OI:I-WAY LI~ UF ~ ......... ' ~.~rnlL LI>~E OF SECTIUN 18, TOD:bi, I, 46 i~iNGE 43 ~'~ST; m~ST~,L~ ;~LO~G A LiNE THII'~TY-TtiI{EE FEET .~3].,%~ 46:~")'~r'u~,, ,u,;,,~"~ v,.-~z 43 ~iST I'0 THE CI1Y LIMITS OF ThE CITY oF DELickY .~C~, FLO,,~Ii~.~, i;'ilIGi~ IS Tile ,,'?c,~ ~ ....... v A].ONG A I.I!~E FCI~iED BY Tile r ', :,,.,~,~,~ trINE dF Tile CITY LIi,iITS OF TiiE CITY OF OED~-,Y L~-,C,~ TO Tile POINT L~I~ '~ ' ~'~ '~ THAT SAID T~tCT OR PARCEL StlALL BE ANN~iED Tt~ Ti~E CITY OF DEIJ~.Y B~ICH AT THE }~PIikkTION OF ~ Ii~ r~E~, DAYS FHO~d Tile ~L~AL PASSAGE ' ' ....... "A~ F~iTiiEll PIidVII)ING TiLiT TiiIS '~ ' "' ~'~ oLLI,x,~NC~ SHALL .& PfHILISIiED ~z i, TWO C~,~S~CUTI%~ bEEKS AFTER ITS FINIJ. PASSAGE. BE IT O~DAINEL by the Oity Council of the City of Delray Bench, ~loridn, as Follows: Section 1: 'that the City Council hereby declares its intentious to annex the following described tract or parcel of ]_~nd lock, ted in 17'~lm" ' ' ' ::eacn County, ~lopltt~,~ and lying contigu- ous to the City of Delr~y !~each, to-wit: For a point of beginning, start at a point where the North bounuam-' ..- li~e oF the CJ_tr~ limits of the ~zt~.' of ~;elrav ,lea_.n, t. lor~da (at West ~'~tlantic Avenue in that Cit~' ) intersects tl~e West Piglet-of-way line oF the tiillsborot~gh Canal (E.4 Canal); t~ence Ptllql'lil]~ northerly and nor'th-er, sterly alon.~ tire ~¥est right- of-way line off st, id iiillsborougit Ct, nal to a point fomned by the iutersection oF said ?~'est right-of-way line and the East and ~,'est center line oF Section Eighteen (18), Township 4b-South, 43-Es. st; tt~enee runnin5 north-easterly along said ~'est ri.2i~tof- way line of the iiillsborough ~...tml to a point loeeteO thirty-trite, Feet (33') ~,ortn '~,f the sttid ~st and West center line of Section ?/i_ghteer {1.8), Township 40-South, lt~n.~e 43-Last; titence easterly along a l:tne titirty-tl~t~ee Feet (33') Norti~ oF and para- lle! to ti~.e :dast and ~;est tempter line of Section 18~ Township 46-S flange 43-E~ to the City li,,~its ~f tkte City of' belray }}e~ci~ ~lori- da, wnici.t is the Y/est right-oF-way Ii. ne of t~e Seaboard Airline ....~.~ilway, t. nence running .... so;~ther'ly anr~ so,~thwesterly alon~ a line F,.,r:ied by the b~}:mdar'y li~e ,JF t[le City limits of t:~e City of' Beach, to the point of begitming. Section 2: T~tat tt~e above described t~'act oP parcel off land sllg].! be annexetl to tae City of belrgy l~eaci~, Florida~ at the expiPatio~ off fifteen (]~) drays gro.~ the gi~a. 1 passage oF this ,-~rdinance. Section 3: Timt, al'te~~' tile f~illgl 'passage oF t~tis Ord:[~mnce, said Opdim~nce simll be p~tblished, in ~ull., o,~ce a week For two (2) consecutive weeks, and t~te iJelr~y Eeacl~ ~ews is i~ereby des:[~,nt, ed as the newspaper for s~cA p ~l)lication. Section 4: Ti~at, if any word, phrase, clause, ser~- teHce or ot!~er [)apt of t}~is OPdi~]~flce sim, Il be (tecl~]'~{t illegal by ~ coH~t ~)F co~;q)etent j~lPisdiction, such record oF illegality shal]. in no why effect t~ie renl~.irlirlg portioll; that if onf:- portion or part of the property as described in nm:fl)re,ed paragraph 1 hereof is declared by a Co~rt of eo~:~petent jurisdiction not to be annex- able, then s~.mh portion or part shall in no way affect the annex- ~bility of the remaining pa~-'t or po~'tion thereof. Section 5: /ny objections should be fi]ed in the manner ?rescribed by Section 185 of the City Cit~rDer of the City [/elray [~a c/t, FloriOa. ~asscd i~ regilll:l" session oll tite second and final reading on this the 2~th!ay of February , A. D. ,kTTEY;T: 1st lle~ding - J~nuary 24, 1950 2nd Rea{{ing Februar7 2~, Passed and aOopted - February 2ggh~ ~9~0.