Ord G-098(05-50) 0tCDINANC~ NO. G-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF DEL~AY BEACh, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, DECL~ilNG ITS INT~TION TO ~ TO T~ CITY OF B~CR T~ FO~OWING T~CT OH PAH~ OF ~ LOCAT~ IN P~I B~CR COUNt, FLORIDA, ~ LYING CONTINGENT TO T~ CITY OF D~Y B~CH TO-WIT: FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING ST~T AT A POINT W~ T~ NORTH HIGHT-OF-WAY LI~ OF ATL~TIC AVE~ IN~ECTS THE NORTH-SOUTH CEN- TER LI~ OF SECTION 18, TOWNSH~ 46, SOUTH, 43 ~ST; T~NCE ~UN NOHT~Y ~ONG SAID SOUTH C~EH LI~ ~IBTY-T~ F~T (33') NORTH OF T~ ~ST-~ST C~T~ LIh~ OF SECTION 18 TOWNSH~ 46 SOUTH, ~GE 43~ST: THENCE ~ONG a Li~ ~I~TY-TH~ (33') NORTH OF ~D p~LLEI', TO SaID ~T-~ST ¢ENTE~ LI~ TO POINT OF INT~SECTION ~TH THE ~IGHT-OF-WAY LI~ OF ~E E-4 G~ T~NCE HUNNING SOUT~STE~Y SOUTR~ TO THE NOHTH ~IGHT-OF-WAY LI~ OF AT--TIC A~: T~N~ SOUTR~ST~Y ALONG SAID NO~iTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LI~ OF ~ST~T~TIC AVEN~ TO T~ POINT OF BEGINNING: PROVIDING THAT SAID T~CT O~ P~t~ ~ BE ANN~D TO THE CiTY OF D~Y BEACH AT T}~ ~I~TION OF F~T~N DAYS F~OM T~ FIN~ PASSAGE OF THIS OHD1N~CE: ~D FUR- T~ P~OVIDING T~T THIS O~I~CE SH~I-,T, BE ED FOH TWO CONSECUTI~ W~EKS AFTEH ITS FIN~ PASSAGE. BE iT O~AI~D by the City Council of the City of BelfRy Beach, Florida, as follows: Section 1: ~at %he City Council hereby declaPes its intentions to annex ~e following descmibed tmact oP pamcel of land located in Palm Beach Co~ty, FloPida, and lying contlngu- ous to the City of DelPay Beach, to wit; Fo~ a point of beginning, start at a point where the No.th, Plght-of-way line West Atlantic Aven~e intersects the NoPth-South Center line of Section Eighteen (18), Township South, ~ange 43 East; thence Pun noPthePly (33) feet Nor~ of the East-West Center line of Section Ei~teen (18) Township 46- S, ~ge 43-E~ thence easterly along thirty-three feet (33') north of and paPallel to said East-West centerline to the point of intersection with the West right-of-way line of the E-4 Canal; thence r~ng Southwesterly and SouthePly to ~e No.th right-of-way line of West Atlantic Avenue; thence Southwesterly alon~ said North right-of-way line of West Atlantic Aven~e to ~e point of beginning. Section 2~ T~t ~e abo~e desc~ibed tract or parcel of land shal'l"b'e annexed to the City of BelfRy Beach, Florida, at ~e expiration of fifteen (15) days from the fill passage of this Ordinance. Section 3: That, after ~e fill passa&e of Ordinance,~ Sai~ '~rdinance shall be published In full, once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks, and ~e Delray Beach News is hereby designated as %he newspape~ fop such publication. Section 4; That, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or o~er paPt of this Ordinance shall be declared illegal by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect ~e ~emainlng portion; ~at, if any poPtlon pa~t of the propePty as described in n~bePed 1 pa~agmaph hemeof is declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction not to be annex- able, %hen such portion or part shall In no way affect the annexability of the remaining part or portion thereof. Section 5: Any objections should be filed in the manner pFe-scri%ed by the Section 185 of the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. PA~SED in regular session on the second and final reading on this the 28th day of March A.D. 1950. (~igned) John N. Kabler President City Council (Approved) . John No Kabler l~ayor ( AT TEST ) Huth H. Smith ..... '¢it'y' Cle'r~ 1st ~eading - ~arch 14, 1950 2nd ~eading - ~arch 28, 1950 Passed and Adopted: Hatch 28, 1950