Ord G-113(20-50) OttDINANCE NO. G-11~ AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF Tile CITY OF DELI~kY BEACIi, PAI~I B'}L~_CI[ COUNTY, F~RIDA~ ANN~iING TIlE FOIA:OWING bESC[[IBED TINCT OH t'AI;~CEL t~F ]~k~l} ~OCATED IN PAI~1 B~Cli COUNTY, FLOIiIDA, AND LYING CONTIGUOUS To T[iE CITY OF DE~'b;~Y B~CH, TO-WIT: FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING, STA1[T AT A POINT t¥1[EtlE TiIE C~TF~l LIIqE OF WEST ATlaNTIC AVENUE (1)EI~kY I~'EST ROAD)(AS CONSTI~UCTED TIi}iOUGIt SECTION EIG}iTEEN (1S), TOWNSIiIP F~I[TY-SIX (46) SOUTii, I~'.NGE FORTY-TILREE (43) INTEtiSECTS TIIE }~ST LINE of TiiE I/EST QUAt[T~t ~[~F SECTION EIGHTEEN (18), TO%'~NSitIP FOI[TY-SIX (46) 5UUTli, IQkNGE ~IITY-Ti~I~iE~ (43) ~ST; TIIENCE liUN NOi[TIi ALO~'~G THE ~YST LINE OF TIlE WEST (:UAIITE[[ OF SAID SECTI[)N EIG}[TEEN (1S) TO A POINT TtiIRTY-TiII[EE FEET (33') NOI[TIi OF 'l'l:iE ~IST - ~fEST CENTEI{ LINE OF SAIl) SECTION EIGIiTE~N (la); TIIENCE P~ST ALONG A LINE Ti~IRTY-T~iEE FEET (33') NUllTti ~tI AND PzM~kL~L TO Tile SAID MST - }~'EST CEN'TEI[ LINE TO A POINT OF INTEl[SECTION ~,'ITli TliE ~tEST RIGIiT-OF-tiAY LINE of THE E-4 C~,NAL; TIiENCE IUNNING SOUTIiWESTE~iLY AND. SOUTHEI'[LY ALONG SAID WEST HIGiITOF-WAY LINE OF E-4 CANAL TO T~iE C~NTER LINE OF WEST ATIa~NTIC AVENUE; THENCE SOUTH. WESTEIILY ALONG SAID C~NTE}I LINE OF ~%EST AT~YNTIC AVENUE TO Tile POINT OF BEGINNING; AND ~IlTlt~[ PRO%~IDIi{G TiiAT T}IE BOUNDAtIIES OF TIiE CI~f OF DELt~Y B~CH SIiA]~L BE RE-DEFINEI) SO AS TO INCLUDE THEkEIN Tile ABOVE D~SCliIBED TIa~CT uR PAfICEL OF ~ND. ~ftiEI(~S by Ordinance No. G- 106 the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, declared its intention~ to annex to the City a tract of land as more particularly described in Section 1 hereof, aud t%'IiEt{~S no objections were filed to said intention of annexation, as required by Section 185 of the City Charter of the City of ~)elray Beach, NOi~' TitEII~OI{E, BE IT OIIDAIN~ by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida as follows: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beac~ County, x~'lorida, hereby annexes to said City the followin~ described tract or parcel of land located in Palm Beach County, ~lorida, and lying contiguous to said City, to- wit: For a point of beginning, start at a point where the center line of ~¥est 3tlantic Awenue (Delray %{est Road) (as constructed through Section ~ight- een (18), Township Forty-six (46) South, liange Forty-three (43) East, intersects the East line of the l¥est quarter of Section Eighteen (18), Township Forty-six (46) South, t(ange Forty-three East; ' thence run North along the east line of the %iest quarter of said ~ection Eighteen (18) to a point thirty-three feet (33') North of the East- West center line of said Section Eighteen (18); thence East along a line thirty-three feet (33') North of and parallel to the said Esst-~'est center line to a point of intersection with the right-of-way line of the E-4 Canal; thence m~nning southwesterly and southerly along said l;'est right- of-way line of E-4 Canal to the center li~e of ;~est Atlantic Avenue; thence southwesterly along said Center ~ine'of '~¥est Atlantic Avenue to the point of beginning. Section 2: That the boundaries o£ the City of Del- ray Beach, ~'lorida, shall be so re-de£ined as to include therein the above described tract of land. Section 3: That, if any word, phrase, clause, sen- tence or other p~rt off tilis Ordinance shall be declared illegal by a Court of cor~petent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way a£fect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on this the l~th day o£ November, A. D. 1950. ATTEST: Cit~ ClePk 1st !{eading - October ~ 1950 2nd }leading - November 1~,1950 Passed and adopted - November