Ord G-165(12-53) O INAN NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF r~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 17, AS ~J~ENDED, OF CHAPTER VIII OF THE CITY CODE OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BY AUTHORIZING S~LE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS ON THE NORTH SI~E OF ATLANTIC AVENUE EXTENDED FROM OCEAN BOULEVARD WEST A DISTANCE OF 450 FEET. BE IT ORDAINED BY ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section, 1: That Section 17, Chapter VIII of the City Code of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: "SECTION 17: No intoxicating liquors shall be sold in that portion of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, lying east of the right-of-way of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, as the same is now located in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, except in that portion of said territory described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the East boundary of the right-of-way of the Seaboard Air Line Railway 173 feet North of the Center line of Atlantic Avenue for a point of beginning; thence ~muing East parallel to and 173 feet North of the center line of Atlantic Avenue to the East Boundary of Swinton Avenue; thence running North along the East boundary of Swinton Avenue to a point 283 feet North of the center line of Atlantic Avenue; thence running East parallel to and 283 feet from the center line of Atlantic Avenue to the West Boundary of the right-of-way of the Florida Intracoastal Canal; thence running South along the West boundary of the right-of-way of the Florida Intra- coastal Canal to a point 283 feet South of the center line of Atlantic Avenue; thence running West parallel to and 283 feet from the center line of Atlantic Avenue to the East boundary of Swinton Avenue; thence running North along the East boundary of Swinton Avenue to a point 173 feet South of the center line of Atlantic Avenue; thence running West parallel to and 173 feet from the center line of Atlantic Avenue to the East boundary of the right-of-way of the Seaboard Air Line R~ilway, as the same is now located in the City of Delray Beach, Florida; thence running North along the East Boundary of said right~of-way of the Seaboard Air Line Railway to the point of beginning; (1) And also, except that portion of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, which is: Bounded on the North by a line 333 feet from and parallel to the center line of Atlantic Avenue; on the East by the West boundary of Ocean Boulevard; on the South by a line parallel to and 333 feet South of the center line of Atlantic Avenue, and on the West, as to property lying North of Atlantic Avenue, by a line 450 feet from and parallel to the West boundary of Ocean Boulevard, and as to property lying South of Atlantic Avenue, by a line 100 feet from and parallel to the West boundary of Ocean Boulevard. And also, except that portion of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, described as follows, to wit: The North 395 feet of the North 1395 feet of Section 21, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, lying East of the West right-of-way line of State Road ~140 (The Ocean Boulevard: And also, except that intoxicating liquors in packages for con- sumption off the premises may be sold in that portion of the City of Delray Beach, which is: Bounded on the West by the East boundary of N.E. 5th Avenue (other- wise known as Old Dixie Highway); on the North by a line 125 feet from and parallel to the Nor'th boundary of N.E. 8th Street; on the East by the West boundary of N.E. 7th Avenue; and on the South by a line 100 feet from and parallel to the South boundary of N.E. 8th Street. Providing, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to an7 actual bona-fide nationally organized and recognized Civic, Benevolent or Fraternal Organization." .Sect$on 2~: That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. PASSED in Regular Session on second and final reading on this the _ 25th day of May A.D., 1953. A~TEST: .... Mayor City Clerk (seal) 2nd Reading: May Passed and AdOpted. May 2 ~th. 1993 THE DELRAY BEACH JOURNAL Published Weekly Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH: Before undersigned ~.ority .rsonally appeared who on oath says that he is Editor of The Delray Beach ,Journal, a weekly newspaper published at Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of verti~, ~ i~the matter of . ~--(_.e~ W/ '-AN O~D~ANCZ OF rm~ crrY- CO1/NClL OF THE CITY OF -- D[[LRAY BKACH. FLORIDA. AMEND~G 8KCTION 17, AS AMENDED, OF CHAPTS'~ OF THE CITY ~ODK OF RAY BEACH FLORIDA. AUT14ORIEING' SALE OF ~No TOXICATING LIQ~JORS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ATLANTIC AVENUE EXTENDED FROM OCEAN BOULEVARD K'EST A DISTANCE OF 4S0 FEET. The above Ordinance is Pub- liahed by cs~t/o~ orfly, as reo quir~l by the City Ch~'ter. Ordinance was placed on f~rst in the ...................... Court, was published in said ,aad~g by tho City Coanc" at a ragul~ meeting held on May __~ ~,/ ~. ~/t~'' ~''~'~ llth, 1953, and · laid City C..4~- cll will 'sit.in the Council newspaper in the issues of b...~ ~e City ..V~, ............. 2$th day of May. I~.M., at which time immce wfl! be re.d .t~.~A~; and aH pe~on~ , lnterested'._~/~ be given ~n opportunity tO~ b~ heard, I~UTII ~, SMITH CAW Cl~k of the City D~h'~y Be~eh, Fl~d~ Affiant further says that the s~d The Delray Beach Journal is a newspaper published at Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach Cowry, Flo~da, and that the said news~per has herelolore been cont~u- ously publ~hed in s~d Pa~ Beach County, Florida, each week and has ~n entered ~ second cl~s mail matter at the ~toffice ~ ~elray Beach, in said Palm ~ach County, ~orida, for a period of one year n~xt precedin~ the fi~t publicat~oi the attached ~y of ad- vertisement; and affiant fu~her ~.~at he has neither ~d nor pwmised any ~erson, firm or c0~rat~n any discount, ~ebate. com- mission or ~fund for the pu~e o~curin~ this adve~ement for publication in the said new~a~.~ / _ ~ /~/ Sworn ~ and subscribed ~fore me th~ ......... ~ of ............ ..... M7 ~ommi~ion ~lres .........................