Ord G-70(06-49) ORDINANCE ND._ G-70 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMF~DING PARAGRAPH l, SUB-SECTION e, of SECTION 8 of ,,CHAPTER XX IN THE CITY CODE OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PERTAINING iT0 SIDE YARD AND SET BACK REQUIR~4ENTS. !1 BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Delray .Beach, Florida that Part(1)of Sub-section e, Section 0 of Chapter !iXX, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "(1) A, B, C dwellings Within Residence and for in ! Apartment House Districts, the combined side yards shall be 20% of the width of the lot, provided the minimum combined side yard requirement shall not be !t less than l0 feet or the maximum more than 50 feet. Said side yards to be of equal width; provided that the Building Inspector may permit one side yard to be of less width than the other, but no building shall be constructed within 7~ feet of any lot line; provided, however, that any building which is, at the effective i} date of this Ordinance, a conforming use, shall not be classified as a non-conforming use because of the foregoing amendment; nor within a distance equal to the combined side yard width required for that lot from the main building existing on any adjoining lot. Also in a Residence and Apartment House District, any garage or other accessory building shall be includ- ed in the combined side yard requirements with the main building, excep~ where a private garage is set back a minimum distance of l0 feet from the rear of the main house." PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on this the 22rdday of February, A. D. 1949. "Pres '~a~,- Ci y ~odhcll ATTEST: APPROVED ~i~ Cle'rk Mayo~. 1st Reading - February 8, 1949 2nd Reading- February 22, 1949 Passed and adopted - February 22, 1949. Affidavit of Publication DELRAY BEACH NEWS Published Weekly Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Ylilliam ~. ~orrison who on oath says that he is publisher of the Delray Beach News, a weekly newspaper published at Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Ordinance G-70 in the matter of .City of Delray Beach I~ o~mN~¢~-:o~ ~ f GRAPH 1. SUB-'SECT~N e, o~ SEC- [CI~ 'cODE: O~ ~K~ in the .CouP, ~. . was published in said newspaper in the issues of ~a~lo. onty. Cop~ ~ .~am~: ~$~, ]at the Ci~ cleFk'a Office for February 25, 1949 ~o~ ~.,.~,~. ~.~,o... ~T~,, [~as ~as~ed, by the -C!W .'CoUnCIl ,' ~ City Clerk, , , Affiant further sa~s that ~he said Delray Beach News is a newspaper published a~ Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach Oouniy, Florida, and tha~ the said newspaper ha~ heretofore been con- tinuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each Friday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Flor- ida, for a period of one year next p~eeding the first publication of the a~tached copy of a~ver- ~isementl and affiant fugher says that lie has neither paid nor promised any person, ii~m or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the pu~ose of seeurin~ this adver- tisemenl ior publie~i~n ~ the s~ ~pa~er. Sworn to and subse~bed before me this ~ day~. ~~~ ,A D 19~ (SEAL) No~ 7 Pub ie