Ord G-75(11-49) 72hat !I] ~xraer to provide a a~ifo!.N. ::'~'.q~.beri,:{ s'f.r'2~tem for
b~ailding's located withi~i the ~!t,, {~f b~l~a~ ~..~c:~,
he re by
.~, ~e ~!u,,~ Council 'f.,, said "~!u~ as . .... ~s:
5eoSion 1: lnl'zat tT~e Cit7 of~"'c~l~'- '~ l. each~ Florida, is
here'b~ eiviae4 in~o f?.tr (4) dections, naLlely, ,~optlz-east (.~)~
' '" z:,e f~
~..~orth-xvest, (Z:,), ~o.a~.~-ea~t (6C), and .South-','~est (54). '~
poi'qt ~md dividing lines for such directional segregation of suid
City shall be the intersection ~f .~ti~z'tic .~venue az~.d Su:i;zton
.~venue; That section which is bounded by l~th dwinton .~venue on
t~'~e zs~st and ~est ~tlantic ,~veYtue on ~he .... '"
oouv;~ is ~.ereby designa-
ted as the ~]orth-~est Section; that section which is bounded by
North ~,l_~ton Avenue on the .~est ar~. .:x. st ~:~t!antic ~venue oz-~ the
South is hereby designated as the North East section; that sec-
tion ~hich is bounded by 5outh 3v.~i~iton ~.~venue on the East and
.,est ~tlantic ~venue on the North i.s here~y desi[inated as the South
west section; that section 'vhich is bounded by. South
~Yvenue on the Jest and East ~tlaNtic ,kvenue on the .o~~ th is hereb~
~ designated as t~.e Sout~:.-east section.
~a~t ~y buildings located on 0ro~erty
Section 2: '~'" . .... "~'~' '
adjacent to the ~.venues (except ..tlantic ~-venue) in said City
~ace East, shall have even n. uz~oers ~d ~,n,~ such building fac-
in~ .~est .shall have ~Ddd numbers; that ~my buildin{ ~ocated on
property lyir~ adjacent to Streets or other roadways includin~
~tlantic .~:~venue, in said City, ~:~d facing North have even nm2bers;
~d any such building facin~ South shall have odd n~bers.
Section 3: ,~ny ~venue, street, road, lm~e, alley-way,
court, terrace, boulevard or other roadway ~nnin~ in a dia~onal
direction from the focal poiz~t, as set forth in 3action 1 hereof,
shall have even numbers on the left side of such avenue, street,
roaa, lane, alley-v~ay, court, terrace, boulevard or other road?,av,
and shall have odd numbers on 'the right side of ~ucb avenue, street,
road, lane, altey-~my, court, terrace, boulevard or other roadway
Section 4: That, usi~:.[: the dzvmak~ lines
.~venue and ~tl~tic ~venue, numbers of buildings in each Section,
as specified i~ Section ! hereof, located in said City shall start
with ]2t~ber 1 for the first twent~/-five (25) feet, a~ shall have
the nezt higher n~maber (odd or even as the case may be) fo? each
ad~.~t~o~l t~,~enty-five (25) feet ~goi~g array f~m said focal 2oint;
at each block intersection thereafter, going: away from said focal
point, buildln~: numbers shall be the sum of one (1) for the f~st
twenty-five (25) feet and shall have the next hi~her ~'~umber (odd
or even ~ the case may be) for each additional twe~'~ty-five (25)
feet plus one hundred (100) for each m~ch intersection.
Section 5: ~hat any ~ildings located in the rear ~f e
~-~y oilier building which faces an avenue, street, road, lane, al-
ley-way, court, terrace, boulevard or other ~adway shall take th~
..... ~a add one-half (l/a)
n~'~iber of the front buildi~ ~-~ .
~ection 6: That the Zuildi~:g Inspector establish and
maintain a rasp of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, reflectin~f
the n~.bers on b~ildings as hereinabove ~zrovided.
Section 7: That all ordi~:ances or carts of ordinances
insofar as they ma~ be i~.~'~siste~ t or in co~llct ~x,~a t~e ?to-
visions of t.his ordinance, be, a~d the sa~e are b~ereby re?ale,/.
Sectioz~ f~: That an~f cot?oration, ~m, age~;t or ,erson
violati!~j ~.ny section or sections of ~-~zs o~inance m~a!! be
deemed ~jui!ty of a misdemeanor a~ subject to a fi~.~e ~-:~.ot to exceed
.One H~'.dred Dollars (,~lO0.00) or by impriso¥.me~t fo~ term ~ot
exceed ninety da~ (90), or by both such fi~e and i~prisor~nt
within the discretion of the L'iunici!oal Oudge.
.:/~3.SLD in regular sessio~ on t~e seco~d and fi~al readi~:'
oll this the S4th da~f of .day, ~. D.
?regid~[~, City Cou~ciZ
City Clerk '"
~ st '-~e-' ' -
Affidavit of Publication
Published Weekly
Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida
Before the undersigned authority personally
appeared .... _~E_illAam__K._.Mor_ztisoz~
who on oath says that.__.~Le_is.., ps_hi i s ho_z: .....
.............................................................. of the Delray
Beach News, a weekly newspaper published at
Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida;
that the attached copy of advertisement, being a
i,n the matter of .............. City:--ot[--D~[t~&y
.......................................................................................... COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'
................................................................ UNIFORM NUMBERING SYSq~M
was published in said newspaper in the issues of w~.um SAID CITY; REPEALING
M..a_~ 27 !~__~_9 ~NCSS IN CONFLICT HERIg~rlTH.
................................... ~ .................................... AND PROVIDING A- pIgNALT~ ~OR
The above Ordinance is published by cap-
................................................................................... Lion only. Copy ~f same is on file at the
City Clerk's Office for inspection of in-
terested persons. This Ordinanoe was
passed by the C:itY Council at a meeting[
Affiant further says that the said Delray held May 24th, 1949.
Beach News is a newspaper published at Delray av~ ~. SmT~
· C~lty Clerk
Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida. and Pu~.:~iay 27, 1{~49.
that the said newspaper has heretofore been con-
tinuously published in said Palm Beach County,
Florida, each Friday and has been entered as
second class mail matter at the post office in
Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Flor-
ida, for a period of one year next preceding the
first publication of the attached copy of adver-
tisement; and affiant further says that .... ]l~
has neither paid nor promised any person, firm
or corporation any discount, rebat/e, commission
or refund for the purpose of securing th~ adver-
tisement for publication in the, '~ai~e~paper.
· ! ~, -:~---~ ........... ~ ......... ~ .........................
Sworn ~o and subscribed before me
day of .............. ~:L_'_~_c_:_c¢' ................... A. D. 19___?-~?
(SEAL) t / Notary Public
. ',, .~ ' i752,