Ord G-42(05-48) J~ 0~~~ O~ ~ ~? ~0~ O~ ~ ~ U~ 0F ~E ~ ~S~ ~XNG ~R ~ ~LT,~CTION 0F S~ T~ P~LT~ FOR ~ ~0~TXON H~F; BE ~ 0~X~ BY ~ CI~ C0~CIL of the C~ty of Delray Beach~ Flori~a~ as follows: ~CTION 1. D~~ION; Traae ~s and ~ch ~ar~s for ~s~ent ~oses an~ as used here~ ~e define~ to be an~ to ~nolu~e ~a~e ~ards, ~arl~e ~ds~ ~nch ~ards~ Jar Deals, Tabs~ ~ffle ~o~ ~ ~he 1~ use~ for the distr~bution of chemise or prizes or credit or ~h~n~ of ~lue ~n ~e City of Delray Beach. / SECTION 2. OC~ATI0~L T~: ~e~ ~s hereby le~le~ ~ assessea asa~nst each person ensas~ ~n the business of distrlbutl~ ~eh tra~e boar~s an~ p~eh bo~s for ~usement pur~ses~ ~ occupa- t~o~ tax of $50.00 for ea~ ~ ~~ on the 2~d day April, 1948. SE~ION ~. DI~~R D~~: A d~stributor of/such bo~ds or p~ch boards for ~usem~t p~poses Is defined to be any per.n, firm, or ~r~ration who e~ages in selli~ or distr~butln or convey~ ~ch tra~e boar~s to ~othe~ ~son, f~ or corpo~tlon w~th~n sa~ C~ty off De~ay ~ach for ult~te use by the ~ION 4. 0PE~TOR D~~: ~ operator ~s a m~chant other person dlsplay~ns such trade boards or ~nch boards for ~use- ment p~oses ~n his place off bus~ness or a~ther bu~ldin~ or enclo~re, ~ offer~ns to sell theref~m punches or tickets to ~ts con--ers or patens. ~yone attempt~ to sell the who~e of su~ board rather th~ ~ndl~ldual punches' or t~c~ets shall be ~ns~ere~ a d~atr~butor. SE~[0N ,5. D~ 0F DI~RI~R: It s~ll be the duty of the dlstributor of tra~e boar~s for ~use~ent ~r~ses to ~fix tax st~ps ~ssued by ~ C~ty off De~ay Beach, sa~ tax st~p ~ ~ve serial n~ber ~f~ze~ on the tax st~p ~n ~ wh~ serial n~b~ shall correspond wl~ the ser~a~ n~ber of the ~ra~e boar~ or p~ch board for ~s~ent ~r~ses. ~oh d~str~butor ~1 be ~ue~ a n~ber by sa~ City of De~ay Beao~ and the ~atr~butor ~spens~ sai~ tra~e ~us~ent ~ar~ shall affix his n~ber ~s~ed by ~ C~ty of De~ay Beach on the bach of sa~d boa~ ~n ~n~el~ble ~nk. Tax s~ps not be p~aee~ on any tra~e boar~ or punch bo~ for ~us~ent pur~ses ~t bear~ the n~ber of a d~str~bu~r as afforesaid. Ta~ st~p s~ps shal~ be securely ~flxe~ to sa~ trade boards a~ p~ch boards for ~us~ent ~r~ses by beans Slue~ ~hereto, ~d ~ose st~ps not be t~nsfferred f~m one ~ar~ to another. It shall be u~a~l for ~y d~stributor to distr~te, or any operator to offer for ~bl~c use, ~y su~ boa~ which does not contain the proper st~p or st~ps~ properly afffixed, as here~n p~l~ed. $~ch board or boards d~splayed for ~bl~c use, shall ~ways be subject to ~nspect~on by the C~ty of ~lray B~oh. ~y such board or boards be~ so d~splaye~ for the ~bl~c use without the p~per ta~ st~ps afff[xed ~y be ~m~edlately co~scated as ev~d~ce of the ~l~el operation ~ereof. ~ION 6. ~Y T0 R~I~: It shall be the duty of each d~str~butor to reslster his n~e, fictitious, ~r~rate, ~d alo~ w~th h~s occupation or bus[ness with the Tax ~llector of sald SE~ION V, T~ ~ ON BO~S: ~ch board or p~ bo~r~ flor opeFetor or mercer o~ o~her person in his plece of ~siness or other ~e, whareBy the ~ublic or co~rs or pstrons ~re pe~itted to purchase punches or tickets thereon, shall have affixed thereto the tax stamp of the City of Delray Beach, on the face of the board or other conspicuous place thereon according to the following schedule~ ,s one-cent stamp for each 100 holes or tickets, with a mlninnAm of and an additional 5~ for each 500 holes or fraction thereof. 5~ Boards up to 750 holes or tickets 5~ Boards from ?50 to 1500 holes or tickets 1.00 ~aoh ad~itional 100 holes or tickets .15 10~ Boar~s up to ~50 holes or tickets 1.00 10~ Boards from 750 to 1500 holes or tickets Each a~itional 100 holes or tickets .25 254 Boards up to ~50 holes or tichats 1.75 ~5~ Boar~s from ?50 to 1500 'holes or tickets 3.50 Each additional 100 holes or tickets 50~ Boards up ~o "/50 holes or tickets 50~ Boar~s from ?50 to 1500 holes or tlokets Each additional 100 hole8 or tickets 1.00 I ll,00 Boards up to 750 holes or tickets 4.00 .00 Boar~s from ~50 to 1500 holes or tickets Each additional 100 holes or tickets ~.00 All other types not, specified, $10.00 up to 750 holes or tickets plus $2.00 for each additional 100 holes or tickets. A~y person displaying a board for sale without having the tax stamp affixe~ shall be guilty of violation of this Ordinance. The displaying of a trade board for sale, or the possession of a board whioh has been punchedo and upon which the tax stamp is not affixed shall be prima facie evidence of the violation of this Ordinance. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Ordinance for any board taxed hereunder to have displayed on it United States Currency. SECTION 8, REGULATIONS AS TO TAX STAMPS: The tax stamps to be affixe~ shall be of the form and size as may be designated by the City of Delray Beach, Florida. Suoh tax stamps shall be sold by the City Tax Collector of said City of Delray Beach to registered distribu- tors only and shall be sol~ in quantities of not less than $100.00 valuation. All moneys collected from the sale of such stamps shall be paid into the Treasury of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 9. UNLAWFUL TO USE BOARDS FOR GAMBLING: It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Ordinance to use such trade boards for gambling or wagering purposes, or for any purpose other than as a trade board or amusement board. SECTION 10. UNLAWFUL FOR MIN01~ TO PLAY: It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Ordinance to permit any minors to purchase punohes or tickets from said trade boards or anmsement boards, and any operutor or merchant permitting same personally, or by or through any agent or eaployee, shall be punished as hereinafter provide~. SECTION 11. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION: Any person, firm, or corpora- tion who shall violate any of the term~ of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishe~ by a fine of not more than $500.00, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 60 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the ~Anicipal Judge. SECTION 12, THIS ORDINANCE shall take effect 30 days from its passage on second and final reading. SECTION 1~. SECTION 26 of 0r~i~anee number G-Ii of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the same is he reby repealed, PA~SED in Regular Session on second smd final reading on this day of March, 1948. ATTEST: ~,. APPROVED: Affidavit of Publication DELRAY BEACH NEWS Published Weekly Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before th~ undersigned authority personally 'appeared .... : who on oath says that is of the Delray Beach News, a weekly newspaper published at Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a in the matter of" ORDINANCE NO. G-42 AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF DELRAY FLORIDA, LEVYING, AND IMPOSINO A T&~ UPON THE SALE AND USE OF ~ADE AND AMUSEMENT P U N C H ~ARDS in ~he .C'o~rt~ ~'~HIN SAID CITY: PROVID~G roa ~E COLLECtiON Or SA~D was published in said newspaper in the issues of tax AND FOR O~ER PUR~SES; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR ~E ~ ~ VIOLATION HEREOF. AND PEALING CONFLICTING SE~ION OF ORDINANCE. ~e above Ordinance ts ~blish~ by ca~. tSon only. Copy of same Is on file at City' Clerk's office for insp~tion o~ In- by the City Council at a m~ting held Affiant further says that the said Delray March 23rd, 1~. RU~ R. SMITH Beach News is a newspaper published at Delray City Clerk. Beach, in. said Palm Beach County, Florida, and ~areh 2~, that the said newspaper has heretofore been con- ~inuously published in said Palm Beach County, ~lorida, each Friday and has been entered as second class mail ma~ter ag the posg office in Delta7 Beach, in said Palm Beach County, ~lor- ida, for a period of one ~ear nex~ preceding ~he firs~ publication of the a~taehed cop7 of tisemen~; and affian~ further says that has neither paid nor promised any person, firm Sworn to and subscribed before me this (SEAL) ~ Nota~ Public