Ord G-48(11-48) ',-~-~'~T .:'~n~ ~0 C,--~8 P~P~3 BY OP~INAN~ NO. ",~-~n =,'-= ~T~m'~ T'.'[I:3 i.~RG~I Cf '3n''T .... ""~ -;":' ' ~,l~ -'."?p c~.~?!n: ~ .... ~'~''~ the emer{.enc~~ situation c .... ~_e~,ted b'~; the ~ulrlo~.Ne of aepte~:~ber 16 and 17~ 1947, still exists in the Citer of Delray 3each, Florida, insofar as the preservation of public property is concerned, and .,:~e~,o-~ ~=~", it is necessary for the 2r~serv~tion' e ~ of the .)ublic beach of said city, for the da:~s~ge oaused by said hurricane to be re?aired as soon as possible, and for the public beach to be re- stored as nearly as possible to its former condition, and -?~,~o it has been ascertained that the '3art of the ?uhlic beach which was planted with shrubs, trees or grass, ~.:ithstood the =~h. rlc~.ne much better raced that )art which :;as un'nlanted, and =,R_.,=.:, it is necessary to raise additional revenue to e?fect such restoration, re-)air, 2rotect~qP ........ ar.d :?reservation of the public beacP of Delra7 }2each, F!~rida, as follo,.,';s: :?~'~n"~ .:e.~ ~z~ _~. There shall be alz e~ter4~'ency._, main-te]-:.a~.~ce and service char~xe of ~2 50 'Der x~onth for each ta'.} now installed or ti:at ~zereafter be installed on the v, ater ~:ains ef the City of Seiray ~each, Florida, "' .... ' ,,nmc~ sh~il be due amd oayabie ~onthly at the time tnab oz.Li for water service are due and payable to the Cit0. of lez~8, ~d due and Delray 3each, beginning ,;'ith the ~aonth of June, ._ payable on or before the 10th day of said ~aonth and continuing thereafter for a geriod of six z~oN. ths. 3ECT!O}} 2. The failure to pay such emer~denc7 maintenance and service charge s~-',ll ~-e considered the sane as the ncn-2 u,.ent of a bill for v;ater used by the consuner ~:d '.,ater ~ervice ':~ill be dis- continued as provided b'y the a.eneral /ater Ordinance of the aitr of Delray 13each~ wlorida, 2rovided, hot,ever, that ',?hen the Cit'y ascertaiI3, s u.aat any oarson is financially '-~'~' ~ to the emergency maintenance and service charge, as above movided, sucT-, person be exe:'a~t from such a,.?~F,.~I~ ~. This is ar~ e:~er[fencz o~?al] a:,ce &l-~d s~.~=l ta offect i:::~ediately upon its :~assage on first reading. :~XSS~ in Re~!tlar :j~ession o:~ first ~J~d fiua! reading on this the ilth day of [[ay, ,.~.D. 1948. l~resident, City Council. ..... "", · · /~,/':'.2-/-~_ ~..~.~..~-~ ' C~t~ clerk. ~' -- .,~ Affidavit of Publication DELRAY BEACH NEWS Published Weekly Delray Beach, Patrn Beach County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared William ~i. N~orrl$on who on oath says that--lq$--is ~b lis he r o£ the Delray Beach News, a weekly newspaper published at Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal ~lot ice in the matter of Ordinanco No. G-48 ORDINANCE NO. AN EMERGENCY ORDINAI~ O~ in the Court, THE CITY' COUT~CIL OF ~ OF DE~Y B~A~, F~RIDA, FIX~G THE AMOUNT OF was published in said newspaper in the issues of TENANCE AN'D ~RVICE ~RGE FOR EA~ WATER TAP N~ lay 14, 1948 srA~o 'oR H~REA~ER ~INS ~FFECTIVE IN ~E CITY ca.ion only. Co~ .of sam~ is on file ~n the ~%F Clerk's offlc- for ~n-~tion of Affiant further says that the said Delray ~e~st~ ~ ~ ~ Beach News is a newspaper published at Delray .ass~ by the CItY Council at held May l[th, 1~8, as .an Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and m.~sure. RU~ R. S~ that the said newspaper has heretofore been con- c~ Clerk tinuous]y published in said Palm Beach County, ~ay ~4, Florida, each Friday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office ~n Defray Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Flor- ida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; and affiant further says tha~ has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or co~oration any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this adver- tisement for publication ~n the s~ newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me ~his / ~ ~6 day of ~ , A. D. 19~~ (SEAL) Notary Public