Ord G-53(16-48) ORDINANCE NO. G-~S AN ~vIERGENCY ORDIN~lfCE OF THE CITY COUI.ICIL 0F THE CITY OF DELRi~.Y BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING 0RDIN~2~CE i~0. G-40 AND A~,~NDILiG SECTION 1 OF 0RDIN~2~.~CE G-41 ,,~IilCH 0RDIN~iiiCE~DESICI~i'ATHD ~:2~D LL,{Ii~ED THE TERRITORY IN ',~HICH ItYI~0XIC~TII'JG LIQUORS ~Y BE SOLD IN FHE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. BE IT 0RDAIN~£D BY THE CItY COU~%CIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BL~CH, FLORIDA, as follows: SECTION 1. '~hat Ordinance i~o. G-40 be and the san,~e is hereby repealed. SECTI0>[ 2. That Sect ion 1 of Ordinance l~o. G-/~i is here by amended to read as follows: "SEOTION 1. i~o intoxicating' liquors shall be sold in that portion of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, lying East of the ri~ht-of-way of the Seaboard 'Air Line Rail- way, as the same is no~,v located in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, except in that portion of said territory described as follo'.~s, to-wit: "Beginnin~ at a point on the East boundary of the rif.'ht- of way of the Seaboard Air Line Railway 173 feet North of the center line of Atlantic Avenue for a point of be- ginning; thence running Last parallel to and 173 feet North of the center line of ~tlantic ~venue to the East boundary of Swinton Avenue; thence running- North alon{., tt'e East boundary of ~winton Avenue to a point 283 feet North of the center line of Atlantic =.~venue; thence runninf~. East p~_~rallel to and 283 feet from 'the center line of Atlantic ~.venue to the ~,est boundary of the right-of-wa.~ ~ of the Florida Intra-Coastal Canal; thence running, oouth~ along the ,,est boundary of the right-of-way of' the ±,'lori~ Intra-Coastal Canal to a ~oint 28~ feet South of the center line of ~tiantic ,~ve~-~ue; thence runnin~ ..est parallel to and 283 feet from the center line of ~tlantic! Avenue to the East bou~dary of Swinton ~'~venue; thence running i~orth alon~ the ~ast boundary of Swinton Avenue r~to a point 17~ feet South of the center line of Atl~ntic avez~ue; thence runnin&. ,~est parallel to ~nd 17~ feet from! the center line of ~tlantic ~venue to the ~ast bounaary o~~ the right-of-way of the oeaboard ~ir Line Railway, as the same is now located in t~e City of Delray Beach, ~"lorida; thence runnin~ i~orth alon~ the hast boundary of said right-of-way of the Seaboard ~ir Line Railway to the point of begim-ling; "and also, except that portion of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, which is: "Bounded on the North ~y a line 333 feet from and paralle~ to the center line of Atlantic Avenue; on the East by the '~Jest boundary of 0~ean Boul~w:&rd; on the South by a line parallel to and ~3~ feet South of the center line of Atlantic ;~venue, and on the ,Jest b? a line 100 feet from and parallel to the .;est boundary of Ocean Boulevard. "and also, except that .~ortion of the City of Delral~ BeacJ~ ~'lorida, described as follows, to-wit: "The l~Jorth ~95 feet of the North 1395 feet of Section 21, Township 46 Oouth, Range 4~ East, lyin. g East of the ~est right-of way line of State Road ~-140 (the Ocean Soulew~rd ." - 1 - SECTION £. Section i of this Ordinance sh~ll become a part of the City Code of the City of Delr~y Beach, Florida, ~nd shall be inserted therein in lieu of Section l?, Chapter VIII of said Code. SECTION 3. This is an k~ergency Ordinance necessar? for the preservation of public peace a~nd health and for the operation of the City of Delrs~y Beach, Florida, and shall becor~e effective immediately upon its passage on first reading. PASSED'on first and final readir, g on this the thirtieth day of July, 1948. ATTEST: APPROVED: C i t'y' C 1 erK .... Affidavit of Publication DELRAY BEACH NEWS Published Weekly Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared ~i].].i~.m K. l~orrlson who on oath says that h~.is pllb].l~he~F of the Delray Beach News, a weekly newspaper published at Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a L~gal l~lot ice in the matter of Ordinance G-53 " ' ORDINANCE NO. G.53 AN EMERGENCy ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY L~ELRAY }~EACH, [~LORIDA, [IEPEAL- lNG ORDINANCE NO. G-4O AND AMENDING SECTION I O~ ORDI- in the .CouP, NANCE NO. G-41, ~VHICH ORDI- NANCES Db]SIGNATED AND LIMITED was published in said newspaper in the issues of THE TERRITORy IN XVHICH CA~ING LIQUORS ~IAY ~E SOLD THE CITY OF DE~AY BEACH, The above Ordinance is published by caD- Hon ~]y. CoDy of s~e is on file in %he Ci[y Clerk's office for inspection of terest~ persons. ~ls Ordinance was' passed by %he City Council at a meeting : held July 3Gth, 1948, as an e~ergency Affiant further says that the said Delray measure. Beach News is a newspaper published at Delray City Clerk. Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been con- tinuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each Friday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Flor- ida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the ~tt~ched copy o~ adver- tisement; and affiant fu~her says tha~ has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the pu~ose of securing this adver- tisement for publicat~n in t~ said newspaper. / Sworn to and subseri~d before me this ~-- (8~AL) ~ ~ ~ Notary Public