Ord G-62(25-48) ORDINANCE NO. G-62 ~.N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0~ THE CITY OF DELRA¥ BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDIN~ P~AGRAPH (a), SECTION 51, AR~L~ ~ OF CHAPT~ XVII, AND ~RTH~ AMENDIN~ SEOTION 8S OF ARTI~L~ 80~ CH&?~ ~II, Pi{RTAINING TO THE OPF~ATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the ~%ty of De!r~y Beach as follows: SECTION 1. That Paragraph (a) of Section 51 of ~rticle § of Chapter XVII De and %he same is nereoy amended to read az follows: "No vehicle shall be operated upon thc streets of Delray Beach, Flo~Ida, oetween one-half hour after sunse~ and one-half hour o~fore sunrise unless said venlcie ls equipped with ~wo effec- ~lve~ headlights (~xcept ~c!~s) and one c..~c~..~.~'"~ *~ ..... red tall light, but 61arl~ headlights not depressed or controlled such manner as to avoid blinding of the driver of an approach- ing venicie are unlawful; provided, however, that two-wheeled motor' vehicles shall De equi~:~I~ed with one effective headlight and one ef'~'~ct.v~ red tall llght as above provided.,' SECTION 2. That Section 66 of Article 8 of Chapter XVII be and the s~me is h~reby amended to read as follows: "No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon the streets or other ~ublic thoroughfares of the City of Delrsy Beach, Flori- da, unless such ])epson shall ce duly licensed by the ' ~ * ~ district or county to operate m~oriua or by soma o,,h~r struts, such motor v~hlc!e and unles,~; such person has in ~ls or her ]:ossesslon an unexpired and uncancelied driver's license issued by the State or county granting to such psi'son the privilege of operating a motor vehicle. This section shall not n,n]~ly to the follow- ing: "1. An operator In the army, navy or m~rine corps of the United Bra. tea of ~erica wniie driving an official c~r. "2. ~ operator of ~y road machine, farm tractor or macf~lne temporarily oi~erated or moved on the thorouohfares of t~ls clt;. "~. A non-reslden~ of the State of Florida who is a resi- c].ent of a sts~tc wt~icn docs not require a driver's, license for tlie opera,ion of motor vehicles In said state and v~hose motor venlcie Is rcglstez~ed In and llcens, ed b)' said s~ate. ,4. That no ~.,.r~on under the a~e of twelve years shall operate any two- o~ three-wheeled motor vehicle or other moSor vehicle as d~fln~d by this ordinance upon the streets or other i'~ublic thorougf~fares of ~he City of Delray Beach, Florida; and further provided that anyone above the age of ~welve years wino operates a two- or three-wl~eeled vehicle wpon the streets or other l, uoilc thoroughfares of tLis city, un, ess such ]~erson shall be duly FlOrida. or by some other state, district o:' count~, to operate ~/Ch molor vehicle and unless such per~,on has In his or her /Po::~session an unexpired and unca~celled driver'a !ic~nse ls ~'ued by the S~tate of Florida or such other state, district or. county, granting to such person the privilege of operating a motor vehicle, shall apply to s. nd receive from the Police Depsrtment of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, a license to o~er~te such two- or three-wheel vehicles, P~ED in regular session on second and flnsl resdin~ on this the twelfth day cf October, A.D. 1948. ~reSiden~'~ '~ity ~{TTEST: APPROVED: ls~ ~eedlng - ~ep%ember 28, 11048 2nd Reading - October 1~$ 1948 Passed and adopted -