01-29-17 Adjourned Regular
. ,-..,<.
Couric~l ~,:_:;_ ,, Januar5r ,° 1?17
]'h~ ~1~ ~OUS'pt.i ivEUl ~r __C'Gt1x1~ Of' t~i_ ^O''!1. COtAllcll "~a Called
t0 OT•l '?;y" Y•F: :-,9yUt` LL-. ~ OHO^lOC'__ '.... W]i t'fl ~~!.~ TRf; L1'pGr3
~'__:'!' .,~. ~~u, ~~, .__ :PUt ir: ,~' *~' _ rGCkir,~' Gf
vi: s. 0': ti`y L.i .E.?.f - ~C ~,.. ';U"?ionl ~.1 ~':_ 7y T?.'.~~°7'l lnt; t~lli.t
t.,," bid b:~ openeQ. The follo•:~*ir.~ ?~i:l pre rte:~~ to th;
iCJBJri 071 D~:^.1r'ay ,4Tc~?~:.ic^^"r dT `~C?,1.^,~]rr
A "ll-1 '~.0 tla,i ~rc`tU. c,lh~ G£ZFy' ilt~ari ~t l°1'Oi'~. 1t] b'i';1C t~•.' . t0
',~ 'r} C'rllc!". il'J r. 'F:J" ]..~ ~1f fir.. ., (~u ,^_, jtLT ::i TlG?..t,if ~i 1' Cl't L1.11:1 °. l]:1
rll~-'~ •.ri 11 fu°T'ii s?i roak,liaul e~.,_i spread i:?~~ ,rlc 1~ fe~Tt
•~ici~ 'and. sip ineY~:~w thick,o.. tl^ __ ~tr~;^.t for the lump
aurn Gf ~~~n.C1O tIGY'k t^ iy~ uGn ~ O'_iC.•
.~:L ~rlc;G
'_"",~ iicLtteYti e w ~ diti s'~~t at some 1<n~th anti on a Tnotion
'~y FI.J.Sterlin~ and supported by F.Cre~o ,the matter' eras
lo.id ors ~hr'htabl°~ tG i,hC n:;xt regular meeting, e.nd plaeed ~,~.
in th:; hands of tht, tr.^.;t CoT:;rrltt~oo.
_`r iroap rv'cxcs;.... ~~;, :;cu.~ci]. state=j~~~ that if the did
not :;Nid~ to put i~ :h:- roes', ,:L'c the ne:ri, rl~r,•tin~ the. offer.
of the Delray Improv:;-r:Gnt iLSSrr, mould be critridra•Irn,But on
beir_~; queationed ,atated that the offsr mould iZOld bGOd
i'_-1'= nOXt rct}Ul<LY' TIl'J E',ti 2~T.
_ i.:r Slacki,4 a'.d-resscd the Council
asking for t're privilege of putir.~ in a booth 12,1 5C fe:et
on A~la-rrtic txv~ for ±}h.~ purpose of an er>ibit on Friday'?,.
,~ ~
February 2nd,
~ird_ on a motion by fi.J.St=~rlin;; and supported
by F.C_°efo the pzrmission v~~ae granted.
There being; no further busi~ie^s ,a:otion by E?.J.'terling
and supyort~d_ by J.F.Cller the Cot;ncil adjourned.
~_ 1 res of Tor Council
itt<ia.t e re~.-,/