03-05-17 SpecialD Q O 0 . D O 0 Co>'Heil ~^olils ::arch 5+h ~-91? `special r:~eeting ti~ra,p called to ord~;r by the kayor at 1:3C P . `, r,i th all ..embers pre sezit . ,.ayor=, call . To the Hon,'I'o4;n Co~uicilmen ,of i;h;; Tom of Delray,Fla. By t'r..e ai.ithority v~ ,to:l i.. r::e h„ th.^ Chartar of the Toy^rr of Delray,T hercl~;- a~,ll a s.al meeting of the To~^rn Council to ~~ieet at One o'clock ~ 1`. Monday i~ip for the folloi~;ing pnrpcse. For the l;urpos:~ of re-considering the ROC17T'vG GR.'iD^TT?G ar_C~ any ~.rorl, pertaining to the paveing of Atlantic <lvenue,fro::: Boynton Avenue t^ Dade Svenuo that riay lega.ly com. .•c-for:: the rr,,;,,ting. :lotion by J.A.Zeder aril supported by F.Crego that the P,:ayors Ca17. be accepted ar~~, placed on file. Carrie:. Tl~e ;=ubjoct of ~ocr ix.g the Block be tareeri ~oyr:tori arxd Dade on Atlantic Ave i~r ~~ taken up at once, County conmrissioneer Smith Tvas called on and stated #~the couslcil his views u"', in regards to the ar^~ourxt of rock required, anti the thick `,~`-:< Hess off" t~~e wane that ~rould be sufficient to L'iatre a road that .would ans,7er the requirements of the traffict. Lir Sr..ith advised that a road. that :=could role sit inches loop ~rould be sufficiant,and nicet tho requirements and there vrasanay rock over it could be used to good advantage on the aivanue in ETe.4ing up the street to tho Canal. The rnat`er i,~^,s discussed 'pall members of the Council and City Engineer. .notion by F.Crzgo and supported by J.A.Zeder 4 O 0 . } r That the Ccuxieil re- considc-r all previous zxotions relating to the gDadeing, a:x th« ~13sicl~xess of the rock to be a_rpliod oi, Aslant=^ :',venue 'uet~re„ri Boyntorx ~"eve, ~:`d Dade; t~ve. Carried ?'otioA ~y J.:~.7,;~'er ar_~~_ 4~:pported by E~.Crego ,gnat the City r:ngineer tie authorizoQ to sake such changes as he riay see necessary .;.*,: regard: to '.~.o gradeiug ana cooking of .'stlant9.c Av~onne, frog-i Boynton twe., to Dario ~1ve., Carried. P:iotion by L.L.BarvaicY, d::1d supporteu by F.Crego that the Toy^rn. Orucr '.e Paveing ,rocking; , and oiling of Atlantic i~ve., from Boynton .]ve>, to Dade ,":ve<, Carried liotion icy J.A.7.o~:er aria supported by J.F.~llei' t;xe Council adjourned. Clerk P e ent of the oancil ':"r! ~,