06-18-17 Adjourned RegularJ
Coluic#1 !looms ,i`Une 18 1811'
o The att jorltried teAul.ar meeti~ of the form Ootmc'~1 was
Called to o'#'de!' hj Yafor 6ruu1~ at 9 s 30 P .Y. with the
rollown` members Brea®nt.
J.A,Zeder L.L.iarwlak ~~yawi.l.ollet.
T•he Clerk plreaented fax Sale Cert#fYCate Ao ~a8 etate'~
that the same haxi be®n sold tfj erroY~. _.,
Potion ~ J.A.Zeder atsd sttppos~ted ~ J.t.Ollgir trhat
tax 13a1e oe?rtri:cate Ao 8~8 be Cleated of lteoard rr3!t~••
out Ooat doll Dell
J.A.Zedet lea L.L.lat~wTCk Sea J.!'.Ollet fee Cai~•''Pet4
The mattet or ellowi'nA P•sradle~ inter®at oA $380.00
Carried ovet ftom 1919 was taken tip,
Potion 2y J,A.~eder and euppotted ~ d.~.ollet t~iat
P.Hra~3.1eT ate allowed 8~ 4nte2~eat on $ ~80,0o ttaan
Octobef~ 1fl16 to June 1 1611. Aoll Oal1
lea ~~.
J.A.Zeder L.L,Batw>Ck fee J.l.Ollet ;lea Oa~t~r'i{ea
~ fhe matter of plea®nA 'in the ca~Yta~f- Ceatra waa'da'hetl
pup and ditaCUeaeel 2vf the CounCl,bfat no tieffi~ate plan
was deeded open Gotu~Cil ad
joiY.'Yt~i. '=:'
Plea or CotAm',1
®t te8 '•5;
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