07-23-17 Regulari Council Rooms July 23 7,919 , Regular meeting of the Town Ffouncil waa tailed to order Iat 9s30 P.M. by J.4.Zeder President of the Counoil,with (the following members present. J.4.Zeder J.L.Troup fL.L.Barwick. 4bsent F.Crego ~T.b~,011er. (M.rnxtas of the prevmoua meeting were read atYd approved . ~ __ _ The matter of a11ow ° ing Mr L.H.Bra'dahaw~lower his aidexml,k, ow the grade was taken up and disouased by the Council Motion by J.L.Trottp and,`: rted by L.L.Barwiok that the Iworda,"And the sidewalk moat 'be built to the eatabliaheld D ~,._ grade" in their previous motion of July 9 +be atld to hereby stricken from the records. Ro11 Oall the Clerk be allowed to purchase papers ~arp1 aer~i marked aoppiea to :delinquent fast pa~ere outside of he City. ~ J.L.Troup:yea L.L.Barwick yea J.A.Zeder yea. Carrie~t Motiog by II.L.Troup and aupportefl by L.L.Bax~lck that the ~C1erk have 100 notices for the Oioseing at~d sealing of Privy;doora printed. Roll Call ,r,,,.. J.L.Troup yea L.L.Barwick yea J.A.Zeder .yea. Carrie Motioa by J.L.Troup and supported ~y L.L.Barw~,ak,that A Ro11 Call ~L.L.Barwick.yea J.L.Troup yea J.4.Zader yea. Carried (Motion by L.L.Barwiot 83~raupported by J.4.Ze`der that Councilanan J.L.Troup and the Clerk be appointed seas committee of two to purchase a safe`for the City. Ro11 Call • L.L.Barwick -yea J.4.Zeiter .yea J.L.Troup qea. Carre9J Mr J.L.Butler addressed the council in>refersncQ to ~~- ,,;. chexing gum slot maohien, ~' >~~ ~w s Motion Eby J~L.Troup artd eupporte~: try B.L. Bar~icla.-that Mr,~~be allowed to run the maohian until the County[ ~ttornsy pasasd. on the same.` CarrieQ lotion by J.L.Troup and supporte~'!'by L.L.Barwick the council atl~ourne;Q. _ ::; C~ PrTo ounc 1 -TTE~T~ Clerk a x: e O D, o: ~,