07-26-17 Special
' Council Rooms July 26 1917 _
~ gpeaiai Meeting of the Town Council called +by the President
of the Council J.A.Zeder waa called to order at 7530 P.M.
( with the following members present. L.L.Barwiak J.L.Troup
~ F.Crego J,,.Zeder.
The CA13 waa areal,
t ~ TQ the Hon, Councilmen of the Town Council
j Town of aelray Florida. By the ,thorny vested. in me by
the Charter of the Town of ~el.nay,I hereby call a ~peaisl
Meeting of the Town Council to meet Thursday Evening Ju1,y
' 26 1817 at 9530 P.M. for the following purpose.
For the purpose of considering the sanitary Ordinance
` (b+y reviseing,or repealing,any portion as the Council mey
, l
~{~=zry ase f2t,arid to consider the ways and means of maintaining
a :.:
` ;~a ».
(the same cr any other +businesa that may ieagely some +bsfore
the Council.
gigned and seaiell this 25 ;day of July •.D.~:919
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y J
ea,of a Couno il•-
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Mahon by L.L.Baawriek and supported by J.L.Troup that the
Call be accepted and placed on fil •. Carried
The matter of the ~anitaryOxrdinance waa taken up and dis
cussed at length by all members preaent,arid it was de#ide1Q. "'
to aonfur with Julige wolf now resideing°].n Town to ezamin
our Ordinances.
Motion •by L.L.Barwick and supporte,Yi 1i3' Js.Zeder that '~M
~ ~•
~~ Councilman J.L.Troup be appa3nte10. a Committee of one to'
confer with, JtUlge wolf anti ascertain what it wottU3 cost to
have the Judge to gamin our Or°dinances,arW. Legal status
of ;doing business. 8011 Ca11.
J.A.Zeder yea J.L.Troup -yea L.L.Bai`v-ick yea. CarrieA,
The aub~ect of the Marshals ealery was taken•
up. Motion by L.L.Barwiat aril supported by JL.Troup that
the marshals aaleny be placed upon the basea,of the aoll-
ectiona made of sans emptiexi,and the other leagle fees of
the Town. Roll Call
J.A.Ze:Qer yea J.L.Troup yea L.L.Barwick yea.w:`a9`rriext.-
Motion by L.L.BarwicY and supported 'by J.L.Troup that the
si~gne Rarrenta to pay the ecavenger,on receipt of
the number of CA1fS EMPTIED and the owners name,artSi pay tha
M1R~HAL for his last month work. Ro11 Call
L.L.Barwiak yea J.L.Troup yea J.A.Zeder yea. Crrri~!>:
Motion 'by L.L.Barwiak and aupportezS by J.L.Troup that the
{Counoil adjourn to the Ca11 of the Chair. 63arria'd.