07-28-17 Adjourned Specialn a° Council Rooms Ju3~y 20 1919 The adjourned special meeting of the Town Council was asllad to or'A.er by the Chairman at l:30 P.M, with the following members present. J.A.Zeder J.L.Troup J.F.Ollsr. Marshal Present a .~ ` a- O ~„ ~ . 0 ._J f r" :.fir' Trapp rsporteki that he had an inter~ii.ew with Ju~.ge ~Roif,in regartds to aonifying the Town ordinance and. aorreot- i Bing atg~ errors that might hsv'®been made in passing oonf- Noting ORDIR~I1(CEi,an(d that JoQge 11o1f stated that it would Cost ~ x,.50.00 to 1So the worle. After ;tiuel~y consi:Qering the matter it was flmxnd that the Council was of .the opinion that the Ordinance shoulYL be examined by oompitent parties,anid the following Motion was pasaesl. ~I hotion by J.F.Oller and. supported by J.L.Troup that ', Judge Rolf be employed to Codify our present OrYiinance~ asA'i embody other or?Sinanaes that may bs i3esirenl,for a sum not exaede { ~ y60.00) Ons hunf3reY1 doilare . Roll Call J.L.Troup yea S.F.OIl~r yea J.A.Zeder yea. CIRRIEp-, Motion to su4journ"Carriexi. lttse't~~~-v~-~~, Clerk ~- i.~c Pres o ounail ~.~;