Ord G-21(02-47)~%l'J E:.~eE_RGE:~CY 0RDI~IA.~,TC~E 0F T~ CI~ C0iD~C!L 0F TI~ CITY 0F DELR~OJ EEf~CH, FLORIDA, ~.~?~I}~S CERTAIN BECTI0~S 0~ ~)RDI~J~JCE N0. C-11, PROVIDI~JG FOR 0CC~ATION?~L LICENSES IN T~ CITY 0F D~RAY B~qCH, ?~!iCH ORdnaNCE ~SO CONSTITUTES C~TER III 0F T~ CI~ ~0DE 0F DEL9~%Y BEACH, FLORIDA. ';~S an emergency exists in the City of Delrey N~each, Florida due to the fact ~he license ordinance of the City of Delray Beach, Florida does not contain provision for licensing of certain occupations and it is necessary for the preservation of public peace and safety ~nd the proper operation of the municipality that this ordinance be passed as an emergency ordinance. N0%7, TI~IIEFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TL~ CITY CC~C~ of the City of Delrsy Beach, Florida, as follows: SECTI0~'I 1. Th~:t Ordinance No. C~ll of the City of Delray Beach, Florida is hereby amended by adding thereto i~ediately following Section 83 the following Section: "83-A. Ceneral Building Contractor - - $50.00." SECTION 2. That Ordinance 1~o. G-11 of the City of Delray Beach, Florida is hereby amended by adding thereto immediately following Section 218 the following Section: "218-A - SCItOOLS: Private School - - $25.00 Nursery and/or Ki~dergarten, up to and iucluding 15 pupils - - - $10.00 Nursery and/or Kindergarten over 15 pupils $15.00 SECTI0I~ 3. Theft Sections 127 and 128 of Ordinance G-11 of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby amended to read as follows: 127. HOTELS, APARTL~S, R001..~I'~G 0~: LOD$1I,IC HOUSES: i~o 4 rooms 5.00 5 to 9 rooms 10.00 lO to 19 rooms ..... 15.00 20 to 29 rooms 20.00 30 to 49 rooms 35.00 50 to 69 rooms 50.00 75 ~o 89 rooms 65.00 90 to 109 rooms 80.00 ll0 to 129 rooms - 95.00 130 to 149 rooms llS.00 150 ~o 199 rooms 150.00 200 and over -185.00 128. MOTE: The word rooms in the above section in this ~nance shall be construed Zo mean ~hose rooms which are offered for the acco~oda~ion of the public. SECTION 4. Tha~ Sections l, 2 and 3 of Zhis Ordinance shall amend Ordinance O-ll and shall become a part of the City Code of Delray Beach, Flo rid a, SECTION 5. This is an emergency ordinance and shall take efI'ect upon its passage on first reading. PASSED in Regular Session on first and finial r, ading on this the 13th day of Janu fy, 1947. President, city CounCil ~ROVED: ATTEST: ty Clerk. A[fklavlt of Publication DELRAY BEACH NEWS O~tmNANCEXO. ~X CIT~ COUNCIL OP THE Published Weekly DELR~Y BEA~, FL0~IDA, ING CERTAIN SECTION8 Oelray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida NANCE NO. G-11, PROVID~G OCCUPATIONAL CITe O~ DE~ae BE~C~, STA~ OF FLORIDA w~[c~ OaD~N~C~ ~LSO COUNTY OF PALM BEACH mUTSS C~T~R HI OF CODS OF ~L~Ae ~S~C~. The above ~dinance is publi~ Before the undersigned authority personally ap- caption only. Copy of same file at the City Clerk's Office peared E*F. Pe%erman tion of lnterest~ persons~ ....................................................................... nance was based by the City who on oath says that __~.~_is .~_~:5~~~_ a meeting held January ~3~h, I~, emergency measure. RUTH R. ............................................................ of the Deh'ay ~city Beach News, a weekly newspaper published at Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Public No~ice d in the ........................................................................... Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of Jauarv 17 ].Q~7 Affiant further says tl4at the said Delray Beach News is a newspaper published at Delray Beach, .in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each Friday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the at- tached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that ....... has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, ~ommission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said news- Sworn to and~sub~,'bed her, ore me this____..~__~__~ ,y of ............... ~: .......... A. D. m.._~.~-~