09-24-17 Regular_, _ ._~~ e p Y a C,ounsl.8ooa® Septex'Yer 2~L 191T Regular seetin~ oi' t7te Town Co~eansil was called to !order ~`Ly Yaror J.S.Srmdy at 7:30 P.Y. with the following me#1T~ers preaetlt J.A.Zeder J.L.Troup L.L.Barwi:ck F.Crego A.F.MZLLER. I3Sinutee o~ the previous meeting was read, Councilman (Barwick called the attention of the Council to his motion ±aupported by J.L.Troup in re2~eranes to hia charges and, (request oS the removal o~ ~Qhal Bro:sao, etatei:ng that lee the Notion stood on the Minutes they did not represent (the ~ttll fasts o~ the Case.Mr Barwick presented g''"statement in writeing covering hie charges in 4'u`il against Marshal Broazo, ]d~ei~ggat9uettonethat the same be incoropoater in Minutes. There was no second to the Motion. There being no Surther ob~ectiona the Chair declared the Minutes Approved as read. A detailed report o~* the Sanitation and suggestions relatS to the Municipal sewerage system ae found in Delray by C~a~rrgev'9f.6imona Jr Ghie~ Engineer o~ State Sewerage wee received. Reading o~ the report was omited as the Report had been read in 9Su.].1 before the Council was called to orb Motion by F.Crego and supported bt L.L.Barwick that the '~ Repotr be accepted and placed on fiile. Qarried The Clerk reported. that the County would cell the ease selected for ~ 160.00 and Date the B111 January let 191 t2ayor Sundt' appointed the Street Committee to prepare a ~ *°' Goundation in the Board oi! Trade Building for the Bai*.e. Motion by J.A.Zeder and. supported by F.Crego that the Counbl~,~~ sd~ourn to Monday evening October 1st ~.C.arri,ed. ~~ °`:t:°:. v a,;F