10-08-17 Regular0 0 O Council Rooms October 8 1917 "` 'The Regular l4eetirg of the Town Council was called to order '!by 34a~or E.H.Scott at ::8:30 P.li. with the following members ,present. L.L.Barwick A.D.Burk T.J.Nilliamson S.H.Allen T.1?.Oneal. l4arshal present. The minutes of the previous meeti]hgwere read and approved. ^tanding The following~committeea were appointed by the l4ayor , Finatice Ordinance Streets Alleys ~: and '; .L~ Barwi~c~' A.D.Burk Sanitation S.H.Ellen S.H.Allen S.H.Allen T.J.Nilliamson A.D.Burk L.L.Barwick T.11.Onaa1 6~ater Light d: Fire Dep. Cemetaey & Police T.1i.Onea1 T.J.Williamson T .Li .jTilliamson T .14.Onea1 A.D.Bvrk L.L.Barwick #?F?4?F###?F### ' l4otion by L.L.Harwick and supported by A.D.Btark that the ~ jappointment of F.A.Leonard as Fire Chief be Approv®d. i !The matter o$ haveing t e Minutes of the Carried ~ ;previous tiscial year bound in Hook form was taken up an ~liotion by L.L.Barwick and supported by A.D.Burk that 14r ~Orwiak b® employed to bind the 14inutes . Roil Call !L .L .Barwick yea A.D.Burk *ea T.J.Nilliamson yea S.H.ALLE p ~ (T.li.Oneal yea Carried. ° 1liotion by L.L.Barwick and supported by T.li.Oneal that Bradley be Employ®d, as Superintendent of the Light r `a and Wfater Plant and City Engineer at a salery of bne Hun U 0 O . v 0 a per rsonth and his hours of dutT be tho same as in the prev- ious dear. Roll call L.L.Barwick Tea A.D.Burk Tea T.J.~7illiamson lea S.H.A~len Tea T.YI.Oneal Tea Carried. The matter of Emlbtiris the sanitary eans,and the fee charged for the same nas taken up,and on a !motion bT L.L.Barwick and supported bT T.h.Oneal,that an !ORDINANCE be drawn ammendin~ Sec .3 of Ordinance adopted August 27th 1917,to read as follower. (That the cans are tote egtpted once each week and a i"1 at rate of 50 cents per month be charged for empting the same.) Roll Call. L.L.Barwick Tea A.D.Burk yea T.J.~~illiamson Tea S.H.Al1en lea 'T.li.Oneal Tea. Carried. potion bT L.L.Barwick and supporta~ A.D.Burck, that an ordinance be drawn fixing the compensatio of the Town liarshal at(BO.Ud ) Do~lars par lionth and all fees icoltected bT the liarshal be turned into the Town Treasurer. Roll Ca11 L.L.Barwick Tea A.D.Burk lea T.J.Nilliamson Tea S.H.A1len ilea T.1t.Onea1 Tea Carried. motion bT L.~.Barwick and supported bT ~A.D.Burk that the Clerk make out a statement of the amounts due on the Sanitar7 cans, and for the rervi~e of the same and turn over to the larshal who will procede to collect the '> same at once. As there were Pour Nea Councilmen Elected it was decided to draw lots to determin who would servo the long term and who take the short term. Councilman Burk drew the short TER1i. lihich leaves T.I.Onoa1,S.H.Allen and T.J.ZTilliamson to serve Two Tears,and A.D.Bur~C one Tear. Notion to adjourn carried. ~/~ ~ _- - 1iaTor ~t to s t7~~///~~~ L Clerk