10-22-17 Regular 0 O . ., u a ~:, 0 ~; ~ . t ,.\ :;' . Council Room^ October ~2 1917 ReEtt],ar meeting of the Town Council was called to order bJ liaTor E.H.Scott with the fiollowing member present. A.D.Burk L.L.Barwick T.14.Cnel1 T.J.Siiilliamson S.H.Allen. liarshal Present. liinutes of the previous meeting read and appro~ei. Communications faom Lirs Hazel Carter of Largo and li.T.Sauls lia7or of Bowling Gaeen in refference to our Sanitation SJstem and asking for Data on the Stevens Sanitation Can• was presented. iliotion bJ L.L.Barwick and supportei bJ S.H.Allen that the Communications be accepted and the Clerk instrueted to !give such information as required, also Communication from GuJ N.Livingston lianaging SecretarJ Liiami Chamber of Commerce. was read ms¢~~~dng an invita- to tion~the liaJor and CitJ Offioials to be present at the ~ Annual Convention of the Atlantic Deeper i~aterwaJ^ Assen to be held at liiami November 27 to 30th.The Communicatin- i Aa^ included in the above motion and the Clerk instructed to forward a suitable acceptance of the same. Communication from J.L.Love asking for the privalige to ;make changes in the level of his sidewalk wa• presentel Notion bJ L.L.Barwick and supported bJ A.D.Burk that matter !~be refered to the CitJ Engineer Carried 'An Ordinance defining the lutie^ and fizing the compens- ation of the Town liarshal was presented. Notion b~ L.L.Barwick and supported b~ T.J.tlilliamson the same was refered to the ORDINANCE COi1iITTEE. { ,; 0 0 O e u . ! Thee being a number of Citizen^ present desireing to bzpres~ their views on the subject of paring t`<stYded saler~ to a r ! a town marshel,the privilege we^ granted b~ the Councilanl i i the Council was adetreased b~ J.S.Stu1d~ J.A.Zeder L.H.Brad- j ^haw and F.T.P~Tobel as not ~aveoring a stated saler' bQ i Sizt~ 1o11ar• per month for a Town bTarrhal as the proposed Ordinance in the hands of the Ordinance Committee carried. Councilmen L.L.Barwiek and Burk spore i~ favor of the ordinance and a motion bT L.L.Harwick supported b~ A.D.Burk that the petition presented b~ the Citizens in refferanca a to the Salem of~lfarshel be accepted and placed on file, and a vote of thanks be eztended to the Citizens for the interest shown in thematter. Carried. 'An ordinance provideing that all privies Sn the Town of Delra7 sell be equiped with the Steven^ Sanitary Can ani provideing for the increase of the t~cee~f~or empte~in the sama,repealing section 154 - I~9 -I40 anll a~anling o17' section 141 of the Town Code, we• presented and read in fiull ,and on a motion b~ L.L.Barwiok and supported b~ T.1t.Bnea1 war retered to the ORDINANCE ColSiITTEEr Councilman Burk palled the attention of the Council to Fire Department and •tateing that the New Fire Chien would like to meet the Committee on the Fire Department. iTotion bJ T.lt.one~ ens supported bT T.J.Ailliamson, that the Clerk to advise Chief Leonard that the Committee will meet with him et the Fire Hall Thursday 25thinst. Carried '~ Auditor J.D.l3itchill then .presented his Report of the ~ Towns Binanciel affairs from Cetober 1st 1916 to October lst 1917 . Ylotion bf L.L.Barwiek and supported b~ ~.~.~illiamsori 0 0 Roll Cali T.J.ti~illiamson Jea A.D.BUrY lea i,.L.BarsicY lea T.l_.Oneal jy®a Carried. ,The bill Sor Au~itinb the Toone Booka~and the i-ater d: Licht c 40.00 'Department Was presented. a Potion b~ T.J.Williamson and support®d 'b7 T.li.Oneal that the Account be ailoned and the Clerk i'dran '~~arrent for the same. i Roll Call ~T.l~.Oaeal lea T.J.Ailliamson lea A.D.Bui-k lea L.L.Bar~.ick yea Carried ilfotion to adjourn carried. a o ~~~ . Pres of Ton bounc~ii C -_ _. - L lti± f ._.~~ ClerY • 0