Ord G-05(05-46) ~.~ ~o;noil of the O~ty of ~etrav ~each, Flor ida, as follows: ~OT~., 1. That the _.Oo]lo~.,~in,-.._ p~o~)erty_ ~ in She ~it?. of Del:ray _ ~.~,:: limited b~=iness cistrict, ~each, F!o,"i,.~a, is hereby placed ~n ~"~" L to-wit: ~e ~,.m.t:.. half of o!o~K 141., lyin[' e~st o:' the Florida --~? ~', · .... r~coastel Canal; the [~orth h~lf of ' ,~ ' L!ock 149, ali of :':'loc,_ ~7, the G!ock 135 !y' ,,- st of vhe , ii.~ E~ f'!o?i~-.a Intracoastal Oanal; the Soath half of ]tlock 1~3; all of ~lock 152 except the South 200 feet; all of =1oc[: 160 except she 3outh 200 feet a~'~.t ezceot. . 200 Feet, o~~ 2. followinc deo~.rEbed property in Delray Ben, eh, ffiol, ida Es hereby placed in iEes~dence A d Lstrict, to-wit; ~il of 2ioc;.: 142 lyiu~j east of tile Flo~'ida Intrn- coastal c~n.al; ell of .S!ock 150; ~_al~ of 21o.s~: 1)5 lying; east ~' the .Flo-i,.~a Zntra- ..... ~'.~ ~'- of 21oc~ lz~3; the i~ortn h~.lf . !o~lowind des,sribed prope,t0 in ,)(lray ......... , ~iol"[d.e~, is hereby pia,~ed in the Op6. eial Ll~tel District, to-wit: The i;outh half' of ~lock 141 lyi?.~ east of the Florida Intracoastai caual; the South hslf of Dlook 1~9, all of i~ioc~. 158; uh.. South half 7~lock 151; the So :th 200 feet of 21ock 152; the .~o ~n 200 feet and the ?' st 200 feet of ]~lock 160 ,L,oo~,~D in' regul.r session on second and .final readin~ aa the 2~th day of June, 1966. ~resi'den~ of ~ity ~ouno ~' ii ist Reading - June 10, 19&6. 2nd Reading - June 24, 19A6.