Ord G-08(08-46) OEDI~L~OE ~0o AN CSDIN~NCE (F T}~ CITY 00UNOIL C~ THE CITY OF D!~_;iAX BEACH, FLORIDA, PLACIN~ C~RTAIN PROP~{Tt IN C~RTAIN DISTRICTS U~DER THE 0IT~ HE IT 0~DAIN~ BY THE CITY OOgNOIL C~ THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLC~IDA, as follows: SECTION 1. ~at the following described property in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby placed in the General Business District as defined by the City Zoning Ordinance, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the center 11-e of Atlantic Avenue 250 feet east of the inter- section of the center line of Atlantic Avenue with the center line of the right-of-way of the Seaboard Air]~_~ Railway, thence run north '. 160 feet, thence east parallel to the cen~er ~ of Atlantic Avenue 339.5 feet, thence south 160 feet, t~ence west alc~ the center Line cf Atlantic Avenue to the pe~ufe of be~m~. SECTION 2. The fcllo~n~ described p~epe~ty in the City of Del~ay Beach is hereby placed in the Manufacturing and Industrial District as defined by the City Zonin~ Ordinance, to- wit: Cce~encing at t~e intersection cf the center ]/ne cf the Seaboard Airline P-~ilway ~th the center ~ of Atlantic Avenue, thence ~n east 250 feet, thence north 160 feet to the 9oint of ~e~;um~, thence nc~t~ 50? feet, thence east ;mmllel to the center line of Atlantic Avenue 339. ~ feet, thence south 50~ feet, thence west 339.5 feet to the point of be~tnning. PASSED in regular session on second and fieal ~ea~tng en this the President of Oity ~unciI City Clerk