Ord 562-45 ~,~_,~o a~ emez':ency exists in tae Oity of Delray ?>each, Florida,
~ue to the f~ct "~, .
~,,~::t ti:ere is no ordinance adequately re::ulatin~ the
~se of trailers es livimz quarters, and it is necessary for the
prese:'vation of puOlic peace and -
safety that thls oB'dina.ace be passed
as an emer~ency, ordim~nce, a~,'
,,~-~.~ the O~ty council of the OiZy of Dtlrhy }eeoh, Florida,
:ss heretofore adopted a Ouildln: ,""'
~ o~:N~..ncc for the nurpose of regulating
cons-:muction or dwellings and ob[~ez' structures, end one of the purposes
of ssi: building ordinance has bo~n ~o prevent the erection of unsafe
dwellings which wo:ld e:danger t~e occupants thereof, :~nd
~,.~,:~.; t'~e~t,.,. C.:>unoil ~ms heretofore ndonted. ~ a zonim~
oroinance which will re~ul~te the types of structures to be used
livin~ %uarters in the various districts of Deli'ay Beach, ffloric~a, snd
~:~"~,~.~,~ ...... Tae City ~ncil deems it~,o~=~= to allow trailers to be
used as living ~luarters mnless they comply in size with the requir~ents
of the zoning ordinance aha in construction and ~nchoraf, e u, ith the
build in~ code.
~O~'~, ~}~r'EFgl~,~ .... '~ IT 0.~~,~n~.~,~ b,~ the ~ity Council of the 'City
of Deiray Beach, Florha, as follows:
:~..:~,:~,. ' o~,~,, 1. N'o trailer as defined by the zoning: ordin~nce .:-:f the
"' · ' ~ 21orida snell hereafter be used as livin..v
~Ity of beiray ~each, ,
'- '"~ in size with t~e re~ul~:~tlons
quarters unless sek~ trailar shall
of the zoni,~,~..~_ ordi~nce., of the City of Delrsy 2each, floz. iaa, .~'o~. the
p~rtic~lar zone oP districts in which suca trailer is located.
. SEGT!G~[..~~. No tl. eiler shall be used as liv~na~ ~uarters~. unless
such trailer is constructed and snc~o~ed to the ground in full compliance
with the buildir~T code of the ,C'[ty of Delray Besch, Florida.
o=~.~O No person sh.all use a 'trailer as livi.~, auarters
~.hioh trailer does not comply with the above sect Lons ~.n this ordinance,
nor sh~l! any tr~iler be here~:,fter used as livind quartars without a
pewmit for the use of such trsilcr ~ first~obt~ined from the gdty
Buil~imr inspector, which permit shall stow theft s~.~ch trailer complies
'-~th~,,~ the zonin,~? ordina~uce ond the buildin~,~ code of this~'~ity.
--~ T~,~ ~.. Any oerson violr~tin~' ~rovisions of t~is o~r~i~'
snali upon conw[ctio~ '~,nereof be fined not more th~n ,~100.00 or
~r'~pr[son~~n the ~ivv j~il for not more than 30 d~ys or be
penalized y both s~ch fine 9nd imorisonr~,cnt in the di. scretion of the
~iunicipal j~dEe. ~
~ls is ~ e~er<jenoy ordinance ~nd she. il +~ze effect upQn its
_~irst reading.
'~"q"~T~m in ~e~u!~r ses,~-;on on '~rz~:. ~nd fi~,,:~l ~-~uadin~, on this
i'rcsident, ¢~'oy ~gouncil