Ord 569-45~L~ ~:,. d :T~C~~: .... "~ - ......... ~' ~" ' - ~ ' '; due to the fact t.,~:.~ the_ e Ls not ~¢n ade:,/uatc reguia-bion previa.. p~nuz~, for parkinc of vehicles n pzohiui~ea areas p~.rk-i d' venlclss in proper areas for a~'~ excessive ocrisd of ti~:~e, ~nd ........ :~,~ ~ is neces:~sry for the p2eservation o¢ public ',)cate that if0 , '"x2';'?:~' ,~;'=, B'~ t'~ 0-,L.L,,, .~ by the ~lt,~ Council of ~nc ~lty zr~;y l~each, ~lorlaa, as follows: ~ ~_ ~"0~, 1. ~'. ...." '~ See'tion 31 el OPUi~lahoe ~i,} 252 Of t~le '~'L7/ of follows: ~ ....... ,TED .,'viz~j noci:~e tnei-.eof, no ',)ePson m'~all ordin~nice, an~i %ac ;Jhief of Police and other police officers of the City of ~i;c~'~y ~acl~, Fiori a are dtreat~a to place on s~/d vehicle ta~{, s~o-...i:'~g 'bi'i~ vioiavion ~[' this ordinance ,c person cuiity of ~,~ck ~iolazion may t '- a~_c uch ticket to She office of trie ~i::sf of Police .:)r .)alr~y lea:~h, :~'loPina a.~ic pay to v~e officer in charCe s'~ or .¢~5o for suc}i ovePpar~:ing., anu in atzcr~ eve~L no ,~Jr~.no f)r arrest of t.,:e individual '~iii be issued. In the event an individual s~iall park a vehic!~ in a .pl: ce where the parking of such vehicle prohibited, the police officers of the Gity of }etray }3each, ~re directed to tag s~ch vehicle iu a similar manner as provided for overp:rf~ing, ,~i(i tl~.e inmividuai so paPS:in&: in a prohibited area Oay -to 'the police officer iii charge ~-:~.. police heamqu~rters of the .,mt~ of .eiray 13et~cn., loriaa, t~c s~i:. or ~1.00 i~. ,cica event no ~.,arr: nt for seoi'l violation of chis ordinance ..~ili bc issued. ~tl pe.y~:~ents must be moae ,..i5i~i~ 2.~ aais from ~fle 'bi!iie L;~L:. Oi'feliS~ co~:~it't;ea and c~;~ tag .pi cea upon %~e:~ vehicle. ~ [ soz'~o are zn ~'iflict herewith are herebv Peoe~led. ~-~',~-~:, 3. ~2i'~,is is ~ amer.goncy ordin,~.nce ,?~n5 sh~ i. 1 t~ke ~}ffect i~,~ediazely upo~i its p~ssa{fe o~ its fiz's~ r'~ading. /L~[F]D o~", first ~na final ~maaia~,. [n special ses~ion on this the C i ty 21 e ~k ."~a yor.