Ord 581-45 AN EI~ERGENCY O[iDINBdfCE 0Y ";7[E~ CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF DEIJL~Y B~CH, YLOI~IDA, A~,~fDI~.JC ORDI~GANCE NO. 2~0. ~J~i~$~S an emergency exists in the City of Delray Beach, flo~-ida, due ~o the fact that Ordinence i.Jo. 2~0 being tae electrical ordinance of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, does not definitely specify wi~ether or not the sole owner of a single family dwelling can e=~loy an unlicensed electrical ~¢~orker to assist the owner in electrical work in the owner' s ho~e, and WHE~S it is necess~ry for tl~e i~m~ediate preservation of public safety that tl~is ordinance be passed as an emergency ordinance. NOW, T~REFORE, BE IT ORDAINED Oy the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, fflorima, as follows: SECTION 1. Th~,t Sub-section 3 of ~ection 12 of Ordinance bio. 230 of the City of D~lray Pe~ca, Florida, be and the saI~e is hereby amended to ~-~aa as follows, to-wit: "3. No license sha~i be requirea of ~ sole o,.'n~r of a sin~ie family dwelling where same is his i~o~e, bm% such sole owner shall riel ce allowed vo employ ~any assisvant or l~elper in s~ca electrical work unless such assistant or helper is a licensed elecvrician in the City of Deiray l{each, ~lo~ima, or unless such helper or assistant is l~gally ~orkin~3] ~nder the holder of s duly is~ued Civy of ])elray ~each Electriaal License." .SECTI0~J 2. A.i oz'dinances or parts of ordinances insofar as same are in conflict nei~ewith are he~'eDy repealed. e,,,er~ez,~y ordinance szzd snail '-¢"- effecV i~aediately upon its passage on its first readi:ig. ~'ASGED on first a~;d final r,:adiz,g i~ regular- session on tais the President oI C~ty ~ounctl ATTEST: "' '~ · C~ty Clerk. ~ ~,~ yor.