Ord 609-45 ORDI~'ANC~ ~0 o 609
~ ~iR B ~GIR~IEG f:~0BER 1, 1945,
FOR FACH []UCC ZD!NG ~:~ ':~ U~:':'iL
ON OF ~-~UDINr?,F;q T~D~[? J~UCH I, IC~ES, AND
BE IT ENACTED by the Co:m~ission of the City 0f
Hollywood, ~lorida:
Section 1. That from and after the first day of
October, 1945, every person, firm, corporation and as ocia-
tion engaged in or managing any business in the City of
Hollywood are required to have a :3~ty license, and shall
on or before October 1, 1945 and anually thereafter, and
~lway~ be. fore engagin~ in any business, ~rofession or oc-
cupation, register in a book or file to be kept for that
purDose by the City Cl~rk, their manes, profession or oc-
cupation, and their nlace of business, and no ?~rson, firm,
corporation, or assoo~ation shall engage in or mana?e any
such business, profession or occupation until after having
been so recistered.
Section 2. That from and after the first day of
October, 1945, no person shall engage in or manage the busi-
nee :, occupation or profession, hereinafter mentioned and
required to be licensed by the City, ~vithout first having
paid the amount of license required therefor for the use of
the City and obtained a City lecense therefor.
:;action 3. Liceases shall expire on the 30th day
of September of each year. No license shall be issued for
more than one year; and for each license obtained between
October 1st end April ~s:t the full tax for one Feet shall
be paid en~ for e~ch license obtained between \Dril I and
Seotember ~0 one half thc full t~x for one ye~r shall be
paid, exceot es hereim~fter provided for. Any license shall
be transferred with th~ approval of thc City Clerk with
the business for which it is taken out, when there is a
bona fide sale and transfer of the ?rope~K'ty used and em-
ployed in tl~ business ~s .stock in trade, and not other-
wise, provided such transfer shall be made ';~ithin thirty
days afte~'~ such bona fide sale has taken place. Otherwise,
said license shell become null and void and of no effect.
Section 4. iio person, firm, corporation or asso-
ciation sahll engage in or manage any business, .>rofession
or ocouoation in this section mentione~ without first ob-
rainings, from the City s license therrfor for each seDarate
location in the City; provided that ~ny De~;son, firm, or
corporation e~aging in or managing any business, occupa-
tion or profession herein mentioned, b~tween the first of
October and the first day of November of each year here-
after, without first having complied with the provisions
of this ordinance and paid the amound of license fee as pro-
vided for in this ordinance, shall be declared delinquent
and an a ition license fee of 5% of thc net license fee
shall be added ii, payment is made on or before i~ovember ~0,
and an additional license fee of ten percent 10% of the net
license fee shall be added if ~>ayr~nt is received after
December i of each year, for a full year; and provided a
license shall be required to cover each end every business
advertised by sign, newspaper, maga:~ine or otherwise and
and such sign, newspaper, magazine or other adw. rtisement
shall be considered evidence of conducting the business ad-
vertised and sufficient for conviction by the Court; and
provided further th~:t said license shall be issued to cover
but one location; and the assessment of ~uch taxes are here-
by fixed as follows:
Abstract of Title $1B.O0
Academy of ~usic (Studio, over one teacher) 10.~.0
Advertising Agencies - each and/or each agent 15.00
~enners, floats or cartoons, bill posting~
agents, firms or corporations, en~gaged in
bill posting and maintenance and/or rent
collection on same 75.00
(Outdoor advertising, painted w~;lls cr
electric displays or other devices leas-
ed or red, ted)
Card ~irectory 30.00
Parsons distributing circulars, pamphlets
or other advertising ~tter, except local
merchants advertising in this way their own
goods and merchandise ~not to be placed or
to b, placed under doors only) 50.00
(Providin~ permi~fon is gr~nte~ by the
City Manager)
Public~tion~ issued ~eriodically includ-
ing Job Printing) (~here no~ enter'ed in
th~ mail~.~ a~. newspaper a~ 2n~ clas~ mat-
t,r ) 15. O0
~ch~s and device~ mot provided for above 50.00
Agency for Steam ~ats, sailing vess~ls o~~ ~orei~
Ha ilroads 15. O0
%eroDlane ~ Age n ci,s 25. O0
R~pair ~hop ~ith within storage ~0.~
~harging ~ompensation for !~ly~ng Pas ~en-
oha~ging co,pan, arisen for flyi~ freigh~ 2~.00
~lying In~tructio~ 25.00
Alle~: oowling, ~xb~l or ~'enpin, each alley 10.00
Ambiance, ~parate from ~ndertski~, each ambulance
~use~nt ParEers, not to include any gamas, devices
~r bus tnes~ contrary ~o ~he la~
ordinances of tb~ ~tate ~d Ci~
Amuse~nt Parks:
E~rso~ o~rati~ p~rmanently located
s~usem~ent par~ within which are oparated
merry-go-ro~ds, roller coaster, tb, atrical
and oth,r ~xbibitions, sbo~ and p,rfor~anc, s
~n~msl exhi itions, ~b~ll Day a license tax
fo~ th~ d,vic~s, shows, exbibf~io~ ~n~~ ~11
ot~Er fo~s of diwr~ion ~nd amus,m,nt ~r-
men~ntly carried on in such park
(To b~ approved b~ oity Co~is~ion) 50,00
Ani~l ~xhibit ion
~quar i~ 10. O0
~.~trologis~s and Olairvoyants, ~ypnotists, Fortune
· ~'ell~rs, Palmists, F~enotogi~s, ~p~itual-
is~s, s~rologis~s, a~ others of a s~i-
lar ~ture, wh~ther or not in co~c~ion
with auother bus~es~., c~ch charging fees 750.00
~Qo fees, but eontri utions accepted !,000.000
Auctioneers: Auctioneer, ho~ehol~ goods from residence,
per day lO.0O
auctioneers - continued
~%uctioneer, public sale other than from
residence, ]~r day 10.00
Auction shops or stores, owners or mana-
(.~ers of each store {tttnerant) eeeh week
or portion thereof
~uetion stores (See Ord. ~o. 4815 To be
8nproved by ~fty Com-lsston
Automobile Agencies 25.00
~epafr Shop with with~ storage ~0.00
~attery ~ervtee 10.00
~etnt Shop 20.00
~;re~s~ Rack - w~shin~ ~nd ~olishing c~rs 10.00
~ervice otatton- 2 pu~ps or less 10.O.
each ad~ition~ pud 5.00
~uyin~ sn~ selling used e~rs 25.00
?torage garage - alo~ 15.00
Tires an? tubes, s,cond-ha~d dealer 25.00
Fass~nger Transportation Co,Denies, taxis
and buses operated for profit [~3ee Ord. ~71)
U-Drive-It Companies {See Ord. ~571)
Auto tops and repairs, or making only 15.00
Parking lot (each location) " 15.00
(Any other business opera~ud in connection
~herewi~h subject to its specified license)
A~i~ Business - ~to~ shu-~.ters 100~Q0
(see Ordina:~ee ~o.
Aircrafts (See 0rdinanee ~o. 28~ - no fee)
~aggage or ~reif~ht 'transfer Co, any
[~aker y, retail 10.00
wholesale our-of-town, each 25.00
~1 Hooms, each 50.00
Banks or 'rr~t Companies, each 50.~
~arber Shops, each chair (~ether o~ra~ed or not) 5.00
~.elling cigna, etc. addltion~ liee~e 10.00
~arber Supplies 20.00
f.~et~ - ~'ub].lc houses 20.00
'turkish, nu~.:stan or ;'spot 20.00
~sch squipment (.~3ubJeot to bids to the 'tity Co~ission).
Beauty Shops, alone or '.~ith othe~~ business i5.00
Beer - Se, 0rdin~ce
~illiard, ~'ool or ..-.agatelle u'ables for profit
1st tabl~ 10~00
each additional table 5.00
Birds, dealers tn 15.00
Blacksmith Shop - not perSaini~ to automobiles 10~
Boats for
Fishi~, Cruisi~ or S~h~seeing ESSO0
~icycle Shops (See ~rdinance No. 245)
Renting, repairing or selling 15.00
~oat and ~hip Yards - Permittin~ the operating of
marinc ways and dry docks any tape, city,
designing and building bo~ts, machine and
repair shops ~i'.nd stocks of ~..arine h~rdware
and supplies n~ sh~p chandlery, roi~ use in
connect~om wit~ wor~ ?,one by oo~t and Ship
Asrd h~reby licensed, but not for ~ale with-
out merch~nt's license ~do, s not permit the
o?eration of ~torag~ 0asins and sheds for
~ch separate license is ~orovided and re-
quired) havinc c~ital inves~m~':nt ~ follows:
Not exceeding ~i10,000 25,00
~Jore ~.hnn ~10,000, not exc~cdlr~ ~25,000 30.00
" " ~:'~ 000 " " 50,000 75.00
" " 50 000 " ~' t(~0,000 100.00
" t00,000 " " t50.00
Boat Houses or Boat Yards, owners or ma~ager of
keepin~ roe boats, sail boats for hire or
s tor age 25.00
Boats, fferry and Oightsseir~ - Owners, operators or
managers of boats used wholly or in part as
ferry or sightseeing boats, e~ch boat, with
passenger capacity as follows:
Not ~xceedi~ 10 passengers - ~ch boat 20.00
~or~ than 1~, not exceeding 50 passer, by. ers
6ach boat ~5.00
;,~ore than !'0 passengers, e~ch boat J5.00
~oats, ?owing and Lightering- Owners, Opera~ors or
managers of bo~ts used wholly' or in part
for towing or ~ightertng (permit 1 barge
or lighter free with each tow boat licensed
hereunder as follows) alone or in connect-
ion with any other business
Not exceeding {2) two boats 25.00
More than two boats 50.00
flor each barge or lighter in excess of the
number of two boats licensed hereunder, or
for each barge or lighter not permitted in
connection with two boats 5.00
(In event a permit to operate such b~a~s is
required by ~rdinances of the~ Git??, no such
licenses shall be issued until such permit
has been obtained)
Boiler or .~.achine Shops or ~oundries 35.00
.Boiler Inspector Companies (Person or firm iuspect-
fng boilers) 10,00
Book Agents or Oanvassers- Taking. orders or selling
books or magazines ~5.00
Book ~indery 10.00
Books - ~akers of, for sdvertfsing for directories, etc. 25.00
~oot-~l~ck stands - each 10.00
~oot and Shoe ~epair Shop 15.00
Brokers -Dealing in Insurance 25.00
rocks and ~onds and Mortgages 50.00
Customs ~nd othe rs 250.90
~room- Manufacturing Company 25.00
Building and Loan Associations - Gapital to $100,000 25.00
~aeh Additional $100,000 10.00
i~urglar Alarm Company t0.~'0
~us ~;tation- ion intersta' ; business only) each station 50.00
~utcher Shops 15.00
Bus~n~ss Colleges 10.00
~utterine - ~-~olesale dealer~ in, handling origt~l
packages only 1~.~
~ottlin~ ~orks, with or without delivery 25.00
D~liv~ry Trucks (except trucks operate~ by
licensed bottling works) 50.00
Ca~in~ & ~armalade ManUfacturing 1B.O0
Card ~riti~, cuttin~ and engr~vi~ 15.00
Carnivals, uircuses, Vaude~ill,s, ~instrels, ~h~atrical
~erfor~nances a~d other ~hows ~der canvas~ for
each ~e~k or fr~ctional ~art thereof 500.00
~arade fo~ ~how given outsid~ Oity limits 25.00
u~pe~ ~ Rug Cleaners - ~stablis~ents, each 20.00
Cat~ rets 10.00
Cigar ~anUfact~es t5.00
Ci~ua ~ruit ~nd ,egeta~les - ~etail i0.00
~ole s~e 15. O0
Cla~ ~& C~llecting ~geneles 25.00
Cleeninc and ~loekin~ hats I0.'00
Cleaning and ~resstng and Dyeing (~lothes 15.00
J~,gents ~ Solicitors for out-of-to~ conc~rns ~°~.00
Clothing_ - Oe~.~l~rs~ ~ in s~cond-h~n~ - e~ch place 25.00
Co~ & Ice ~eddler~ - e~ch wagon 5.00
Coffee - ~ealcr~ in 15.00
*old ~tora~ ~5.00
~fol~ ~rink Otand 10.00
Contractors: Electrical Contractor 30.00
Elevator Contractor 30.00
zngine e r in~:~ contractor
~ulkheading, ~rainagc Excavating a Se~r
Construction, 'redging, ~igation
i~ile Drivi~, ~uil~eadi~ end ~ea ~;'alls,
~idew~'~lks, otreet ~adi~ and Paving,
~idew~lk and simil~r ~ntract work) 60.00
Floor Sanding Contractor 30.00
Gas Fitting, ?ipe Fitting a Heating
Contra o tot 30.00
~neral Contraotor
Landsca0e Contractor 30.00
Lathing Contractor 30.00
Mason end ~e~nt Contractor 30.00
~'~oving nd ~eeking Oontractor~Houses) 30.00
0rnament~ ~on, oronze m Steel contractor 30.00
~'l nmb in~f Con tractor 30.00
~ainting Contractor 30.00
Plssteri~ and cement contractor 30.~
~:'lete Glass and Glazier ~ontraetor 30.~
Sign ContraCtor 30.~'
Ste~ ~itti~ Contractor 30.00
~eptie Tank Contractor 30
~:~ewer contractor 30
Sheet ~etal Contractor 30.~
Sprinkler System Cont. (Any and ~1 kinds) 30.00
Structural & ~einforcing iron & ~teel 60.00
Aile, rerrzzo, marble & Granite Contractors 30.00
Solar ~ater ~ating Contractor 30.00
Pile Dr,,vets - for public hire or contracting 30.00
(Ail other contractors engaged tn any of the
building tvadeal
(Other sub-contractors not.%speoific~lly
ol~s~.ified above 30.00
Convalesc6nt Mo~ ~Not ~ani~arium~ 20,00
Oopp~rsmtths - ~anufacturers or J~nts for 15.00
~redit ~ureaus 25.00
Cra osot ~g Plants 25. O0
Dance Halls - for profit ~D.00
Dancing Schools 15.00
oairies - ~ilk Distributors, Jobbers or Ore,eries
~eliveri~ milk not produced by them 2~.0~
Dealers in ~eeond-hand ~ire Ar~ ~i'his lice~e shall
exclusive of all other license ta~es) 100.00
~All secondhand dealer~; ahall keep a
permanent record of a~ p~eheses and sales
incl~di~ daSes, description of property
purchased or sold, names and addressees of
persons purchasing or buying from them)
Delicate s~.~ en 1B.O0
Dent~ Supplies 15.00
~eteetive ~ency 50.00
Department Stor~, val~ of stock under $5,000 10.00
Over $~000 and ~xnder $10,000 15.00
~er 10,000 and under 20,0~ 20,00
Over 20,000 25.00
~res~maktng, Hemstit:~hing, exeen~ in private homes where
no stock is carried 5.00
Drugs, retail d~aler, value of stock not over $3,000 10.00
Over $3,000 and u~er $5,000 15.00
" 5,000 an~l under 10~0 25.00
" 10,000 and u~er ROLO00 40.00
" ~0,000 and under 30,000 50.00
" 50,000 75,00
~hol ~ sale 50.0~
Dyeho~e Company- Resident or ~eney 15.00
D~emite dealers 15,00
Electric Light & Power Companies
~igrant Agents - Inol~ing any agent, solicitor or
eruiter engaged in business of
enticing or soliciting laborers or emi-
grants 2,500.00
Employ~nt Agencies - each agency ~see ord. ~45~) 50.00
En~avers or Litho~aphers 15.00
E~ibits - ~eak or other curiosities, per ~ek 50.00
Txpress Oompanies - e~ch 0om,~any (interstate business only ~0.00
Factor les 25. O0
Feather Eenovators 20,00
Ferris ~ell or Amusement l~evlces -per week (by per-
mts.~ton of the Cit~ Co~tss~on) 50,00
Fer~ilizer Manufseture or ~ixi~ Plant ~.00
F~e end ~e~k ,~:ales 60.00
Flre~rks - [~olesele and retail (separate lfoe~e requlr~d25.00
F~hhM~rket - with or without pa~try (Exoept fish e.u~t
~n ~orida waters) 15.00
Fish Peddle~ - ezscpt fish ~ught in Florida w~t~rs 20.00
Florists, or d~al~rs in ~1o~, ~seh 15.00
~u~ts - ~etsil 20.~
~ueks ~r moving v~hicl~s (Subject ~ inspection by
of Health ~0.00
Furnit~ & Hous~furnishings s~cond~snd d~al~r 25.00
Gamc~ ~n~ D~vic~s - each g~6 or devic~ 30.00
Gas Companie~ distributi~ nd s~llt~ gss t~ougb
1 ina 3
~ S~ll~ Bo~led Gas 30.00
Gas~l~n~ ~nd 0~
~s - whol~sale, ~i~ storag~ fatalities i~ City
" - " wit~out " " " 150.90
0il - ;~ol~sale, with storage fs~ilities i~ ~ity 25.00
Gol~ Co~ses -eaeh 75.~
Golf Driving Ranges - ~a~h
Gus:~n~ or Surety Title Companies - e~h Co, any
G~stes - each band or ~roop 200.00
Handbills - (See Advertisin6)
H~rness a~ Ssd~le~y- wholassle an~ r~tsil 15.00
Hos~tt~ - (Se~ ~r, Ne 84). 35.00
Hotels, ~D~t~nts, Ro~i~ or L~dging ~ouses
5 Roo~ and l~ss than 20' r~ 10.00
20 " " " " 50 " 1~. 00
~0 ~' ' " " 70 20.00
70 " " " " 100 ~5.00
100 " " " " 150 30.00
150 " . ,, " 250 35.00
~00 " or ovar 55.00
lee Cre~ and Soft Dri~ 15.~
(In co~ection with f~li~ station ~.~
Ice Cream Manufacturers -wholesal~ end ~Jztail 2~.00
l~ C~ Parlors 15.00
race Cre~ and Sod~ ~ountain 15.00
Ice cre~ Vendors (~en chief b~iness is other then soda 10.00
(Fo~ta~, no license fee charged)
Ice Cream ~agon- Per wagon (not making product in City 50,00
Ice Manufacturing or Storage 50.00
Insurance Companies - each 15,00 15.00
Agencies - e.%ch 15.00
Traveling Insurance agent 20.00
Solicitors - each 5.00
Insecticide - Manufacturers or Dealers 25.00
J~we~,;,y - Deal,rs who buy an~ sell old gold end silver
and other precious metals, or offer to buy
and sell (p~rmanent records of aLI purchases
and sales including dates, description of
property purchased and sold, names and addresses
of person~: ~urchasin~ or buying required) where
no other licenses are o~id 100.00
· Job Printing - by hand 10.00
by Dower 15o00
Junk Shops or Dealers 100.00
~All Junk dealers shall keep a permament record
of all purchases and sal~s including dates,
description of property ~urchased and sold,
names and a~r~:ses of persons ~urchasing from
or selling to them.) ~Ltcense required whether
o~.' not smile or purchase, or both, or solicita-
tions are made.)
Knife & Scissors ~harpener 10.00
Laundries, employing over 2 and less than ~ persons 10.00
" " 5 " " " 10 " 15.00
" "10 " " " 20 '~' 20.00
" "20 " " " ~0.00
Local Agency, permanent office 25,00
Agents for out-of-town laundries 2~.00
Livery Stables - 1 to ~ horses or mules 10.00
10 or more horses or mules 20.00
Liquor ~icense - ~See Liquor ~rdinance No. )
Loan and Discount Company 50.00
Lumber ~rchants - ?~tock not exceeding 200,000 ft. ~ 20.00
" over 200,000 ft. ~. not exceed-
in~ 500.000 ft. ~ 40.00
Over 506,000 ft. ~ 60.00
Lunch Stands and Iced bottled drinHa - not over 10 chairs 15.00
Lung Testers - when operating for profit 10.00
~achine Shops, employing not over 2 persons 15.00
(S~e Boiler or M~ohine Shops)
MaWufacturers of Terra Cotta, Earthenware, ?ottery,
Asphalt or ~fineral, or other Concrete, Clay 15.00
or Rock Products - hand power 25.00
- machine power
Manufacture of Furniture 25.00
~&edicine 25.00
t/roprie tary Medicines 25.00
Roofing 25.00
~,~anufacturers not provided for 25.00
Marble and Graphite ?~orks 1~.00
Mattress ~,J~ake rs 15.00
Meats - Meat and Poultry ~arket 30,00
~iot including poultry with ~tock of meat
~0.00 or less 15.00
Not including poultry witch stock of meat
~ore than ~0.00 25.00
Packing House ~J.00
lCresh ',~hole sale 25. O0
~erchants - ~etail, one line stock
Value not over ~00 10.00
Over ,?J00 and not over $1,000 lB.00
Over $1,000 e~ch additional $1,000 or fractional ~.00
?~olesale and Jobber, stock value not over $5,000 15.00.
Over SB,000 and not over $10,000 B0.00
" 10~000 " " " 20~000 25.00
" 20,000 " " " 50,000 40. O0
','~holesale ~evivering from vehicles not paying
Sholessle ~_lce~sa, e~oh v~bicle 100.00
Mes.~:enger Service (Exclusive of telegrams) 15.0O
Mimeogra-~h and Letter Shop 10.00
~onuments and ?ombstones 15.00
Travel lng 15. O0
Motor Boat Dealers 25.00
Motor c2cle beale rs 15.00
~o tor dome 50.00
~otion Picture Theatres with or wiShout vauderville, ea. J~.00
~iscellaneous Hepair Shop - 1 Person 10.00
~uaieal Devices - operator of mschanlcally operated
(whether operated in connection with or sepa-
rate from any other business( )License or
tag ~ust be displayed on each machine) 15.00
Distributoe of (~ee Ord. No. ) 30.00
'~usicians - Street, each 10.00
Newspapers - 'Jeekly or Monthly 20.00
Daily 30.OO
Night Clubs - Restaurants, dining rooms or other estab-
lishments whether f~oor show or other form of
entertainment, ~xclusive of orchestra, is pro-
vided for guests (beer and vinous beverage
livense require~ in addition) 50.00
Novelty /Jorks - e~oloy!ng more than two and no mor~ than
tea 30. O0
~ursery- ~tock or Forest trees 15.00
Oriental Goods 25.00
Pewn Brokers 500.00
Peddlers -I~awkers or otreet venders of ~edicines,
drugs or paten~ medicines ~00.00
(Amended ~rdinance ~o. 24~)
"Peddlers, hawkers or ~treet rent, ors of ~0.edicines, drugs
patent medicines, salw~s or other pro~*,~rf~tsry or patent
prepsrations purporting to h~ve medical virtues, per week
or any part thereof 5~.00
Each day over I week, per day lO.O0
"Peddlers, hawkers or vendors engaged in ~he occupation
of selling products such as fruits, ergs ~md vegetables
and farm products from wagon, push cart or other vehicle,
for each vehicle 25.00
(This provision in respect to produc~ shall not
apply to persons selli~ products of own farm.)
Peddlers, hawkers, vendors, agents or solicitors
soliciting business for out-of-town business houses
or enterprises not maintaining place of business in
City of HollyWood 25.00
· ~'r~ veling stores - dry goods, groceries, clothing,
Roots and shoes - on foot 100.00
by Vehicle 150.00
'Peanut ~ealer - Retail 10.00
'.~ol~ssle 25,00
Photograohers - e ch (Maintaini~ place of business) 20.00
?~en no studio or place, of business is maintain-
ed locally 30.00
Piano Tun, rs 10.00
Picture Agents - tr~vellng 50.00
Plati~ with ?!eta!s 1~.00
~Oop Corn or Peanut Stands 15.00
Potato Chips - ~fholesale 25.00
Post Card Otands - only 10.00
Pressing Clubs 25.00
Professional - each person
Following professional practitioners are class-
ed as professional, and each persons firm or
core, oration engaged in the pretties of any such
profession is required to cover his practice
taking out a professional license ~ follows:
PROFESSIONAL LICENSE - to apply to each person,
firm, or corporation engaged in the practice of
any profession herein licensed as a profession,
permitting the operation of but one person 15.00
For each additional partner or person operating
with the person, firm or corporation licensed
in the prece~in~ clause, other than professional
emp3o.~ees 15,00
Accountants and Auditors Doctors, Physicians & Surgeons
Archlt~ cts Els ctrical ~ngine e rs
Analytical ~hemts ts Homeopathic .Physicians
~:,rtists, includim'~ retouching Laboratory Technicians
Sketchiness, carooning, Crayon or
fferretyp~r, or others Lands cape Architects
Attorney~ at law Masseurs
0hit o pod is ts ~e chanical mnginee rs
Christian Science ~eal~rs mental ,Wealer~ or Practitioners
or Practitioners
Civil En~in~ e rs ~a'~ureopaths
Dentists ~ptome tr is t
~etectives, including Civil, 0steopstb~
commercial, corporation, crimi~m~., hysical Culture Directors
industrial, insurance ~.~'hys io the rapists
railroad and similar investigatorsPediatrist
Dietitians Veterinarina or Veterinary ~Urge~n
Phy~hanal yst 'fir e ~ Pruner 15.01)
Public ~iall for Uire 1~.00
Ha~ io Sup!?lies - ?~holesale 15.~
~{ailroad Gompanies - each 100.00
Reel ~state Agency 15.00
SolicitOr - ..~ ach 1
Repair Shop - Keys end locks, knives, lawnmower
sharpening, gun-sm!thing, motorcycle
an5 bicycle repairs lO.00
~estaurants- ~;efes ~.~a ~ public eating' .~ places (~ether
foo~ is s~rve~ ~n co.action w~.th or
separate from other business)
Capacity- 1 to 25 perso~ 15.00
- more th~ 25 persons 30.00
Minks - Sicycl~, skat~.ng or other 50.00
~ubber m~lloon dealers lO.CC
~3aw-~ill Yard 50. O0
~cond-han~ dealers - in ~oods, w~res an~ n~rchandise,
~cond hand or otherwise, kno~ ~s seco~-
h~nd deal(~rs (~xclus~v. or ~e ~rms.
deal~Lr~ s~cond hand =ire ~s) (All second
hand de~rs shall ke~p a permanent
of all pruo~ses and sal~s, i~cluding dates,
description of property ~urchased ~ so~d,
~me and a~dres~es of ~rsons
or buying from the:~.) - i line of nerchan~ise 50.00
Each additio~l line of merchandise 100.00
Seed stores - ~holesale and retail ~See merchant)
Shin~e ~ls - ~hether co~ected with ~aw mill or not 50.00
Ship ~oke rs 20.00
~hoemaker suppl ies 15. O0
Shooti~ ~llery (Not ~e be ope ated after ll: ~.~. 20.00
~olieitor - ~ee Ped(~l~r
~-~torsge warehouse or ~oom 30.00
~triking ~chines - for e~ch machine ~lice~e or tag
must be ~isolayed on e~ch machine 15.00
Tailors - e~ch 10.O0
Tax ~gency 25.00
Taxider~ist or ~g~nts for, in addition to any other
1 i c~ n~ e 15.00
Telephon~ oy~te~ and ~ompanies ~lntrastate business only 100.00
Telegraph Companies - each, with ~l~t~e machines 75.00
brsnch 25.00
Taxis -~ee 0r~inance ~o. 571
Theatrical or ~r~matic troupes or God,Denies, for pro-
fit, where perfor~ance is not given in local
lieense~ theatre- first ~y 25.00
E~eh succeeding ~ay SO.00
~eatrieal Directors who charge for services ~n dir~%et-
ing local ~alcnt plays or perfo~snees-
e~ch performane~ 25.00
Tip ~hse~ -oee 9r~inane~ ~o.
Towel ~upply Gompany - each, loc~ 15.00
- " itinerant 25.00
Tr~vel ~ureau- each 25.00
Traveling ~oving Picture shows - each, ocr d ay 25.00
Trading :L:tamp ~omp~ies - each 500.00
Tree Pruner (see minutes Now. 20, 45' 15.00
Trucks - Motor driven~ also doing freight trans-
portation or transfer business for profit,
except where other licenses ~re paid tn con-
duct in~ ~b,~m ~ness 20.00
?l~ not mo~e than i ton 0.00
' ' ' ' 2 ~' 10~00
' " ~' " ~ " 1~.00
~' of mo?e than A ton capacity 2~,00
(Does not a~ply to trucks o~ed or operat-
ed by Cit~, i~3tate or County}
U-Drive-It cars - oe~ Ordi~nce ~B71
Undertakers cr Embalmers and Funeral Directors ~0.00
(See ambulance also)
Uphols tere r 1 ~.00
Vendi~3 nmchine - ~in Ball ~aehines (Sec 0d,
Cigarettes -~vuneh ~ard (See 0~.
Vulcanizi~ - for each place of b~ine~s operated as a
v~canizing shop {then operated as a sepa-
rate bus,ness not otherwise licensed 15.00
~ateh repairing, ~ere not in connection with other
business 15.00
%~ster - sold ~n bottles, each eompa~y or iudividual 15~00
?~ei~ing ~sch~nes - each machine 5.00
(Liee~e or tag ~ust be displayed on ea. ~c.
¥~eel Chairs - for hire - e~ch 0.00
(Ltcens~ or tab must be displayed on each chair)
~Vindow Cleaning ~nd house cleaning 15.00
~Vood yard 1~.00
Not spcciflcally set forth herein ~0.00
:~eotion 5. ~very business:, occupation, profess~-
ion or cxhfbttion, substantial, fixed er temporary, engaged
in by ~ny pe~'son$ f~m or corporation, whether in a ~uilding,
tent or u?~on ~h~ street, vacant lot, or ~n~here !n the open
air, with~ the City, and not herein specifically designated,
shall pay a license fee of $~0.~.
Section 6. '~'ha~ no license shall be issued or ~anted
to any applicant to engage in th~ busin~ ss of sellt~:~ or dis-
posinF of merchan~ise of any t~d, at retail or ~oeleaale, or
the practice or purauit of an~ profession or occupation,
the City of Holl~od, after ~he ~Oth day do Oeptember ef any
~ar, except upon the ter~s and conditions and s~$eo$ to the
restrictions he reinafter ?rovid~d.
Section 5. 'Shat no license shall be issued or be
granted to any appticcn't therefor to engage in the business
o~ s~lling m~rchandise .~t reta~ or ~oles~l~, or the prae-
tic~ or put-At of a~y profession or occupation, co~g with-
tn tb~ c~tegory ~enttoned ~n t~e preeeedin~ section of this
ordi~nce unl~ th, ap~lic~n~ abel! ~3t com~ty ~ith the
~o!1 ~ ~n~ cond i t ions:
(a) T~ ap~licant ~hall m~e an affidavit before
3om~ officer of the City of ~oll~ood, author-
ized to e~minister oaths,
~ 'tat ini~:
1. ~'he a~plicant's na~
2. the ~artieular location in th, city of
Holl~ood wh~re he proposes to ~a~
in th~ business for '~hich th~ license
is ~oGght; the date be propos~ to com-
~n~nc~ busincs~.~, ~so, ~h~r~' tax is based o
on ~rea, capacity, capital inw~sted ~nd
~plus, av~ra~ valu~ of stock carried,
n~ber of p~on~, ~als, or things
~:~plo2~d or ~n~ag6d, quantity, v~luation~
or other contingency, the area, capacity
ca~ital invested and surplus, J~ver~ge value
of stock carried, number of D,r~o~, animals
or things e~L~loycd or ~n~Tag~d, quantity,
valuGtion or other conting6~ cy. Such af-
fidavit shall be fil,d with the City ~lerk
of th6 City of Holl~ood, ~lorida.
Section 8. No license shall be granted un~ there
has been full compliance with ~he preceeding section ~nd no
license ~anted without full compliance shall b~ a protection
to be applicant in ~y proeeedlng, civil or cri~in~.
~ection 9. Any person convicted of violating Section
6,~,o~ 8 Or this ordinance, or of maki~ fraudulent re~, sh~l
be Dunished by a fin, of not l~ss tb~ $100.00, nor more
$200.00, or b~ Imprisoned not mo~e t~an g, 0 days, or both fine
and imprtso~nt, in the discretion of the court, and, in ad-
dition, 25 per cent of any lioens~ fcc evaded through sue~
fraudulent return.
Jection 10. ~aeh day's selling or disposl~ of merehan-,
dis~ or ~nga~zing in b~tness ~'ithout makin~ the ~ffidavit, as re-
q~ired in ~ection 7 of this ordi~ee, ~11 ~nsti~ute a sepa-
rate and distinct violation of said ordnance.
Se c~ion 11
· ~&~ch provision ~i this ordinance co~aimed,
and each license tax by this ordinance i~posed, is intended
to be separate and independent, and this ordinance is intend-
e~ to be construed distri%utively.
~ection 12. It shall be the ,?uty of s 11 officers and
agents of any eornoration to s~e that such corporation complies
with the provls~ons o? this ordinance; a~ ~1 c, ffioers or
agents of shy corporation "~_
~ .~ .~uired by this ordinance to ~
licensed which shal~ do business ~thout h~ving paid the
~.~,~d and 'orocured such license, shall b~ sub-
license t~x ..... ,~o~
Ject to the penaltie:: imposed Ly the for~.goi~ sections uuon
p~rsons ~embers o? Firms and cor'~orations vio~atim~ this
ordinanec ~ ~
Section 1~. Any person or persons, sn~ the members
o~f eny..firm, o~' corporation violatin~.~ th~ pr:'~visions of any sec-
tion of this ordina~c~ s~ll, ~'~on conviction, be p~nished by
a fin,. not exce~d:~ ['200,00, or by ~prisomoent for a period
not ~xcc_ding 60 days, or by both ::.uch fin~ .~ ~'
_ ,m,, ~priso~ nt,
in the discretion of ~he court, for ~ack offense, ~ec~t in
those eases '~here othcr and different ocnalties a-~e here~
Section 14. All ordinances or parts thereof in con-
flict ~,~ith the provisio~ of th~ ordinance are ~.r:by'~e e reoealed,.
except the def~nition~ snd descriptive old, uses contained in
Ordinances previously passed by the City ~o~is~ion and except
licenses sst by sp, cif~_c ordinances or laws such ~ liquor Ii-
Section 15. Should any part, paragraph or s~Otion of
this ordinance be 4~cl~,~med invalid in any judicAal proceeding,
such parti~ invaliditM s~ll not affect the remainder cT this
,e~tion 16. '~'his ordinance ts d,c!ared by the City
Co~ission to be necessary for ~he ~ediate ~n~esarvation fo pub-
lic peace and safety ~nd shmll go into effect on October 1, 19~.
Section 17. The for6goinz fees shall apply in ~1 cases,
except where a d~,r or agent has mo~ th~n his major line r~nd
in such css~ ~ny such dealer or a~vent shall ~y one half the fc~s
herein set out ~or e~ch and ~v~ry a~-'ition~l line handled in any
such business.