01-15-23 Adjourned Regular~ i ~ Council Chamber j January 15, 1923. The Council met in :;d~ourned regular sessicn, '+,he ';ayor presiding. , Councilmen Heen, Ialone, Ranson, Scott, and ',Sandy were present. The Clerk laid before the Council telegrams 'from T. Bell & Co.,Toledo, Ohio, relevant to default 'of interest on bonds due January lst, 1923, ;;.nd his re1;ly 'to the telegrams. On motion of :r. z.eeu the teleraphic correspondence was madea part of t're minutes and is as (follows: "Jan.11,1923. I "John: P!• Hall, City Clerk, Delray, Pla. ',Mire ouick what <.ction be taken by your city '~ 'regarding 3efault January first coupons. '..'P.Bell ?~ Company." "John Ss. Hall, "Toledo,Ohio. 1-15. City Clerk, ', Delray, Fla. " '";that are you doii:g regardir_g delay in payment January coupons - mus+, know immediately. '..T.Bell ?~ Co." ', Reply. . ~~ "Delray, Florida. !" z. i'. Bell '~ Co., January 15, 1923. I Toledo, Ohio. Paid Bond Trustees interest September 1,192.^;. !Report funds at depository ~7ew York. John Hall, Treasurer." A motion authorizing the Clerk to contract •arith the '+9estern Union Telegraph Company for space in the City Clerk's Office, January 16 to July 1, was adopted. On motion of ?ir. been an appropriation of '50.G: -~ ~, s made for the construction of benches to be appro- ~priately throughout the city for the convenience of the ipublic. ^lhose voting ir, favor of the appropriation on roll c_.11 ~^rere i,ir. Leon, :Ir, ialone, ir. :?anson, ^.ir. ',Scott, and iSr. Sundt'. the Clerk was authorized to draw an amendment to the contract dwted July 1", 1922, bets.^reen the ci*y of 'Delray and 0. Holland in ~rrhich the annual charge of ,{ 4000.C0 is stipulated as payments °or current, so that ,the annual charge shall be stated as " 38,33.33, the c'rxange bein rexmdered equitable by reason of reduced power re- quired at the ice plant. There was informal discussion of the report lof tixe engineer on street paving but no action eras taY,en. ~ ~~ I Li?: T 1 `{-K-~~ Clerk. i;,ayor. ~-