03-26-23 Regularv Council Chamber P4arch 26, 1923. The Council met in regular session, the P.Tsyor presiding. Councilmen I,7a.lone, Keen, Scott, and Sundy iwere present. Councilman Ranson was absent. The minutes of previous meetings were read and approved. On motion of i~Tr. iLeen, seconded by t1r. iulalone, Tax Refund to Whitfield. ',!the Treasurer was authorized to refund to lvilliam 'rvhitfield the sum of 5> 8.64 excess amount collected for taxes by reason of erroneous computation on the front footage on :lot 5, block 92. On roll call the motion was adopted by :unanimous vote. It1r. P~~alone offered the following preamble and 7 .resolution: Purchase of Fire Equipment. `' WHEREAS it appears to be to the best interests iof the City of Delray, Florida, that the city purchase ifor the better protection of the persons and property against fdre, and after investigation the conclusion has been reached that the LaFrance-Brockway Torpedo Combina- ',tion Pumping Chemical and Hose Car best meets the needs iof the city, Therefore be it Resolved: (1) That the City of Delray, Florida, hereby agrees to enter into a contract with the American I.a- France Fire Engine Company, Inc., for the purchase of One I,aFrance Brockway Torpedo Combination Pumping, Chemi- cal and Hose Cary the terms of the contract to ba as 5 fi ',,Signing the contra. et; terms: One thousand dollars within fifteen days after acceptance; .;~ 1300.00 one year from 'date of acceptance, jp1300.00 two years from date of ac- ~,'ceptance; ~ 1300.00 three years from date o£ acceptance; !and ~ 1350.00 four years from date o£ acceptance, all de- ~ferred payments to bear interest from date of acceptance at the rate of six per cent per annum. (2) 'The I~~7ayor and City Clerk of said City of :Delray, Florida, are hereby authorized and direct d to execute said contract on behalf of the city. The resolution was seconded by Per. Keen, and on ',roll call those voting in the affirmative were Iu1r. Keen, ~,'Pdr. .lone, IVirr. Scott, and P,4r. Sundt'. A1r. F. c. Fisher offered to donate to the city r follows: Price and Terms ~,$ri ~ o£ equipment ~ 6250.00, delivered at of Fire Egnip- ~~~ ~.-~.~ went. 'Delray, Florida. ,..within ninety (90) days from date of Donation of Street by ~' Fisher. fifteen (15) feet of the South end of Block 122 for the purpose of widening Thomas street to a width of fifty (50) feet, the city to pay for the donated fifteen feet of street paving. On motion the offer of 2dIr. Fisher was accepted on roll call by unanimous note, and the City Clerk was directed to acquire title to the same by quit-claim deed, The Clerk laid before the council current bills which on motion of Pdr. Keen were referred to the Finance Committee. After being audited the bills were returned to the council with the recommendation that they be paid, f Report of of Health. On EOll Ca tad a rep which was deemed j ~° they were ordered paid by unanimous vote. b, Chairman o£ the Board of Health, sub- writing outlining a program of action cessary, and on motion the report was r (erred to the committee on Police and Sanitation to work out a plan of putting the recommendation of the Board of Health in effect. ', Fdr. Malone, Chairman of the Committee on Streets, submitted an ordinance entitled: ' AN 0&D,INANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF Strut Paving ^IMPROVEMFNT_BONDS" OF THE CITY OF DELRAY, r'LORIDA, IN Bond Ordinance'THE AMOUNT OF FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AGAINST LIENS DUE SAID CITY ON ACCOUNT OF CERTAIN LMPROVEMEN~ IN SAID ,CITY FOR PAVING ITS STRF.ETS~ and moved its reference to ¢ t • he committee on ordinances. The motion having prevailed by unanimous vote the ordinance was so referred. Mr. Scott, Chairman of the sommittee on ordi- !nances reported the ordinance back to the council with ',the recommendation that it be placed on its first~~reading, 'and the recommendation having been sustained by unanimous ',,vote the ordinance was read a first time, and in full. Mr. Scott, Chairman of the committee on ordi- Inance's, asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended i 'and that the ordinance be give}e a second reading and by loaption only. Unanimous consent having been given the or- dinanee was read a second time, and by caption only. I Council adfourned subject to the call of the Mayo ~' Clem A7ayor. r iReeeipts: CITY OF DE?,RP_Y. MOS7THI,Y STATEP,iENT. ;~±' Ba-lance, IvYarch l, -----------------~; 817.53 Real Estate Taxes ------------- 5119.51 Personal ---------------- 745.43 'l'ax Certificates --------------- 137.85 Interest and Fees --------------- 48.51 Rent of Office,,~Space ------------ 55.00 P~6ayor's Court _________________ 1.00 •~ 6925.04 Disbursements: Salaries ______________________ 87.50,* General 1~Pxponse -------------- .60 Police Department -------------- 100.00 Fire Department --------------- 6.00 Street Improvement ------------- 11.50 Streets and Alleys --------____ 30.60 Health and Sanitaticm, Dr. Webb,- 12.78 Tax Refund, IvIr. Whitfield, ------ 8.64 • !"257.62 Balance 6667.42 ~" 6925.04 i I Treasurer. . "~ .; i MONTHLY STATEMENT. WATER & LIGHT DEPARTMENT. Balance, March 1, -----------------~ 2132.28 :~ Lights --------------------------- UGater --------------------------- Water Connections ---------------- Material Sold ----------------- Light Cut-in ------------------- 'Disbursements: Salaries ------------------------ General Expense ----------------- Ntaintenance --------------------- Fuel ---------------------- Lubrication --------------------- Equipment --------------------- Extensions --------------------- New Engine ---------------------- Balance 1079.34 260.36 20,00 40.50 1.50 °3533.98 420.83 40.32 55.9 418.13 114.74 181.42 74.46 109.33 1415.22 2118.76 3533.98 Balance Engine Fund X895.14 do General do _ 1223,.52 2118.76 .~-,~' . -~~...~ Treasurer. r '; i ._,;