Ord 529-45A~ ~ER~ 0RD]NA~CE OF T~g C~TY OF D~.~Y BEAC~ F~A,
~erea8 an emergency exists i~ the Ci~ of Delra~ ~aeh,
~or~a, due to the sudden death of the ~esident of the Unite~ States
at 3:~5 P.M. o~ ~sday, April 12, 19~, ~d whereas the Ci~ of
Delray ~aoh, ~or~a ia lo.ted a~Jaeent to aever~ l~ge m~it~
eatablis~ents, and ~erea8 ~ the op~on of the Ci~ Co~c~ of
City of De~ay Beach, the exoi~ent over the ~eath of the ~eaident
~ ~use~ aG ~rgeno7 to exist ~ this Ci~, ea~ the ~eil to
deem it a~visable to stop the sale of in~xioati~ lfq~, ~ ~ ereas
i~ ~ necessary for the prese~ation of public pease t~t this 0rd~mee
be adopt~ aa am ~rgenoy ordin~e;
~0W ~~, ~ ~ 0~A~ b~ the City C~o~ of the
City of Delray ~aeh, ~ori~a that:
beverages oonta~'~re th~ 14% alcohol by ~t a~ ~ediatel~
close ~d r~ elose~ ~~ the ~~ of th~ day,
~~N 2: ~t ~ ~ther ord~ned th~ all ~oh establish-
~n~ ~ ~m requeate~ to sloss t~ places of bus~esa d~ the
t~e of the funeral serv~es of the ~esi~ent of t~ Unite~ States.
~ION 3. ~y p~on violat~ the p~vi~o~ of
Seetion 1 of th~ ~di~ce ~all he p~h~ by a f~e of not exeee~-
~g ~00.00 or bF ~riso~ent ~ the o~ J~l for not exeeed~
90 da~, or by both such f~e ~ ~priso~nt ~ the ~etio~ of
the ~toip~ ~udge.
Passe~ ~ ~ ~er~y ordi~ce on f~st ~ f~ readi~
~ ~eoi~ Session at 7:15 P.~. Thursday, Apr.. 1~,