05-14-23 Regular3
Council Chamber
T+;a,y 14, 1923.
!;presiding. Councilmen Iaalone, Keen, Ranson,
!Bundy were present.
Scott, and
The minutes of the previous meeting were read
'and approved,
The Clerk laid before the Bouncil an opinion
. 'given by Attmrney Blackwell sustaining the validity of
the Street Tax ordinance.
The Clerk laid before the Council recommenda-
Board of Healthions of the Board of Health outlining the scope of the
..desired clean-up campaign, and recommending that in all
Septic Tanks
future constructioh only septic tanks be permitted, and
Grdinance Com-
d (that on premises where there are open toilets the owners
mittee to
'or occupants of the premises be reauired`to make the
Draft Ordinance
'.toilets conform to the standard prescribed by the State
:Board of Health.
A moti®n by .Irir, Ke
'.that the ordinance committee
!hibiting the construction of
installation of septic tanks
Committee to
Draft Ordi-
=n, seconded by T~s. Ranson,
prepare an ordinance pro-
cess pools and recuiring the
in connection vrith all nee°~
,:construction in such seotions of the city as is provided
with water supply and reouiring the owners or occupants
of premises on 4vhich there is now in use open toilets
to make the same conform to the standard adopted by the
State Board of health was on roll call adopted by luiani-
mows vote.
The Council met in regular session, the P:layor
The Clerk laid before the Council current bills
ch on motion of I:1r. Keen vrere referred to the Finance
Bills Ordered 'Committee. After being audited the several bills were re-
'ported back to the Council by the Finance Committee with
;the recommendation that the Treasurer be directed to pay
the same, and on roll call the bills ~dvere ordered paid by
`unanimous vote.
On motion of r:Ir. Teen the Treasurer was direc-
ted to secure insurance on the contents of the 6'later &
(Light plant in the sum of Five Thousand dollars, three
Treasurer to year policy. The motion of Kr. Keen was seconded by P;r
Secure Insur-'Scott and was on roll call adopted by unanimous vote.
anee on the On motion o£ 1.;r.iieen the 81erk eras directed to
Contents of
+~. ~ Z. Bldg, notify Iiir. Alverson that he would be permitted to paint
!and letter the electric light pole in front of his place
of business on Atlantic avenue, the Council reserving the
Alverson Per-
mitted to .right to have him, remove the lettering at the pleasure of
Paint Pole. 'the Council.
° ; By unanimous vote of the Council the Clerk was
directed to notify J. Z. Zove, Red Cross Pharmacy, that
Red Cross PhaTfle is required to remove the sign extending over the street
macy to P.emove
Sign in front of his place o£ business lvithin twenty-fear
hours from the date of receipt of such notice.
The Clerk called the attention of the Council
to the fact that the supply of 1Varrant forms now in use
by the Treasurer for the payment of obligations of the
city from the general fund was exhausted, and suggested
that if the present system was to be continued it-was
necessary to have others printed.
Ivs. `been, Chairman of the Finance Committee,
submitted the follo~.ring resolution:
RESOLVED by the Council o£ the City o£ Delray,
~ 1 That the City Treasurer be and he is
!hereby authorized and directed to pre~sre and have
'.printed Forms o£ Voucher Checks to be used in lieu of
the Forms o£ warrants in use in the payments o£ indebted-
ness of the City of Delray, Florida.
to be
o£ Check
Used by ' 2 That as all accounts rendered against
the city, including the ~Yater and Light Department, are
Treasurer resented to the Council for audit and approval, it shall
'not be required that the 'treasurer have the Voucher Cheeks
'countersigned by the iuayor or President o£ the Council;
PROVIDYD, however, that invoices shall not be required
in the ~~~e~t ®~ ~h~~i'1®~ ~i~ld~ aid ~~.i~e~=by the Council.
3 That in addition to accounts for labor,
'freights, express, telegrams, postage, and other expendi-
tures of similar character, the 'treasurer may, when in his
judgement it is to the best interests o£ the city to so
do, pay current bills without waiting for the agpproval
of the Council, he being held liable on his official
.bond for the justness o£ the items o£ accotult so paid.
4 That any rule o£ practice, regulation, or
custom inconsistent with the provisions o£ this reso-
'lution is hereby rescinded and set aside.
The motion was seconded by I,:r. Scott, and on
Iroh call eras adopted by unanimous vote.
The Council adjourned subject to the call of
the Ivisyor. C~~! J°"mil
° A~ayor. ,