05-28-23 Regularr
Council Chamber
T:Iay 28, 1923.
The Council met in regular session with T.;r.
I:een acting Titayor in the absence of I:Iayor Sundt'. Coun-
cilmen Llalone, :anson, and Scott vrere present. Council-
man Sundy was. absent.
The minutes of the previous session ti°aere read
and approved.
! The acting I~Tayor in the absence of T:Ir. Sundy
and his otivn disqualification, named Tir. T~Ialone and I:Ir.
Hanson as members of the Finance Committee pro tem.
The Clerk laid before the Council current; bills
which on motion of T~s. Scott ~^rere referred to the finance
Committee. !lfter being audited the several bills were re-
n ported back to the Council with the recommendation that
they be paid. On motion of T;Ir. Scott the bills were ordered
', paid on roll cal 1, by unanimous vote.
Tar. Scott from the ordinance committee submitted
the following amendment to the Ordinance adopted r'ebruary
' 12, 1923 Prescribing what Constitues T,ienaces to Health and.:
Providing I,iethods for Corrrecting the moils, etc: u.
i " After the last word in Paragraph 1 strike ou ^
' x .
Planting ofd the period inset a semi-color and *a,dd: '.^
Pineapples i "PROVIDED, however, that as pineapples are held
Prohibited.i to constitute a menace to health in that the nature of t`
~ formation and growth of the plant is such as to induce t;~,,,
breeding of mosquitoes, no new plantings of pineapples
will be permitted except by special permission of the'.
Council which may in its discretion grant such"permissio~ua?~"
when the application therefor has the written approval of
the Board of Health
"This ame~idment is hereby declared to be an emer-
. ~-TM
gency amendment:, and asked that it be placed on its
first reading. A first reading having been ordered by
unanimous vote, the amendment was read a first time and
in full.
P~Pr. Scott asked unar°,o~zs consent that the rules
be suspended and that the amendment be read a second time
and by caption only. Unanimous consent having been given
the amendment was ordered read a second time, and by
caption only.
Lir. Scott moved that the amendment be declared
an emergency amendment which motion prevailed by a unani-
mous vote.
On motion of T,ir. Scott, seconded by T.ir. ?anson,
the amer,.dment was orPkered read a third times and Yn ving
been-read a third time it v/as on motion adopted by unan-
imous vote.
On motion of 2vs. Scott, seconded by tPr.iaalcme,
Refund to J.
S. Sundy on
Tax Sales.
the 'Ereasurer was authorized to refund to J. Sunc~r
she sum of ';;20.82 of the amount necessary to be paid
on tax sale certificates the uroperty sold as that of
A. ','!. ~"Jilson, located in block 31,it being manifest
that there was..error•in the assessments Mfr the years
1920 and 1921, wfien he shall have satisfied the tax s~ e
certificates aga~st the property. The motion was
adopted on roll call by unanimous vote.
The Clerk laid before the Council corres-
pondence had with rairbanks, Plorse :~ Co.ze lative ~o
cost of installation of engine togetYn r v/ith several
~ ~.
', invoices submitted by said firm. After consideration
the Clerk was directed to have further corresponds nce
along lines indicated as to each invoice looY.ing to-a
fair adjustment.
Thy Council.by unanimous-vote on roll call az-
~ ..
-. _-_
C1erY.. 'Ming I:layor.
thorized J.I. Troup, Sanitary o££icer, to have the city
fail put in tnorou~h sanitar,-~ and meek_nical conditi^n,
and to bP nrovide3 ~~~ith the necessary eauioment in the
matter o£ bedding.
'Che Council adjourned subject to the call of
the 2;layor. j l
Balance, T~Tay 1 -------------------_?;
Receipts: 16351.27
Real Estate i~axes -- - :;j1014:93
Personal Property -- - 211.50
~ Tax Certificates -- - 393.19
Intorest ~~ tees -- - 150.83 _
D;ayor's Court -- - 35.00
Office Rent -- - 30.00
occupation flax -- - 6.00
Street 1'ax -- - 4.00 1845.45
~ ~18196.72
Salaries -- - 122.50
Generals'xpense -- - 58.13
Sanitation -- - 176.27
Streets a Alleys -- - 1.50
Water ~ Zight -- - 193.50
Attorney Fees -- - 10.00
Fire Department -- - 4.00
Printing -- - 12.50
Street Improvement - - 136.40
~' Office 'ent -- - 10.00
Savings Account --- 5291.00 6015.82
Balance 12180.90
91819 6.72
Balance Fire En ine Fund w 1209.79
do Street Imp. do 4953.29
do General do 6017.82
Savings Account 5291.00
Balance, P:Say 1 --------------------;2265.73
~ Lights ----w- 1066.~G
`dater ---- 251.81
vy'ater Connections 10.00
I;;aterial Sold 2.00 1330.57
Salaries ---- 512.50
F,laintenance ---- 65.55
Fuel ---- 441.65
Lubrication ---- 67.50
idew Engine ---- 305.00
Extensions ---- 474 ~
Printing ---- 25.00 x31892.09
Balance 1704.21
Balance Engine Fund 390.63
do General do 1313.58
~;~17~ 04 21
%~~ ~'~~.
~ ~
"1923 Zien rend ~ 1"
~ COIVTITIOIJ .flay 31,1923.
Balance A~Tay 1-------------------- -yp 3682.81
Reoeipt~ 1358.35
Balance y?5041.16
c/yam- ~~.'