06-25-23 RegularB. s 3 Clerk to ac- quire title! to City for City Dump. Council Chamber June 25, 1923. The Council met in regular session., the Vice- P,fayor presiding in the absence of the 2w;ayor. Councilmen T.ialone, Ranson, Scott, and Sundy Uvere present. The minutes of the previous session v/ere read and approved. P:ir. Troup, Sanitary Office, reported to 'the Council that the Board of Health had approved. the loda- lion of a five..: acre tract of land lying west of the city to be used as a City Dump, and that the tract could be bought for +;250.00. 3 motion by Par. Lialone, seconded by I:Ir. Seott, vrhich was adopted on roll call by unanimous vote direc- ted the Clerk to acquire title to the tract of land ap- proved by the Board,of r?ealth at the price of ;';250.00. By unanimous vote of the Council the appli- cation of C. I,T. `iVilliams for permission to eytend his planting of pineapples in Block 49, which had the written approval of the Board of Health, was approved. The tleting P;iayor named IsIr. Ranson as a member of the Finance Committee pro tem. On motion of Pair. Ranson the current bills submitted lby the Clerk vrere referred~to the Finance Committe. ~ After being audited the several bills were V: a Treasurer to: Pay for the cleaning up of Cemetery.. reported back to the Council with the recommendation that they be paid, and on roll call the bills were ord paid by unanimous vote o£ the Council. A motion by P:Ir. Scott, seconded by P;.r. Prialone, that the Treasurer pay to the American Legion the sum of ti~42.15 for cleaning up the cemetery, the same to be paid from the special "Cemetery Fund" vas adopted do roll call by unanimous vote. Pair. Scott, Chairman of the Ordinance Com- mittee, submitted an ordinance entitled: " AN ORDINANC_ PROHIBITING TFL' CONSTRUCTION OF LESS POOLS 'u'dITHIN THE LIP;tITS OF THE CITY OF DELR4Y, RE~,UIRING 'THE IidSTALL.TION OF SEPTIC TANKS IPd CONNEC- TION '~:9ITH ALL NE~'1 COI1S^1_°,UCTIOIQ IN SUCH SEIITIONS OF TES CITY AS ARE SUPPLIF,D 'rVITH 't"LATER, AND REncUIRIi?G THE OWNERS OR OCCUPNTS OF PRF.TuIISE5 HtiVINC 'v~JATE3 SUPPLY TO SUPERCEDE THE OPEN 11^OILET UITH SEPTIC T.^iIdKS 47ITHIN TtP70 YEARS, AND REQUIRING THAT ALL OPEN TOILETS IId AREAS NOT SUP?LIED ~r~lITH 'fJAT~ CONFORA4 TO THP. STANDARD AP*- ~$OVED BY ~i'HE ST_"".TE BOARD OF HEALTH, :ND PROVIDIPdC PF.II- ALTIES FOR VIOLATIOPd OF THE ORDIs?'';NCr," and moved that it be read a first time and in full. ?i'Yxe motion having been sustained by unanir.~ous vote, the ordinance was read a first time and in full. A notion by I~Ir. Scott, duly seconded, that the rules be suspended and that the ordinance be read a second time and by caption only was sustained by unanimous vote, and the ordinance was ordered road a second time and by caption only. ?.?r. Scott, Chhirman of the Ordinance Committee, submitted an ordinance entii;led: " $N ORDINIidC:? _'?0'IIDII'SG i Jl1IL SENTEidCE Y'O? _i~~Y ~'':H~Or 0_t ,',:?,,O~d~ ~'OU~1~ GuI~~Y J~' -~~;IJL~G ? nom',',? 0_ ~~_ Jail Sentence ATING Atd 1UTOISCBILi:, ~1U'i'OT,TOBIli; TRUCI., IOT03CYCLE, OE for operating AbIY 0`PH1:i; VEHICLE UPOi`T :>PTY PUBLIC :T2EET 03 ':JAY ':7I'1'riIN automobile PHr^. CI`PY OP DELH^>Y ';JHILE IP1TOtIC.1Tr:D 0? U~E~2 T_~PB' Iid- while drunT~. I'LUEIuCE O INTOYIC_:TING LI~~UOT?S", and moved that it be read a first time and in full. 'i'he motion having been sustained by unanimous vote, the ordinance was read a first time and in full. a ~i motion by T;Tr. Scott, duly sdconde~, that the rules be suspended and that the ordinance be read a second time and by caption only was sustained by unan- imous vote, and the ordinance was ordered read a see- and time, and by caption only. Ts. Scott, Chairman of the Ordinance Com- mittee, called u the p pending ordinance entitled: " !1N OP.DINANCE %ST!iBLISHING 11 FLRE ZONE,AN INDUST??LiL 7.ONE, GIdD RB SIDENI^LyL ZONE IT'1 11^I~ CITY OP Zoning Ordi- ~;I DEhR~?Y, P?3ESCRIBTNG TIC LII:TITS Oe EACH At'JD THE CTLIT3AC- nance PassedT TER Oh' BUILDINGS TO BE PERl`vTITTED iJITHIN SUCH ZONES, PRESCRIBIPdG THE T:L4SdA?ER OI'' OBTAINIT;G .1• PERPI1^ TO BUILD, i THE PU3POSTS rOR WHICH BUILDINGS P.~L-^.Y BE TREC1^ED OR USED THEREIN, ESTABLISHIPTG .~_ FFti; SCHEDULE rOR PE;3T:dITS,ATdD 1??0`IIDIT;^s ='=s!'7:"_Li'Il;S COs ~IOh.1TI0'_ OI' THr 03DITu~iTdCI1'~, and moved that it be placed on its third reading and final passage. By unanimous vote the ordinance vuas ordered read a th~91 time, and on roll call the ordinance, w~,s passed, those voting in the affirmative being P,:r. ~ T+Talone, ir. 3anson, INir. Scott, and Is. Sandy, `Phe Council adjourned subject to the call of the T~Iayor. ~i~ _ - ~ Clerl~. ~/ ~ li"~ o, ping 2dayor. a a SB b v I'1'Y Oi' D~1,.~?AY T~i01~1'riL1` S'ATEic~.ia'~ . Balance June 1 ----- ---_- ----,,12,180.90 'Receipts: a Reel .:state -------- - ;1120.35 n ~ ~ersor_al i'axes ----- - 294.30 Tax Oertificwtes --- - 198.22 Interest ~ Pees ---- - 78.78 liayor`s G'ourt ------ - 10.00 Office lent -------- - 42,50 Do^• ass ----------- - 2.00 Building Permits --- - 2.50 17St8.05 ~;:13, 929.55 Lisbursements: Salaries ----------- -;;122.50 General ~.'xpense ---- - 4.40 Sanitation --------- - 281.40 Streets ~. Alleys --- - 3.54 Of-Fice Rent -------- - 10,00 Street Improvement 43.85 Printing ----------- 4.75 Interest on .Bonds 2475.00 ';'dater 3: Light 193.50 Repairs to Jail 19.96 1'ax Refund,J.S.Sxuxdy 20.82 3,179.78 Balance ;10,749.77 Balance J.~ire. engine fund 1209.79 St. Imp. 4909.44 " General fund 4030.54 ;;I~'1'T Savings account 5291.00 ~urer ~~ s ~ 1s0la:LtiZY St1TT'`i,T'•ei' i V~ater and Light DeFartment. Balance, June 1 ____ ___________ ;1704.21 Receipts• V Lights --------s1104.2b '%1at©r -------- 206.85 'iJater Jonnection 5.00 P:laterial 2,35 Disbursements• Salaries ------ 512.50 ~taintenenee---- 99.43 Fuel ---------- 553.80 Lubrication --- 48.85 !:,.tensions ---- 582.D9 i~~e~tr Engine ---- 305.00 Insurance ----- 132.50 trinting ----- 9,OC -1318.45 X3022,60 x„,2244.07 Balance 778.59 .3022.66 ~~~~ ~~~~ Treasurer.