Ord 532-45ri-~ V=~li'~,~ ~, O.rt ~K;~ ;'~IN~,~/'!~,.~.~V~'~T~-~.aP-'~"'v.,~_ 0~ :-,~" ~' ~ ':mR~E~S~ ~..~ .. ; ~ z~O~I~=~,~ FOR Be it ordained by the .,City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: ~z%y Council of %he "*ity of Delray Florida, s~ail no% hereafter accept 8n2 s%~ee~ ri~h%-of-way as a )ublio street ¥~'neth~r 'by dedication in a plat or Uy deed or other instr~zent unless the same shall comply with the followin~ minimum width: a. The minim~a width of a right-of-way of all streets designated as 0usiness streets, through streets, and/or boulevards, shall be 50 feet. b. The mini[~ width of all streets designated as secondary streets shall be 40 feet. c The minimt~ width ~ . o~. all double lane streets wita a parkway in the center shall be 60 feet including the parkway. d. The minimu~x width of all alleys saall be 16 feet. ::x, CTZON 2: ~.. minimum width of paring of all new streets and/or re'built streets shall be as follows: a. For ali streets in classification ':~ection i.a. above the paving saail be the ruli ~idth of she street eicept t~at i)ortion used or yeseyved rot sidewalks. b. The rainimum width of the paving on all secondary streets snail be 24 feet. c. The minim~ width of the paving on all double lane streets shall be 18 feet for each lane. d. The minimum width of pavinc of sll alleys shall be 16 feet. SECTION 3: Any new street that is an extension of an existing street s~ll have the same width of right-of-way and be paved to the same width as the existing street provided tight it must meet the minimum requirements setforth in 3ections 1 and 2 of this ordinance. SECTIOY~] 4: It shall be the duty of the Delray Beach Planning Board to reconmiend the designation of streets as provided in this ordinance and it shall be the duty of the City Council of the $ity of Delray Beach, Florida, to so designate said streets but the Council shall not be bound 0y the reco:~enaation of the Planning Board. MEC?I0~ 5: Ail new ann/or rebuilt street intersections shall be paved so that the turn from one street into another instead of being a right angle turn shall be on a curve, which curve shall have a radius of not less than ~+0 feet, except in such cases where the width of the right-of-way shall require a curve of less radius. ~.~~ 6: All new and/or rebuilt streets shall have a concrete curb or retainer on each side thereof for the full length of the street which shall be six inches in width and twelve inches deep, shall be level with the surface of the street and shall ce reinforced with not less than two one-half inch iron rods throughout. The minimum cement content of such curb or retainer shall be one part cement, two an~ one-half parts fine aggregate and four and one-half parts coarse aggregate. SEGTiOIf ?: That no person or persons shall cause any or the public streets, highways, avenues, lanes, alleys or other public property in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, or any part thereof to be graded, paved, repaved, surfaced or re-surfaced, or cause any sidewalks to be constructed thereon, or cause any curbs or gutters to be constructed thereon or there- under, without first obtaining from the tuilding inspector or the city engineer, or oti~er designated city official or employee, of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, a permit for such work. SECTION 8: Before the Building Inspector or City Engineer, or other designated city official or er~Loloyee, of said city shall issue a permit for such work, he shall first cause the person or persons seeking to make such improvements to file in his office plans and specifications of such proposed improvements and a written statement from the City Engineer, or other designated city official or employee, that he nas examined said plans and specifications for such proposed improvements and approved the same. ~ECTiON 9: Before the City Engineer, or other designated city oz'ficial or employee, of the City of Delray Peach, Florida, shall approve such plans and specifications he shall be satisfied that the following requirements and conditions are being met and complied v~ith: a. No street shall be constructed which shall be of a less thickness than 6" of compressed rock after the same has been compressed by a standard 10 ton 5 wheel roller, or larger, used for street construction work. b. The grade of rock used in all street construction in this city shall meet Florida State Road Department specification ~o. 2 or shsll meet such specification as shall be approved by unanimous vote of the City Council. c. ?~$.ere, in the opinion of the City Engineer, or other designated city official or employee, the sub-soil under a proposed street is not suitable for a foundation for such a street, he shall require such sub-soil to be removed to a sufficient depth, and sai~ street to be refilled with such material as, in his opinion, will result the construction of a sound and adequate street. d. The City Engineer, or other designated city official or employee, shall approve grades for all construction before a permit shall be issued therefor. e. In the construction of all concrete curbs, gutters, streets and sidewalks, the minimum cement content shall be as setforth in the following specifications showin~ the proportion of cement to the fine and ~o~rse aggregate: (1) Concrete street and alleys. Cement - One part Fine aggregate - two and one-half parts Coarse aggregate - four and one-half parts (2) One course sidewalk Cement - one part Fine a~gregate - three parts Coarse aggregate - five parts -3- (3} Two course sidewalk Base Course Cement - one part Fine a[~gregate - three parts Coarse aggregate - five parts Finished Course Cement - one part Fine aggregate - three parts If concrete streets or alleys are to be constructed under permit authorized by the City Council, the minimum thickness thereof shall be 6". The minimum th. lck- ness of all one course concrete sidewalks shall be 5" aha the minimum thickness of all two course concrete sidewalks shall be (5) In the construction of all concrete side- walks, which sidewalks adjoin the psved portion of any public street, that portion of saia sidewalk which forms the abutting edge of saic paved street, shall extend below the surface of the street a distance of not less than 6" and shall extend back from the edge of said street a distance of not less than a" and shall be adequately reinforced. (6) !n the construction of any paved street where the pavement adjoins a sidewalk already constructed and in place, an adequate curb shall 'be installed so as to properly protect the existing sidewalk, and such curb shall be adequately reinforced. (7) In the construction of any new ancO/or rebuilt paved street where the oavement adjoins a sidewalk or where a curb adjoins the street which curb is higher than the surface of the street, adequate storm sewers shall be installed, which shall be approved by the city engineer or other designated city official or employee. -4-- (81 In the construction of any new and/or re- built street other than a concrete street, the same shall Ce finished wit~l i~./i00th~ tar and ~/]Ot~ asphalt and shall be sand cured~0'r better. o:.~I0~ 10: All suct~ improvements as a~ove described snail be made under the supervision of the City Engineer, or other designeted city offlcial or employee, and the persons or person constructing same shall stop work on said improvements upon orders from the City Engineer or other designated city official or employee, if said engineer, or other designated city official or e~:~ployee, finds that said improvements are not 0eing made according to the plans and specifications approved by him. S~T~ ~,. 11: trees or shrubbery shall be placed on, or removed from any street, highway, avenue, lane, alley or other public property without a permit first being obtained from the City 'Buildin~ Inspector or City En~zineer, or other designated city official or employee. ~.~v~ 12: Any and all trees a~,_d shrubbery placed on the streets, highways, avenues, lanes, alleys, or other public property of th~ CiVy shall ce removed therefrom upon request of the .City Council, if such removal is deemed desirable by t~e Jouncil. If suca trees and si~ru0oery are not removed wivhin five days after notice to remove the same has been given, the City Council is authorized to have same removed. SECTION 13: Upon the refusal or failure of the z, uzlding Inspector or the City Engineer, or other designated city official or employee, to issue a permit for any of the above imorovements the person or persons a?plying therefor may petition the Council to order the issuance thereof, and if the Council finds that all conditions have been complied with, or that there is a good and valid reason or reasons for waiving taose not complied wi~h, ~he Council may in its discretion order the Building Inspector or City Engineer, or other designated city official or e,~.~ployee, to issue such permit. oE~.~IO~, 14: All permits for improvements made under vhis ordinance shall be issued by the Building Inspector or City ~ngmneer, or other designated city official or employee, without charge, however, if in their opinion, there is re~so~able ground for anticipating possible -5-- damage to city property, a suITicient indemnity bond may be required before the issuance of suci~ permit. :~ECTION 15: Any person or persons ~aking any of the above improve- ments without first obtaining a permit from tine City Building Inspector, or in any r~nner violating,, the provision of this orGinance, shall ~be punished by a ~ine of not exceeding one hundred dollars (~'~100.00), or by i~.orisonment in the City Jail not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in tt~e discretion of this Court. PASSED in regular session on second and final reading on this the ]fS-~h day of June, 19&5. si~t of 'Cit/~/Council CivY~am- ~l%r~~-~ ' - A ' ~Tr L '