07-09-23 Regulara s Council Chamber July 9, 1923. The Council met in regular session, the Viee- ;Sayor presiding. Councilrr~en presort aJere I"~r. S~Talone, I:Lr. Panson, I:ir. Scott, and I,Ir. Sundt'. The migrates o£ the previous meetinm ~-vere read and approved. The Clerk laid before the Council copy of spec- ifications for oiling the streets together vrith notice o£ * advertisement for bids. I,',r. J. L. Love o£ a committee from the Civitain To Change namesClub appeared before the Council submitting a plan for o£ Streets. changing tha names of the streets end .venues of the city. On motion of ..r. 3anson, seconded by I„r. Scott, the prop- osition was referred to the Street Committee. S,rr. A. "u. A~iiller representing a committee from Suggests ! the Civitan Club pr.esente~. to the Council suggestions Park ' that the city acquire property for park purposes. T.rs, ieeeks representing the School Grounds School Ground Improvement Association presented to the Council a blue Lmprovemer_t . :print o£ the proposed improvements o£ the Grounds, and i asked that the Council approve the proposed improvements. S%r. Scott submitted the following resolution: Action of the. "S~esolved that'?the Council o~~ the City of pelray, I+'lorida, Council. a approves she plan for improving the school grounds as sub- mitts d by the School Grounds Improvement Association and pled'~es its support to the project". i roll call t~F;- ,,,ore or,9_~ ~~_ i~s~~~ b3, ~x.~~rimous rote: of the cow7cil. L :Notion by T.Ir. Scott, seconded- by .;r. Hanson, Pay of ;3and. directii7g the Treasurer to pay„; to the. Delray 3arid the sum i'!100.G0 ` of One Hundred Dollars was adopted on roll call by unani- mous Grote. T;LT'. 0. Holland, Chief of the Fire Department, Leave to Fire Chief. 4vas grand~ed leave of absence for thirty days. / I:T~.rshall T:-Iitchell was desi~~:nted to servo in +.,he place of fir. Holland witix the same ericluments paid to Trir. Holland. The council adjourned tc G p.m. July 16th. L c3~~' Clerk. (/'~ " inm T;Tayor. i ~: